At the moment I am funemployed and have nowhere to be late in the morning. Still I'd like to wake early, not talk to anyone, have a shower and my coffee. I like to plan a day before so I won't be walking around the house wondering what is the most fun I can do today. I also write a lot of lists, not necessarily following them but I'll have a fair idea what is it I need to get done in order to be satisfied with my day. In order to sleep at night. Whatever the weather and day calls for I'd make sure to do something something creative. Like now, I'd make 2/3 Christmas cards a day which I need to send before the 12th December so they'd come in timely manner. Was having fun with colours and organizing of the Celebrate Life calendar for the upcoming year. Writing for future posts in case I get a job tomorrow and would need that time to adjust and
get used to the dynamics of the crew and job at task. Basically, working on the idea. I'd try to read everyday as well.
Also I like to keep a weekly routine. Mainly have a beauty day on Myday and do something awesome on a weekend. Finish some of the outstanding projects. We've just moved into the new house and there are loads of minor decorative things we'd like to enhance and make the house more homey.
But here is a weekly routine I'd like to be sworn to:
Monday- Make something Monday
Tuesday- Time to read-trip to the library
Wednesday- what's cooking
Thursday- Be thoughtful-write letters
Friday- Fun-go out of the house
There are many other things I'd like to make it a routine, but if I did, I wouldn't be who I am. Routines like: drinking loads more water and tea, any kind of exercise, weakly meal plans, skin routine-a gift that keeps giving, go out more instead of writing as much and making pretty things, and much more, just if a day had 72 hours and I didn't need to sleep.
What are your routines?
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