He became this man. Tall and strong, cynical and broken.
She thought, he let life make him that way. Coward.
He only saw her the way she was in front of him, and measured her to all that he had lost.
She was ready to give him anything he wanted. A leg, a breast. Kindness and patience.
He didn't ask. He was undecided-empty. He didn't seek-he didn't find.
She didn't even get a chance to give him all that was left of her.
He was arrogant. Harder than hell.
She was sweeter then heaven.
He knew.
She was young.
He chose reality. His truth was better than theirs,or he thought.
She will be loved.
He fucked it up. He wasn't brave as he was at the start. Shame for his defeat.
She moved on.
She believed in hope.
She forced a patient smile.