Here are some things you can write down and remind yourself that this wonderful blue planet is full or little wonders and that there is beauty everywhere if you want to see it and acknowledge it. There is so much to celebrate and be happy about. Magic is all around, embrace it!
Girls that laugh are the prettiest * Be silly, be honest, be kind * I am SO happy * I am the luckiest girl in the world * Live * Love * Laugh * Sing * And be Happy * Have strength, dignity and laugh * You are worth it! * Each day its a new opportunity, fresh start, brand new 24h to do exactly what you please * Remind yourself daily that you are absolutely, completely & totally perfect * Remember that Monday means MY DAY-indulge in it * Make pretty things and get enough sleep * Never stop dreaming and plan for a miracle * On Wednesdays wear pink * Do more of what makes you happy * Always wear your invisible crown * What goes around comes around * Sea, Air & Sun * Fight boredom with creativity * Daydream * Look out for the colour not only at down and twilight *Go to a Luna Park and win yourself a unicorn * Every girl is a super hero sometimes * Anchor yourself to something special * Decide once and for all to have an extraordinary life * Wake up and live * Make your own kind of happiness * Nothing is wrong if it feels good * Draw * Being free has nothing to do with being alone * Ask FATE to dance * Eat well & travel often * Make pancakes & bake cupcakes for no reason * Today be excited about everything * Indulge your imagination * Hold yourself to the standard of grace not perfection * Give thanks * Celebrate everything * Have a Disneyland in your heart * If today goes well go and get some ice-cream
S - set small goals that are leading up to a big one
E - exercise your creativity
L- love yourself because you're worth it
F - face your fears
R - rest. relax & reward yourself
E - eat right, your body deserves it
S - smile & laugh whenever you can
P - practise patience & compassion
E - enjoy the little things
C - create something you're proud of
T - tell yourself you are strong because you can make through this.