- Constantly repeating to myself 'You are the luckiest girl in the world' while listening to Eddie Vedder Better Days in hopes I'd believe in it.
- Wondering if someone can forget how to be happy?
- Electronics and technology in my residence exclaimed war. We are just people, we could never win.
- Having an intimate relationship with my remote, so much for my love and sex life. Hoping for better days.
- Alienating myself.
- Shutting myself from, i think, good people.
- Being a good person.
- Summer is over, and somehow, feeling more comfortable and in tune with the new weather.
- Finally TV shows' season started. Football too.
- Watching news.
- Rereading much for my Radical Self Project. I like being sad-there is no other explanation.
- Not sleeping through the night, at all!
- Want to rearrange my bedroom and finally put the desk under the window-don't feel like moving anything :)
- You know how in the movies, when girls are sad, they have a movie they like to watch over and over and over again, eg. 'Dirty Dancing', well, i have found mine. And is...wait for it...'Eat, Pray, Love'- and that is basically what I feel like doing, except I am not hungry and concept of praying is foreign to me.
- Wondering if I will ever have the capacity to love the whole world.
- Feeling, in some screwed up way, unworthy. Maybe if I got my 8 hours of sleep, would just feel rested. You never no until you try it.
- So want to do some epic shit.
- Having the worst best friend ever!
- Thinking too much, feeling too much.
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