We are so desperately wrapped up in our heads, and so busy, hurrying all the time, always late! Both of our hands full of everyday crap that there is nothing left with what to hug the moments, an ordinary beauty. We are such a market consuming robots. Time is money! Time concerned species, clocks being the suns.
It is painful how unavailable we are, to forget that the most beautiful things are free!
I've got a WAKE UP CALL one morning, going to work. On the corner, there was a stranger... He was watching me approaching. Seeing him watch me, I was already regretting choosing to go from that street. My eyeballs were seeing the back of my head. 'Good Morning', he said. I looked at him, oh, if a look could kill. I was so angry! How dare he!
'Good Morning is free, you know?!' he yelled after me. I stopped dead. What an idiot I am, how arrogant, ignorant and all the worst things and words I do not know! I was so ashamed of myself, or whoever I thought I was till then. Did not have the strength to turn and look at a stranger! I was so sad, thought would start crying if turn to face him. Never did I feel so small and worthless in my life. I ran!
I must never again forget:
- 'Good Morning' is free
- To smile at strangers
- The smile is the most beautiful thing
- To hug my friends
- Say 'I love you' if feel like saying it
- Say 'Please' and 'Thank you'
- If it is a beautiful day, to stop and appreciate it
- To look at the stars and feel small
- To love
- To write
Please do not be an imbecile like me, and do remember this things.
Luv ya all.
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