I have no idea either/or inspiration to think or write about anything. So i'll write about that in hopes the Picaso's prophecy will come true. It is not that you don't have inspiration, it will come if it finds you working. Or something like that.
I am exhausted but still feeling fairly positive about my evening, as if something is supposed to happen! As long as I don't fall asleep, I'll be expecting.
Today was horrible February day! Cold, windy, rainy...grey, depressing and cold! I have almost let the weather get to me, becoming what is on outside until I met with N and she rejuvenated me as all my energy booster friends have effect.. Although she told me that she's going back home for sometime and made me very sad!I don't want her to go but wish her all the luck. Apparently, I am a selfish friend but they love me and I love them.
I love my friends. They are few but they are priceless and I would not change anyone of them because they are all made up of small, beautiful detail. The reason me being a selfish friend, I think, is because I value my friendships too much! They are everything to me, my other family that I cannot live without.
OK, so...I have 5 best friends, if thats possible. G really has a Y chromosome but I like to think of him as one of my best girlfriends. We usually complain about governments, politics and dwell over how we cannot change the world. How we miss studying and he calms me down by telling the truth that hurts. He's my competitive buddy and love playing games with him! Although we stopped wrestling since got himself a gf.
E is my 'dear diary' friend. He is a person that I am the most grateful for having in my life. We are very complicated in so many ways but he is the one to whom I can pour out my unprocessed thoughts and we will talk about it. To him I only feel comfortable saying 'I am lonely-stay'. He is a person that will care for you in a way you would never except another human being, apart from your mother, to care. I love him to the bone and he's favorite thing to say to me is 'I told you so', and he did!
Yo, she is my soul mate!My retarded soul mate! If she was not in me life I think I would not know what laughing means. Laughing to tears and then just pee a little bit. She is beautiful but retarded all the way! With her I talk about boys and to her I tell how much I over-think every single thought in my little head and how I over-analyse every single emotion or made up emotion due to my disorder of over-thinking?! She knows how I breath and can say the same for her breathing. We are sooo different in every possible aspect but we get on more than better, the bestests! We know the ways the other one thinks and can finish each other's sentences and no body but no body gets me as she does. Thank god for her!
D is a my wisdom. She knows it! She understands! She's the one I turn for an advice and she thought me how to listen. She's the serious friend that knows what she wants and how to get it, She's intelligent and honest. She supports! We bitch and we complain about boys. I just feel like a girl when with her. She's a life long friend that I am the most proud of! Go, go girlfriend!
And the fifth one is my mother. Oh, I would be the luckiest woman alive if I could ever establish the same relationship, trust and respect with my daughter. So Santa + Rudolph, let me have sons! She is the best mother one can dream of! There is nothing, but nothing I can not tell her, share with her or ask for. She is my rock! Do not wonna be her, but that would be my tragedy. She a friend of my friends and she knows everything! The only thing that she might not know is how much I love her and how grateful I am!
And the sixth happy friend(s) are my dog, a cow actually! My baby that is allowed to do anything he's tail wishes and me books, the friends I run to, I come home to, I go to bed with which can take me Neverland.
So, Picaso is right. Started of with a February day and look what you've got! I really need to organize my thoughts and learn how to focus!
Just want to say how much I love you guys!!!!!!!!! And thanks for putting up with me, when me myself could not do it, for saying the truth, making me laugh, not judging me, dancing with me, hearing me sing and loving my mother!
What are your friends? Or how was your February day?