...and if I die, don't stand on my grave and weep. But instead take that soul I gave you into your mouth and swallow me whole. I know you know too much, that you experienced too much, that you sleep with death and you don't need to apologize for it. But you have glorious curls and you & I will be alright.
I am a lion hearted girl and you are a lion man. While I waste my life between the pages of the books, experiencing adolescence by association, fall all over in love with fictional characters and say my goodbyes to the fallen heroes, yank me out of it, show me how to tie a bow tie and tell me again why doesn't the boat sink.
Let's lie down on the wet grass with no shoes on and rip the clouds apart with our minds. Don't speak. Or tell me of knots & bows of your family. And I'll tell of my dreams that are like red wine spilled into water, becoming something else. We could be anything.Let's journey back and I'll show you how it all began.
One Sunday, one cafe, one not necessary very beautiful woman, one fine day.One girl dancing to 'New York, New York.' Let's just stay and not go back to yesterday. Then we were different, then we didn't know of each other's existence and of all the miles we walked under the same sky. Today is so much better.
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