Weird, superstitious, neurotic things I do that have no idea where they came from or why and when I started doing them.
- I always go to bed in socks but take them off just before fall asleep, in order for negative energy to freely leave my body.
- Never, but never do I sleep on the side of the bed which is nearer to the door. No explanation.
- I never leave my arm hanging from the bed, or any other limb, due to the boogie man. Although, can not remember having this issue as a child.
- If possible, I'll try not to pass underneath the scaffolding- bad luck.
- Master in achieving the perfect sugar-coffee-milk ration when making myself coffee, while purposely making BAD coffee for others. They never ask for it again. Smart.
- I text back instantly
- When in the public toilet, have to use exactly three paper tissues to wipe my hands.
- When dressing after shower, have an order in which I put my clothes on, when put something in disorderly fashion, am almost positive something will go wrong with my day. And it usually does.
- When waiting a long time at the bus station, exercising Murphy's law 'Just when you light up your cigarette, the bus arrives'. Works every time!
- Can not smoke if have no drink. Hate the taste of cigarettes.
- Have no banking account- do not trust banks, and no money for that matter, and not sure would remember the pin, since I cannot choose my numbers.
- I never buy anything from internet, do not trust it.
- Can not keep any promises if they are earlier than 11am
- I never finish something I start, drives me crazy.
- When buying tech (TV, lap top, camera) the aesthetic of the object wins. Break easily.
- Scared to buy real stuff (a watch, pair of sunglasses, leather jacket or bag).
- Can not stand the thought of 'Sixth sense' movie being a true story or possibility.
- I cry with every and any movie and I love it.
- Can listen to a song I like 452 times in a raw and drive everybody at home nuts.
- After it, would never hear the song again in my life.
- Won't dye my hair, that would mean I have to take care of it and maintain it.
- Scared of heights.
- Scared of being cold.
- Wear one pair of jeans until they break and tear, perfect fit.
- Always forget to put the perfume, meaning, have to go upstairs when was at the door on my way out. Never crossed my mind just to leave the perfume bottle downstairs.
- When can not decide which movie I want to see, or nothing interesting comes to mind, I'll spend the night watching trailers. After 4 hours of doing it, I would convince myself that something is wrong with me if not movie has any draw for me, and go to sleep as a sign of protest.
- Do not know how to listen.
- Carry dice in my bag, in case I get bored - as if alone I would play with them, and where?!
- When have to make a smart, witty comment- blank. Every damn time.
- Do not know how to receive a compliment.
- Must have a bottle of wine and a jar of Nuttela at home at any given day.
- Eating cereal for dinner. Mum started ignoring it now.
- Why are you weird?
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