- Currently, I am happy!
- Finally got my life back on track, working, out and about. Leaving home for a reason and got from somewhere to come back.
- Not sleeping well, at all!
- Made a habit of getting at round 4am and pigging out from a fridge! What's that about?! Mum's genes probably.
- Got invited to a US Marine Annual Ball (or something in those lines) at Radison Hotel next week. Very excite! It's gonna be challenging. Behaving in a long dress and limiting the access to the open bar. A social situation where I am not completely comfortable or maybe I am (will find out) and an opportunity to meet new people while dancing like there's no tomorrow. Hopefully will enjoy myself. Thanks Jo :)
- This Friday, made it a mission to attend the 'That swing thing' party. Wish to succeed.
- Haven't done any writing in over a month, bothered yet not doing anything about it. It will come to me.
- Obsessed with new Florence and Machine single 'Shake it out'
- Ok, I am really bothered that I didn't write anything! It's not that I do not have any inspiration it is that I enjoy procrastinating better. Shame!
- Had a wicked dream, about my all family being in a prison, missing a flight to Barcelona because a male friend was putting on make up intersected with some action from 'Fast & Furious'- really! But it was so detailed! And yet do not see any connection with the wake world.
- Gonna meet Pizda Power girls on Sunday. I miss them so much!
- Aurora left to UK for forever and now have no more 'Gelato' and 'I don' giv a shit' friend. Hope she's fine and happy. Surrounded with grass, cool/sexy people and loads of rain.
- What else...? I'm just happy :)
- Wish would wake up an hour before work (even if I am working at noon) and have some Tea time, but too lazy.
- Weather is changing. Every day a surprise.
- Ah! Almost forgot! Discovered my favorite new bar in Malta after 6 long years on the rock! And its close to my crib. Finally a cozy hang out.
- Still watching news due to not understanding German.
- Using eye-shadow. Like a real girl.
- Had a mini shopping therapy and am richer for two pair of shoes! Love being a girly girl and so easily fascinated by unimportant things.
- Big plans this weekend. Looking forward to it.
- Being an explorer.
- Planning a Halloween cocktail party. Thinking of costumes...any ideas?
Hope you are enjoying your week too and that you are happy people.
Love and laugh!
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