Everybody addresses and fixes the issue/s their on way. But two things are in common, we all have something to get over and we all do our best.
In those moments I repeat to myself this simple line: 'Who angers you, controls you.' Could be anger, could be pain, could be anything, but I'd let no one control me. I choose what I want to be, I choose happiness every morning. And the science of getting over helps me be patient and allow the time to take its toll. It goes something like this, while making new memories we are exercising and strengthening new neuron pathways. The older ones, fat with memories, loosen up while the new ones get bigger and happier. Make new memories, even of the same places with different people- that is my recipe.
Also, everyone needs to give time for the self to feel the blues and grieve. I cherish those times, the process of heart repairing and the birth of new soul. I free fall into what sometimes seem a whole without a bottom but I know, once I hit that ground and break all my bones, that will be the day when I feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired or missing someone. That is the day when I had enough and when I start building the foundation with the lesson bricks, dust of who I was and experience mixed concrete. It is a block, so strong, that will withhold and support as many steps as it's needed to reach the day light. Every day I'll build a new higher one. Once I reach the ground level, I feel reborn, I enjoy the sun as for the first time, I do not take things for granted, I cherish the things that stayed, waiting for me, friends, sea, my plans and to-do lists, the self care too. Learn how to live my life again, without that someone or something. Learn how to concentrate on myself again and take better care of me, waste time on things I'd like to learn and improve. I know this all sounds like a big metaphor, and yet, that is exactly how I feel and what I do. Literally.
I can write of steps and best ways to get over an ex, or a lost job, or a stolen camera or phone, a gone friend, but we all deal with those things differently due to the experiences. The most important thing is to decide that we do not want to feel like shi* any longer and a WANT to move on. Be happy again. To decide that the happiness comes from within and we can be happy, content by ourselves.
Today can be that wake up call, a reminder that there is beautiful world filled with wonders and better people waiting for you, and if you are ready you can make that decision now. Or today can help you realize what is the thing that is stressing you out, if you do not know, ask your friends what have you been complaining a lot about lately and make a plan how to attack and solve, remove the bad thing.
Take Good Care and Rock On!!!!!
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