8th-14th Universal Woman Week
What a glorious few days to be glorious. To once and for all ladies decide to have an extraordinary life and live to the spirit that is you.
It starts on the 8th. It's the day when we receive flowers, instead, plant your own garden and decorate your own soul while waiting for someone to watch the sunset with. Put your records on, listen to Beyonce real load and feel like a diva sipping champagne, eating passion fruit. Doesn't need to be a bottle of grape juice, could be a pitcher of your favourite cocktail. You know what they say, a pitcher is worth a thousand words. First you must respect and treat yourself the way others ought to. So, these days don't be a princess, be a KING!
Treat the women you love, mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, friend to lunch. Quality time. Pay your tribute to those women you R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Organize an all lady evening. A girls night out dancing like it's you and fate swinging loose on the floor nay nah nah.
On the 9th guess who's birthday?! BARBIE! I know! It does go against all my beliefs to look plastic perfect, but girls, lets have fun! When else could you wear an all pink outfit, a blond wig and a pink lipstick and not feel out of a place and century?
On the 10th call the friend and go shopping. Buy those boots that are made for walking and will walk all over you know who. Go to a body/make-up shop and try every lipstick and perfume you saw in a magazine. Have lunch and gossip. Buy or pick more flowers on your way home. Have a bath and press play to Eat, Pray, Love, Bridget Jones, Sex and the City...anything your heart desires and have a PJ's night.
Take a day off work on the 11th, Monday, sick days are for you to take. Except you won't be sick, call in fabulous! Do anything or do nothing. Think how you can improve your self love. Write lists and beauty resolutions, shopping lists you cannot afford. Spend time in the spa. Decide to drink more water and eat healthy, exercise, after the 14th. Now bake your favourite cake or a mega cupcake and finish it. Have sex. Go through all the websites and blogs that feed a shopaholic, interior designer, foodie in you. Dress up and cook in heels, dance and whip your hair-not in the kitchen though. Sing. Have a haircut, do something bold and sexy so when you get to work on the 12th in your new outfit let them whistle and stand in 'O'. Don't answer questions just smile. Flirt. Have fun and love the confident you, Man! feel like a woman! No one looks stupid when they are having fun.
Embrace and learn how to love a woman in you! Be graceful and kind. Be bigger than life. Live in a man's world, have ambitions but make sure they let you be a woman. Sometimes you get a feeling, it's that, I am telling you right now, it is a good feeling. Act upon it! A butterfly cannot see its wings, turn around and admire the colours that make you the beautiful you. Think love, walk and talk like love.
18th-24th Act Happy Week
I do not care, nor should you. Happiness is available 7 days a week. Go getters and doers are sexy. While you are putting on your shirt and skirt before running off, put on a smile too. Girls that smile are their own superheros! What is your day of joy? What is the perfect haven for you? Act as if you are in it, living it. Trick your brain, its gonna love it. You know what makes you happy, but not a lot of people know what really makes them unhappy. Discover and remove. Let there not be happiness like yours.
It is essential to train the eye in order to stay humble and present. Train the eye to see beauty and wonders and magic in every day life. Have a gratitude list where you can document all your findings, a page in a dictionary called 'Things I love Wednesday'. Extracting joy from simple, ordinary, every day life is a joy in its pure form.
Well, on the 20th comes the
SPRING! Whatever you are doing stop and celebrate spring. Be merry! Make a reminder or an alarm at 11:02am, the exact time when the SPRING begins. Wear something colourful, wear flowers in your hair, jump and skip, spread joy, act/ BE happy! Do I need to state more reasons to be happy about? I don't think so.
Let me know how are you going to celebrate the female in you and how you are going to be happy about it.
Happy Every Week in March!!!! xoxo