Lately, I've been thinking.
Are people either gatherers or hunters? As in prehistory communities and families where divided into those two occupations. Gatherers being mainly women, staying near the homestead, gathering berries with the old and unable, socially damned man, waiting for the hunters to come back home with some kind of dead animal/s that will hopefully be enough to feed the whole village of three houses withholding 17 children. Hunters being a job associated to men, able, fearless, skillful. No gatherer was prices and toasted to, given rest and sex for what he/she has done. Hunters were the celebrated ones, priced with skulls of the hunted. Are people divided in the 21st century into gatherers and hunters? I ask myself. Gatherers being the one that the world wouldn't spin without, the beckbone of community and economy and hunters being the business man, per-say. What is it you want to be? In which do you take more pride? Are you happy where you were seated?
Are people either sailors or prostitutes? Both being one of the oldest trades. Here to mention, then the prostitutes were the only literate, interesting woman with something to say and something to offer, in this case, their body and sexuality. Are people nowadays divided into these two? Sailors being the ones that are taking the adventure while still working hard feeling masculine. Going to the unkown, new horizons being their favorite kind of horizons. Running away from something...or towards something. Being a nomad of the sea, no home, no woman or kids to speak of. People who are comfortable to sit alone, in the small cabin with their joy and pain, not shy from their own thoughts. Or are they prostitutes, going for the safe. Enjoying the intellectual forever trying to find an equal. People who'd give themselves for a good and honest conversation and for the plain reason that opposites attract are mermaids of the sailor people. Impressed and fascinated by the people and places they have been and seen, quenching to do it themselves. Listening intently, yet there is a lot, much more, they have to offer.
I've also been thinking of diamonds.
It is a universally know truth that diamonds are forever and that every girl should have one, and it should be her best friend. Let me stop you right there! It's a bloody stone! A transparent one for that matter. Romantic in a sense, clear, a color of the mirror or her tears-for whatever you want to go, reflecting and passing all the light of the universe. A token of eternal love. But why, I know how, and will tell you in a minute, why are they are associated to girls? Men, kings and the influential ones of some kind of status first started covering their crowns and attires into these stones. Women were plainly dressed at the time, if not poorly compered to the bling bling men used to fashion. Men started fashion and leopard print style, crocodile shoes. Men were the first to wear heels, and make-up and wigs. They used to shave their own, healthy hair in order to wear someone else's grey and curled on the sides, showing status. Men are the first fashion designers, men are the ones who wrote of the most romantic loves. All the fairy-tales. Every love story written today can be traced back to Shakespeare, 'Notebook' was written by a man. Women wanted to be equal, wanted the shine and beauty, they took over, made it out of all proportion, men moved onto the Industrial Revolution, fast cars and plastic blonds. But we are alive today and still women want to be equal to men, in all aspects, so I ask you ladies, don't you have better ambitions? Get your diamond yourself!
I've been also thinking of 'Girls Talk'
I analyzed my friendships and asked myself why do I have more guy friends than girl friends, and came to some kind of conclusion. I wouldn't continua interconnecting with a man after the introductions if I do not find him interesting in some way. While to the girls I am introduced via someone and conversation is a necessary one, 'girl talk', 'beauty talk' revealing very little. With men there are no useless compliments, the conversation is honest, interesting, about anything, witty...more fluid. There is more conversational tools in my disposal when talking to the opposite sex. I can be a woman too in that dialogue. And of course, there is that ace in my sleeve to fall back on to, flirting, touching of his hand, gazing through his eyes, prolonged laughs. However, when talking to a woman, if for the first time, conversation develops slowly besides hopefully honest compliments. If that awkward, on my part, stage is passed, complaining takes places and talks of a men in our lives, as if there is nothing else going on, as if we are not worth it of anything else. Even if we are to talk about dreams and wishful thinking, we'll end up on future problems. Although, it is much harder to swipe a fellow woman off her feet if I find her interesting, inspiring and want her to like me. Especially if she is older, lady and someone I look up to. It takes more effort to make her interested in me then with a man. I am not proud of this attitude but I am honest. Even though I am trying to treat all my friends equally, kindly, without judgement this came to be a case. Just to cover my big mouth, I am generalizing.
I know its a long one, this one, and that I could have made at least three blog posts out of it, but as much as you find it hard to sit and read, my concentration spam on 35*c is the same.
What have you been thinking of lately? What's going on in your pretty heads?