Basically, this week wasn’t as productive as I remember some were, haven’t read anything interesting either so I’ll tell of my FIRST’s this week. Yeah! They were four of those.
On Sunday, if that counts for this week. I went Ratatatata on my friends. I went paintball! Yeah, I did! Beside the poor organization, dull play ground, cheating Maltese kids, an almost fight with the same kids, Drew making me dance for my life, sour muscles and 100 degrees weather, was actually a lot of fun. As I never played it before, not even saw a game, my team was first to go. Scared! A lot! But, once I got out there, and was under the open fire, hiding for my life and trying to kill the enemies, I wasn’t that bad! Kinda proud of myself!
When everybody got hungry, trusty, and when girls had to use the powder room (as there were only trees to be watered) we decided to go to Mdina, Fontanela for some cake and coffee. Eight of us, here to say, foreigners, had an amazing talk and more than a few laughs. Highly intellectually charged conversations where Danny wouldn’t shut up, without concluding any of them. We were thinking of entering a pub-quiz where partial answers were allowed and the prize was to be a lot of Gunnies pints. It was one of those spontaneous four hour hang outs after which we’ve invented inner jokes of the group. I love those! Somehow, we just clicked and enjoyed the pointless debate. A perfect Sunday.
Yesterday, the other three FIRST’s played out. First FIRST happened at round 5pm when Mum and me attended our first Book-Club meeting. Met few nice ladies and decided on the book and the next meeting, which will be in Lena’s apartment. Which is really nice, we’ll have meetings around each other’s homes, discussing a book, having snacks, wine, tea…you know, like in the movies. It may sound boring to some, but I’ve always wanted to be a part of the Book Club, or any Club for that matter. Usually they require membership or you to be a gentleman. So I decided to go with the Book Club.
The meeting took place in a Book Shop and Lena was on about how they need more people to sort the books out, put them in order after a working day, keep track and other things that need to be done in the book-shop, I guess. So, I decided to VOLUNTEER! I’m going to give back to the community, in my idea of heaven- a book store. I’m so happy, and once again, proud!
After the meeting and a date with Mum, I proceeded to Jo’s. She helped me about some art thingy that I didn’t know a thing about, when Drew came back from work. I was happy to see him until he made me waste two hours of my life that I will never get back! He made me watch some TV show, something, that it was so boring I was thinking of taking my eyes out and shoving them in my ears, so I wouldn’t be able to see or hear! But, he did the last FIRST of this week so far, and that is why he is forgiven.
Due to laziness and lack of money, on my part, we decided to stay in and he’ll cook for us. He made…wait for it…a…MACARONI & CHEESE!!!!! I only saw bad mothers on TV make it for their children, but I never tried it, or saw it live! Excitement! It tasted exactly how it looked, exactly how I expected it to taste. But then, to gross Drew out, I covered it with Soya sauce. Try that Drew! Jo wasn’t any batter, she mixed it with a kilo of ketchup. Delicious dinner! Finally I know now why does macaroni & cheese stick to the kids faces and hair so easily!
A good week so far, might even go out tonight and dance in celebration!
P.S. There are no cigarette machines in whole city of Mdina! Do get some on the way in! I wish somebody told me that.