- Celebrate life by means of self-radical love
- Celebrate life and all its little wonders, creative projects, literary holidays and all that there is to celebrate (spread the idea)
- Involve as many people as possible (the more the merrier)
- 'Ladies club'-as my calling (share the knowledge)
- Be a part of the Book Club
- Make this to be my life's goal
- An adventure of balancing everything
- Strive to make deadlines
- Be more organized, honer the 'to do' lists
- Involve people who are interested and willing
- Connect people
- Cook, eat, enjoy, entertain
- Travel
- Make time for everyone
- Write when inspired
- Read everyday
- Make friends gathering when making DIY crafts
- Make an event out of literary holidays and other celebrations
- Making of the extraordinary
- Feed the soul
- Surround myself with interesting, inspiring people
- Colours and smiles
- Make this a priority-organize-think ahead-plan better and stay true
Solely look at the positive, never dwell on the negative.
Celebrate all the gorgeous moments. Bring colour to life.
First love yourself as that is the only way to love another.
Threat people with kindness. Be the friend you'd want to have.
Live everyday in a way you'd be proud to show it to the universe.
Listen to your body, get enough nutrition, sleep and exercise.
Always stay hungry for knowledge. Forever learn.
Read everyday, write when inspired or in need of emptying the skull.
Draw even when you don't feel like drawing.
Go to picnics, cinema, outgoings, meet new people, break the routine of daily life.
Do creative projects, DIY crafts, the feeling of accomplishment is always rewarding.
Share your knowledge.
Involve people in your ideas.
Give back to the community, get to know your neighbors.
Live like an artist and a lover.
Be organized.