I've just came across the above title that most probably, hopefully, is complimented with an article that is backed by scientific facts and actual proof (whatever I mean by 'actual proof'). But this is my theory that answers this inquiry. My process of thought.
A kid draws monsters as they have no knowledge or previous experience of consequences. Yet the basic awareness of such is present. The worst thing imaginable that can happen to a kid is to be abducted by or eaten by monsters if misbehaved.With no insight into the 'real' world, this is the only world possible to them. Monsters are their ultimate suffering, a hell designed for children.
Since the child could distinguish colour and recognize the voice of its mother reading at bed-time, more often than not they are fed on stories where Good fights Evil. So, from the very first understanding of the world, children are equipped with knowing of the existence of good and bad. A sensible parent would not introduce the bad of the world by stating (here to say, everything a parent speaks it is the only truth), there are some bad people, which look and behave as mummy and daddy do, but by introducing fairy-tale monsters. They differ from people, they might be bigger in size, definitely uglier and most scary. Hence, the first child's fear it is the fear of monsters.
As every fear is there to control the scared, parents (all parents at some point in time) do manipulate it to their advantage. To get their kid to calm down, go to sleep, not wonder off and much more. Sometimes, to protect them too. Since I can remember, I was mortified by the idea of bugs. During the thunder-storm, I would jump in lap of mum, dad, grandmother, whoever was the closest and to calm me down, they used to say, 'There is nothing to be scared of, nothing will happen to you, to us. That noise are just bugs riding their mopeds to work. Yes, they are driving too fast, they must be late.' And it did used to calm me down, I wasn't scared of thunder-storm any longer. But, most certainly, the mental images of bugs on mopeds, and what kind of jobs they had were storming my brain.
I believe, if I had to draw a 'not so nice weather', the master piece would depict large bugs on even larger mopeds flying above and sideways around my house. Maybe, even if the appointed subject was not 'not so nice weather'. I (a kid) would still choose to draw this picture. This would be something I'd vividly remember.
For a child the only happiness is in its family and home. The togetherness, safety and too much love. Monsters are the only ones who could take that away from the child or remove the child from it.
Since the beginning of time, there always was something designed or created to be feared above ourselves, something/someone bigger, mightier, something we can not control. Religion is one such invention. A need to believe into that something bigger, try and trust that things do happen for reason due to Him, Her, It acting in mysterious ways. If religion or anything of that calibre was not invented, we would only be left to fear ourselves, our own kind which would lead to self-destruction.
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