I have always been fascinated by the flaws. The uniqueness of someone's awkwardness. The little detail that we are all composed of that makes us truer that the mirror is guilty of, than that of the society is willing to accept. You can't see those in the mirror. There is no such light in the universe that bends for the mirror to reflect. That light is only found in the dark chambers of the human eye looking at you with admiration and pride.
The map of your scars depict the digram of your childhood and all the cool things you thought were then and your tongue is dotted like the universe with your taste that you no need tell me, I want to find them. The curve of your back tells me how hard you work for this and your glasses tell me that you liked playing video games as a kid. Tattoos yell your choices as a young adult and what your passions are, what you believe in-wearing it on your birthday coat, ever expanding ever going south. Let me kiss all of them. Your moles accessories your skin beautifully. Your eye colour and name screams what your parents gave you even before you were you. I want to answer all the questions your bones and gestures seek. I want to be the punctuation of your gaze and wonderment.
I do not want to hang out with Mona Lisa, the modern symbol for perfection. To me you are perfect, wearing your flaws on your sleeve. Do not apologize that you are not perfect because you will never hear me utter those words. I do not want a still-life portrait lying next to me. I want a being that needs a hug and likes sleeping in its socks further from the door because it is safer.
A hole nations came to be because they were running from the flaws of another society and the burden of past and all the 'supposed' and 'propers'. And now that is the greatest nation in the world that we love to hate, called America. I like the flaws of the community too. Gives us something to fight and live for, an imperfection to belong to. I like the misstep that the World War II brought to humanity and the Global Warming that we brought to ourselves. It is not going to do any damage to the planet Earth, its been there floating, we thought silently, for billions and billions of years. This only shows our choices and arrogance to even begin thinking we can harm it. How silly and brutally honest we are.
All the medical and technological innovations and improvements bring out flaws that we thought genially buried under. Making us ultimate yet I still cannot hide my love for singing even though I am tone deaf. Or someone's scare of Internet. Or phobia of cheese. How varsity we are. How very beautiful and exciting!