Here are some ideas for notebooks you can acquire and make your own sanctuary for no other reason but to be a girly girl, and to document anything and everything.
Radical Self Love Bible
This idea I've got from Gala Darling, and ultimate preacher of self love, positive thinking, Disneyland in your heart kinda stuff. It clicked with me straight away since I was in that phase of my life. I realized I needed to love, care and respect myself in order for others to do the same towards me. I needed to learn that I am worth it. I heard happiness comes from within, needed to find that happiness. Needed to learn to love myself in order to love another. What better exercise and fun to achieve this than Radical Self Love Bible? Its the place I will with beauty and truth (in writing) and happy happy happy drawings. Gives me a reason to use a pink pan, feel like a girl, bubbly and spoiled. Its a journey every woman should take.
No matter how silly it looks or even the idea of it its just silly to you, do not judge it until you tried it. It brings a feminine side in you, a place to fill with beauty, where to localize your genius, chronolize things that make you happy, collect compliments, etc.
When I started, I hid the notebook, I was embarrassed for even thinking 'I love myself'. But I learned how to love myself and now I can proudly and loudly say so. It is how I feel, the inner satisfaction, happiness and harmony with my being. Its beautiful, I am beautiful. Maybe it came a bit easier for me to came to that stage because I embrace flaws. I am flawed big time, I am not perfect not I wish/desire to be so. Flawed has personality, history, detail, uniqueness and authenticity. It is human not be perfect for what many strive. I urge you not to, but to accept and embrace the gorgeous you.
Through my little RSLB I reached happiness and learned the power of thought, positive thought and realized my bliss, zest for like and all it has to offer. With this, I decided to Celebrate Life, exactly what I am promoting here.
I made one 'bible' as a present to a friend and she loved it. 'It's the gift that keeps giving', she says.
Give it a go, hide it if you need to as I did at first. The worst thing it can happen is-you might enjoy it.
If you are interested in starting up one, contact me on cupoftheablog@yahoo.com for ideas, posters, manifestos or any questions you might have.
Cave paintings you can interpret as and it is, one of the oldest documents of daily life, routines, passions and beliefs. Diary keeping helps personal development. A phenomena to show progress. It helps the memory, cleariflying of what has happened, what is happening, how we feel.
I started writing diary since I was 9 years old. It was a daily exercise, while now I only write when I feel like it, need to unwhine , when something special has happened. I write mainly of my ideas, how they came up, what triggered them. I write of my intentions and wishes. The only thing I do not document is the bad and negative. Reason being, I do not want to remember and in years to come, it won't matter. But I'll write of painful disgusting endings if they reveal themselves to be new beginnings. Best example is the above mentioned Radical Self Love Bible. I felt blue, no, I felt like shit and I didn't want to feel that way an y longer, I wanted to be happy with who I am. I wanted to start liking who I am becoming which gave birth to it.
If you are already keeping a diary, please continua. Draw in it, stick tickets of concerts, movies, museums you went to. If you are thinking of getting yourself one, do it by all means. You'd be surprise to discover hpw revolutionary the idea is. Be this the only notebook you are willing and have time to keep, go big, get one with leather covers, go special. Be a Bridget Jones, or a Wimpy Kid or Adrian Mole.
Gratitude journal
It's just the small notebook that even Oprah is keeping up to date. It's a place where you pay your gratitude every day, where you write of things that you are thankful for. Once you start looking for things to be grateful for in a day, they come up, they pop up. It makes you grounded and content with what you've got. Also, your mind and eyes start looking for beauty and magic in simple things. You'd find joy and 5 things to write about in your journal every day, I promise you.
I don't have a gratitude journal but I pay my respects in my diary. Unfortunetly I do not do it every day, but when I feel blah. I'd sit and concentrate on positive in my life, feeling better instantly. Gives me reason and energy to go on with my day.
Quote book
As a book maniac, I love reading, so its only fair to have such a notebook on my night stand. A sentence or a description paragraph I'd like to keep and remember go straight in there. I retrieve to it when in need of something clever to write in a birthday card. I scribbled words and definitions in there too. Once you open your eyes for it, quotes start popping up everywhere: billboards, magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes. If you'd like to get yourself one, please do not forget after a quote to write an author, book title and even a page number.
Recipe book
A private collection of favourite recipes, great or awful dinning out experiences. Diet plans, picture of you garden and garden journal. A place where to document dinners and cakes you made from scratch, parties you went to. Pages filled with why tomato, artichokes, chocolate, or else is good for you. BBQ ideas and cocktail recipes you make pitchers of instead of popcorn. Make it pretty and vintage, or scarpbookie. Write weekly meal plans so you wouldn't need to bang your head hard every day for lunch ideas and inspirations. If food channel is your porn, this little notebook should have a place near the TV. The little encyclopedia of your eats.
P.S. The main ingredient is you.
Document your finds and feelings. Be an explorer of the world around you.
What are your notebooks? What is it that you document?
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