18th of March
Whatever this holiday may resemble or hint, it is. It should be the day of too much love!
Even if your uterus is not itching you and your biological clock didn't even start ticking or you are done with the little feet running around, commemorate this day reflecting towards your life as you would do with your body if you were about to become the goddess itself.
It is the beginning of spring, signaling the clean, prosperous, decorative, warm color start. While researching for the meaning and ways to celebrate this day I stumbled upon many fertility blogs and pre-baby talks. Which I found very interesting and useful for other aspects of life.
It said something like: 'Healthy body, healthy baby'. Sure enough. But healthy body means healthy day, week, month, life. Even if you are not expecting you should treat your body as a temple. Get enough sleep, nutrition, water, exercise and care, respect too. Being and feeling healthy allow us to give more, do more, produce more. Ideas, kindness and attention.
Another thing was: 'Eliminate toxins'. Try today to stay away from alcohol, soda drinks and loads of inorganic refreshments. Instead make a lemonade, fresh orange juice, blend some fruit and have a smoothie in a martini glass. Same stays for the food.
'When it's time it's time'. Do not push yourself, take your time. Do not over work or overwhelm yourself with social events or chores. Take the time needed. Stop and say 'thank you', hold the door for someone, etc. Do what you love more and things will come when it's time. Yeah, we have to get up and do, make things happen, yet some things take time and answers and more tools leading to our goal will come when it's time.
'Too much love'. As I said, for so many times, first you need to love yourself in order to love another. And that could not be turer. You should be in love when you love no matter the object of you affection. Give out love, put it out there and you'd receive nothing but love. Share, include, invite. Just love!
'Relaxation is the key'. Amen. Whatever is you do, however busy you are, you MUST find the time to relax and do absolutely nothing. And I mean nothing. Might be a nap, lying on the sofa and reading, bubbling in the bath and listening to soothing music, meditation, whatever works for you. Say no by saying YES to yourself.
Today let it be the day when you finally recognize the goddess or god in yourself and start treating yourself as one. Today may be the day when you start that resolution and fall in love, again. Or just go and make babies.
What goddess are you? Let me know how you are going to embrace the new you.
Good luck in baby making business and good morning to the goddess in you. xoxoxo