13th of February
It is not surprise that such a day is before the Valentine's day. It's the day where 'me is more important than we'. I try to profess and preach about love. All shapes of love, but mainly, Self Love. And on this day is when it all comes to be useful. Also, I always said, you must love yourself first in order to love someone else. On the 13th you exercise that truth.
Try and organize your time better this year. Buy cards, present, or make them few days prior to the 14th so there won't be last minute shopping and preparation the day before. That day you take off, if possible and spend it madly in love with yourself.
Buy a present to yourself. Something you really wanted, something too cute, sexy, glittery. Treat yourself how you would treat your love the next day. Yes, get up, make breakfast and go back to bed, breakfast in bed while waiting for those flowers you order the day before. I know it looks and feels narcissistic, but once you receive them, you won't help but smile on your ingenuity. And it's all about smiling and being happy with yourself. Get up and have a looooong shower, bath and use those skin-care products you have bought, because the best gift that keeps giving to yourself is a skin-care routine. Dress up, dress like you never dressed before, dress for yourself! Walk, or take a taxi-have a driver for the day and go to the spa where you already made an appointment. Stay there and go to the pool, or sauna, or go all stress free in shopping, cinema, gallery, wherever you'd like to be taken on the perfect most romantic date. If you have a friend that is doing the same, meet up for dinner and talk about ideas and intentions to make your lives better, happier, productive and fulfilling.
But mostly, take time, maybe while you are having that breakfast in bed, and write about what you love about yourself, and I do not mean 5 things, I mean 100 or more you can think of. Believe me, once you start thinking that sense, they'll come. And then another list of the things you are not sorry about, or not going to apologize for anymore. Again 100 or more things.
Many women, they might be your friends, are or were in abusive relationships. If you are aware of it, help them out. No need to talk about it. Make the 13th day for them. Take them on your quest. Show them it's possible, show them they are good enough, lovable and worthy of Love. It starts with them, from within, show them how its done!
Today, learn how to love yourself. Fall madly in love with you again, or for the very first time. If you are already in love with yourself, you'd know exactly what needs to be done and how to do it even better.
Be bold and courageous. Be bubbly. Be in love with yourself. Spend the day attending to your needs and wants and wishes so the next day you can be all giving to your lover.
Happy Madly in Love with Me Decade!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo