If you ask me what 'Love' is, I might use tiny words to describe it like 'Me', 'You', 'Forever' and I will always fail. But you can lend me your heart to hold it up to the stream of light and let it warm you up whole. If you ask me Love, I'll answer Love.
If you need a shoulder to cry onto, I will offer you all my body. If you need your waves to crush, I will be your proud Lighthouse. Still and quite, hard-headed, lighting the way for all your ships carrying hope to come safe into the harbour, to home. I can be your beach with soft send where you can fall from the far above when you look into the mirror reflection of my eyes, the abyss of the dark rooms behind those eyes calling your soul. The hypnotised effect of my stare from the admiration for you.
If you need ideas, I'll spread my thoughts out to sun, and walk you through each one of them. If you need a house, we have four hands together. If you need life, I have a womb. If you need a magic word, there isn't one. But there is will and no ego, and there are tears of honesty, and gold of the laughter, and pictures of memories.
If you need a direction, I'll point you to your feet. Look at what your body had made. Look at your hands, look at me now standing naked and humble before you, but never look back. Because we only have this moment. And now and now and now.
Just tell me you need me and I'll stay and fight.
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