Inspire your heart with art- it even rhymes. It is only proper that on this day we shall pay a visit to an art gallery, go see a theatre play, or any other kind of live performance, watch an Oscar winning movie or make art ourselves. Write a poem about someone-to someone. Get paper and tape it together, as big as you can, press play to up beat, party, dancing music, step into already prepared pain and dance away. Let your heart and hips take over the masterpiece. Could it be more authentic? No one can copy it as no one moves like you.
Go, check out the prices and program in the art school. Take up classes, tell a friend, go together. Pay for a friend if you think you are not arty. Make an art evening at your home. Get mirrors and auto-portrait away. Let the inner Dali or Frida out. Set some still portrait material or paint something more abstract. Stick paper to the under side of the dinning table. Get your kids and brushes, lay down and be a Michelangelo for an afternoon. Make pop art, body art, etc. Read and get to know more of the people that inspire you.
It is important that we are surrounded with art. With what we think beautiful. It is important to make art ourselves in whatever form we can express. Start today.
Happy Art Day.
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