- how to drink whiskey
- drive a car
- ride a bike
- ride a horse
- how to read poetry
- what is beautiful and what is scary for me
- every language known to men
- patience to last
- clever words
- which is my favourite flower
- to focus on priorities and ideas
- how to be a woman
- of all the myths
- how to cook pretty damn well
- how to express myself with confidence
- how to knit, draw, engrave, precision and all that hands are capable of doing
- how to fully embrace and celebrate life
- how to forgive
- all about wine and cheese
- how to make a fire
- how to take the time and give full attention
- how to honour to-do lists
- to be a morning person
- to balance
- to pray
- the worth
- how and why things work in the way they do
- how to take photos and operate the camera
- to help
- etc.
I have a great yearn igniting in me to acquire the knowledge of all the earthly things to be learned in order to be practical in living. Not be the best at, but all of it to have my mark, to be typical of me. To never stop learning, creating, feeding my soul and keeping it free. Each time I read an incredible text or see and inspiring photograph, I smile for this world still has got hope. I wish my mind to be great and find fascination in little things as much as being comfortable around the grandiose. To appreciate the wonders but stay sophisticated and minimalistic in taste and wants. To rather go back to the simple to learn of dignity and value the human contact again. To love, live and say it well in sentences.
What do you want to learn?
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