Here are some fantastic posters I have found of Great Gatsby. Enjoy.
Decision to Celebrate Life, collecting and documenting of memories. Contact me on Follow me on twitter @cupofthea Find me on Facebook 'Cup of Thea'
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Two days ago have finished reading 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Hurried up before the movie comes out, staring Leonardo DiCaprio. And now I am reading 'Emma' by Jane Austen for the newly formed Book Club, anyone welcome.
Here are some fantastic posters I have found of Great Gatsby. Enjoy.
Here are some fantastic posters I have found of Great Gatsby. Enjoy.
23rd of January
Each year on the 23rd of January since 1977 is International Handwriting Day in conjunction with John Hancock's birthday. Mr Hancock was the first one to sign the Deceleration of Independence. When today we use more conventional and easier way of documenting and communicating via incredible technology that we are trying to catch up with. Today, take a pan and the paper-remember, feels good, doesn't it?
As each of us have different finger and tongue prints, we also have unique handwriting. Express yourself. Write away. Write a letter to future you, or a friend, write in your diary. Start your memoirs. Just write.
Take some time to sit and cut out paper cards, or simply squares, making them into 'Thank you cards'. Hand-write your thank yous to friends and family for Christmas presents and wonderful dinner parties they have organized and invited you, or if there is something more recent to thank for. Or if you were the host, thank you guest for their attendance, bottles, presents... Or simply thank someone you feel grateful for, has inspired you, thought you a lesson, just have been there to listen and support you.
Sign it big and bold as John Hancock did.
Happy Handwriting Day.
Friday, December 21, 2012

It's pretty self explanatory. On this January day, try and show more emotion in public. Be more affectionate. Hug the people you live with in the morning before going to work, surprised them. Hug people, friends you encounter on your way to work, at work, on lunch break. Hug your favourite cashier, postman. Give hugs today, they are for free. And I believe that all will agree with me when I say that human contact can be rare nowadays. Make it not to be so.
When you do hug, hold it for a little bit longer, and just before you let go, squeeze a bit tighter. Those are the best hugs and everyone likes to get one of those. A meaningful hug is more powerful that words, so good, it can be said that is on the border of 'I love you' and everyone likes to hear just that.
Go all in, and have a group hug. The world needs a group hug. Take a picture and put it next to the kissing one from the 1st January.
When you wake, give a hug to yourself and another one just before going to bed.
Hug, make peoples' day!
Happy Hugging Day!
Friday, December 14, 2012

Today I need you to sit with pen & paper. Think about your dream/s, the big and sparkly one. And now I want you to make a plan and a commitment to make it come true.
Think in depth of what is it you want to achieve, what is the big dream/goal. Once you know the layout of the idea, write in detailed steps how are you going to make it into reality and tangible. The more you break it down, the better. Write the smallest of tasks to be done and start doing them now, with what you've got. Just start, sometimes that is the hardest part. Do not wait for the perfect situation and circumstances for your dream because they will never come, you must make it so. Use what you have and start.
Even if you have too many dreams, or you dream of a bigger, better one in the process of making the previous one, drop it and start The one. One fine, sunny Tuesday, you'd get back to it. Or tell a friend and he/she might take it over from you.
If the dream is to travel the world, wrap your notebook in a map and stick there all the exotic destinations you'd like to sunbathe at, all the historical facts and world wonders you'd like to see and touch. Stick pictures, read about it, write your holiday plan and excursions for each place you'd like to visit. Don't forget to stick two papers together, making it into a pocket where you'll stash your backs for the dream. Because it is going to happen and you'd be prepared for it, you'd know what you want and don't want, you won't be loosing precious time.
Whatever is the dream, make a structure for it, follow the steps, expand them. When you have little at hand to get done, you'd do it quicker, better, and be happier in the process. Celebrate each of the steps when completed. Enjoy your dream, live it, watch it progress and come out of your head into your arms. Make a group dream with your besties or partner, have too much fun.
And now I need you to go and stand in front of the mirror. Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to live to the spirit that is you and that you, and you alone will make your dreams come true and take over the world ;)
There is nothing greater than creating something from nothing. You've got the tools, get on with it.
Thursday, December 13, 2012

It happens, we forget, we don't feel like it, we doubt it. But not today! Today we go back to that list and stick to it. Stick it on the fridge, mirror, carry it in your purse, somewhere where you can see it and be reminded of it. Reminded that you made these resolution for a good cause, to be the best you, to have a sweeter life this year- there is a reason why you wrote or thought of them. Honer it.
Not all of us have self-discipline so here is a little push to have the best time yet. An encouragement to have the time of your life. Buckle up and go out, cross things from the list. Dress to impress, camera round your neck and off you go on your adventure that you conceived.
This also may be the opportunity to down-size your list that you wrote after too many bottles of wine. See what you really really really want to do and accomplish. Concentrate on those resolutions that will improve your life and living. It will give you an opportunity to exercise your consistency, or just exercise. Be fabulous while doing it, make everything you touch beautiful. Surround yourself with beauty, people you admire, art and inspiration will come on its own. Whatever you choose to become: happy, more creative, golden, a better friend, etc. you must surround yourself with precisely those things.
It's really not hard. Once you are working on it, inspiration will find ya-as Pablo used to say.
The things on your list might be trivial, just the indication that you want to push yourself to do it for just a smile, says loads about you, and no one can take that experience and internal pride away.
If you are a parent, partner, friend, include your family and friends in your quest. If you are single or just broken up, here are new, happy experiences to make which will help you get back on your feet and go back to being you, independent, strong, confident and beautiful. I know you might not feel like breathing, but the show goes on, make the audience give you a standing ovation, let them have what they came for.
Let us know of your resolutions and what you have already crossed over. Share your ideas and triumphs with us.
Good luck!
Monday, December 10, 2012

This as well might be the best day, after the birthday, in a year.
I need you to say 'no' on the evening of the 8th January and have time with you. Yes you may ask your partner to join you. Prepare a bottle of wine or your favourite beverage while filling the tub with hot water. Some mellow music wouldn't be the most horrible thing you thought of. Go on and put the volume up up. Once is full, add bath salts and bath stuff that makes big bubbles. Light those scented candles, get yourself a book or a magazine, roll one of the towels as head support, dim the lights and soak my darling. Get in there and let the water and atmosphere relax you. Make yourself lie in there and enjoy it until the water cools. No shaving, no face masks, no nothing, just you and your bath. Meditate but you are not allowed to bring problems and worries into that bathroom.
Once your are out, wrap yourself into the softest towel you've got and lie down, rest. The body temperature decrease will make you sleepy, just before use a tone of lotion. And Good Night Beautiful.
If you do not own a bath tub, celebrate it by using the whole water heater of hot water and proceed with the above mentioned. If you are crafty, during the day, you can make DIY 'I love Bubble Bath' board to hang it in your bathroom. Go shopping and buy yourself a bath set, get your friend one too, or if you are stocked up on these, get yourself that scented candle you've been eyeing for so long-now there is a reason.
Happy Bubble Day
Friday, December 7, 2012
There are some celebrations that are a week long, and man! do we like those!! Here they are

1st-4th of January
New Year's Resolutions Week
OK, it is not a week long but just enough. On these 4 days, find some time to sit down and write your Resolutions. Promises to you, don't disappoint you. Get yourself a notebook just because and write of your wishes and intentions for the most amazing year yet to be experienced. Write there of your successes, fails and funny incidents while attempting the crossing of the things on your Resolution list. Get a jar and drop pieces of paper carrying messages or compliments. Inspire yourself to do something really fantastic this year, whether it be a daily thing, weekly or monthly. Enroll into Self Love and Self Care fully, watch you progress. Become a person you want to be, be your best friend and a biggest cheer leader. Give and volunteer. But mainly make resolutions that will bring you joy and happiness, new experiences, opportunities to meet new people with the same bliss you carry and resolutions that will enable you to surround yourself with beauty. This year, break bad habits and take on new, better ones. Whatever it is, honer the list, do them!
1st-7th January
Celebration of Life Week
Make it a year long thing, at least that is what I am going to do once it streaks midnight on the 31st December this year. To start, write down all the things you dislike about this phase of your life, all your secrets and lies, all that you hate, bad and ugly. Get it out of your system, read through the list again and see what can be improved, changed, forgotten, cross those, copy them on 'work on it' list and burn the 'bad' paper. Now concentrate on the positive. think about or write down things you are grateful for, what you are thankful for. Be content with what you have. And then, start with what you've got and start now. Most importantly, take the time needed. Doesn't mean 'take your time' but stop and say hello to your neighbors, ask them how they are, ask how you can help, take the time to call your family and friends, most importantly, take the time for yourself. Listen to your body. Get enough sleep and nutrition. Once you are happy and your body is in harmony you can make another happy an be that positive energy bouncing from room to room,
from street to street. Celebrate your mojo and your body. Your whole being and time. Laugh, wear colours, let your hair down, dance, sing, go for a walk by yourself Learn how to enjoy alone time, could be the best thing that happened to you. You are a complete entity, you are just what you need and celebrate that. Others that you choose to share your life with and surround yourself with are only the reflections of your energy and entities on their own. Come together and enjoy. Be brave
to stand up and celebrate.
1st-7th January
Diet Resolution Week
Diet is not what we do when we want to lose some weight. Diet is in general and all of the foods we intake. In this week, while celebrating your life, decide once and for all to be healthy and creative with your food. Will the resolutions be to learn how to cook in order to to lay off the junk food and constant take aways. Home made food is so much better and fun to make. Try new recipes. Bake crazy. Choose to eat cooked meals at home instead of dinning out and spending all that money. And when you do go out, make an occasion out of it, a date. Concentrate on and enjoy your meals, make the time to stop and just eat. Get yourself a meal plan on Sundays for the upcming week with the shopping list too. Get into gardening. Have a little herb garden, or few rows of herb pots on your kitchen window. It looks so pretty and your food will be so tasty. Give it a twist. Go to the street vegetable markets instead of the closest super market. You'd be surprised to find out what is really a fresh veg and the intense colours. Start using olive oil, boil your
vegetables. If you wish to lay off the sweets get yourself 'I quit sugar' by amazing Sarah Wilson. if not, try your hand in making homemade jams, chutnies, stocks and all the goodnesses. Make a resolution to try new foods and explore other cuisines. Go out once a month to a new restaurant. Get yourself a recipe book and write of your eats. Get inspiration from 'Julia & Julia' movie. While in the kitchen contemplating your diet resolutions throw in there an exercise routine. And remember:
8th-14th January
Unversally Letter Writting Week
Remember, paper and pan? This week find the time to get yourself some cute envelopes, or make your own out of magazine pages, or of all that Christmasy wrapping paper, and write thank you letters to all that you recieved Christams cards from, wishes and presents. Write to your friends wishing them a happy and prsperous year. Everyone loves getting mail. Write a letter to your
husband or future husband. Write a letter to your future self and open it next year this time.
21st-27 January
Where do I start?! This is going to be a load week. Dance to anything, just dance. Dance naked with your hair down, its the best! Have different music days at your home, make all the residents shake their bum bums. Indie night, Pop night, Rock night, Techno evening, Classical music afternoon, Country evening...dress the part, stand up and dance, get on that coffee table and whip your hair hard. Have dance offs with your little ones. Through a party with any possible song you can think off different genres, keep the attendants on their toes. Purchase a small or a big disco ball. Rock to 60's/70'/20's. Dance to something new and unfamiliar, don't let your hips lie. Go dancing to a new club or the one you promised you'd never step a foot in. Go for it and have fun!
Check out the dance studio close by and see what they offer. Ask one of the teachers or a manager if they'd organize different dance lessons through out the week-get other dance schools to contribute too, its their way of promoting tango, ballroom, step dance, ballet. Give it a go to as many as you can physically endure. Include children and elderly. Go aqua dancing to your local pool.
Put on your dancing shoes and ask fate to dance. It's the most fun, great exercise and an even greater excuse to swing that new dress. Dance to the spirit that is you.
Happy January

1st-4th of January
New Year's Resolutions Week
OK, it is not a week long but just enough. On these 4 days, find some time to sit down and write your Resolutions. Promises to you, don't disappoint you. Get yourself a notebook just because and write of your wishes and intentions for the most amazing year yet to be experienced. Write there of your successes, fails and funny incidents while attempting the crossing of the things on your Resolution list. Get a jar and drop pieces of paper carrying messages or compliments. Inspire yourself to do something really fantastic this year, whether it be a daily thing, weekly or monthly. Enroll into Self Love and Self Care fully, watch you progress. Become a person you want to be, be your best friend and a biggest cheer leader. Give and volunteer. But mainly make resolutions that will bring you joy and happiness, new experiences, opportunities to meet new people with the same bliss you carry and resolutions that will enable you to surround yourself with beauty. This year, break bad habits and take on new, better ones. Whatever it is, honer the list, do them!

Celebration of Life Week
Make it a year long thing, at least that is what I am going to do once it streaks midnight on the 31st December this year. To start, write down all the things you dislike about this phase of your life, all your secrets and lies, all that you hate, bad and ugly. Get it out of your system, read through the list again and see what can be improved, changed, forgotten, cross those, copy them on 'work on it' list and burn the 'bad' paper. Now concentrate on the positive. think about or write down things you are grateful for, what you are thankful for. Be content with what you have. And then, start with what you've got and start now. Most importantly, take the time needed. Doesn't mean 'take your time' but stop and say hello to your neighbors, ask them how they are, ask how you can help, take the time to call your family and friends, most importantly, take the time for yourself. Listen to your body. Get enough sleep and nutrition. Once you are happy and your body is in harmony you can make another happy an be that positive energy bouncing from room to room,
from street to street. Celebrate your mojo and your body. Your whole being and time. Laugh, wear colours, let your hair down, dance, sing, go for a walk by yourself Learn how to enjoy alone time, could be the best thing that happened to you. You are a complete entity, you are just what you need and celebrate that. Others that you choose to share your life with and surround yourself with are only the reflections of your energy and entities on their own. Come together and enjoy. Be brave
to stand up and celebrate.

Diet Resolution Week
Diet is not what we do when we want to lose some weight. Diet is in general and all of the foods we intake. In this week, while celebrating your life, decide once and for all to be healthy and creative with your food. Will the resolutions be to learn how to cook in order to to lay off the junk food and constant take aways. Home made food is so much better and fun to make. Try new recipes. Bake crazy. Choose to eat cooked meals at home instead of dinning out and spending all that money. And when you do go out, make an occasion out of it, a date. Concentrate on and enjoy your meals, make the time to stop and just eat. Get yourself a meal plan on Sundays for the upcming week with the shopping list too. Get into gardening. Have a little herb garden, or few rows of herb pots on your kitchen window. It looks so pretty and your food will be so tasty. Give it a twist. Go to the street vegetable markets instead of the closest super market. You'd be surprised to find out what is really a fresh veg and the intense colours. Start using olive oil, boil your
vegetables. If you wish to lay off the sweets get yourself 'I quit sugar' by amazing Sarah Wilson. if not, try your hand in making homemade jams, chutnies, stocks and all the goodnesses. Make a resolution to try new foods and explore other cuisines. Go out once a month to a new restaurant. Get yourself a recipe book and write of your eats. Get inspiration from 'Julia & Julia' movie. While in the kitchen contemplating your diet resolutions throw in there an exercise routine. And remember:
8th-14th January

Remember, paper and pan? This week find the time to get yourself some cute envelopes, or make your own out of magazine pages, or of all that Christmasy wrapping paper, and write thank you letters to all that you recieved Christams cards from, wishes and presents. Write to your friends wishing them a happy and prsperous year. Everyone loves getting mail. Write a letter to your
husband or future husband. Write a letter to your future self and open it next year this time.
21st-27 January

Where do I start?! This is going to be a load week. Dance to anything, just dance. Dance naked with your hair down, its the best! Have different music days at your home, make all the residents shake their bum bums. Indie night, Pop night, Rock night, Techno evening, Classical music afternoon, Country evening...dress the part, stand up and dance, get on that coffee table and whip your hair hard. Have dance offs with your little ones. Through a party with any possible song you can think off different genres, keep the attendants on their toes. Purchase a small or a big disco ball. Rock to 60's/70'/20's. Dance to something new and unfamiliar, don't let your hips lie. Go dancing to a new club or the one you promised you'd never step a foot in. Go for it and have fun!
Check out the dance studio close by and see what they offer. Ask one of the teachers or a manager if they'd organize different dance lessons through out the week-get other dance schools to contribute too, its their way of promoting tango, ballroom, step dance, ballet. Give it a go to as many as you can physically endure. Include children and elderly. Go aqua dancing to your local pool.
Put on your dancing shoes and ask fate to dance. It's the most fun, great exercise and an even greater excuse to swing that new dress. Dance to the spirit that is you.
Happy January
Thursday, December 6, 2012

A day that ornithologists and birdwatchers cannot wait to celebrate. Join them. Even if you never considered bird-watching to be of any interest, today make it a point to be so. Go to a park, or just a walk and enjoy our feathered friends. Document the birds you have encountered on your venture. Photograph them, collect feathers lying on your path and write in your journal of their colours, behaviour, what fascinated you the most and whatever caught your eye.Draw a bird. Do some research.
Look around, close by might be a Bird Park, Birds of Pray Rehabilitation Center an Ostrich Farm-pay a visit, take your kids with you and make an outing of it.
If someone you know is a birdwatcher-buy them a 'Birds of the World', or of a country/region where he/she lives. Go out and buy an owl neckles, ring or PJs. Get that chicken defrosted and put it in the oven while calling friends or organizing family to come over for a feast. Watch a movie that has any kind of bird in its title. Wear a hair-piece feather for a day. Do a mapped show 'Educated Owl Sitting on a Mountine of Knowledge' for your little ones. Cut out bird silhouettes and stick them above the light switch. Adopt a parrot Have eggs for breakfast. Sit on a bench and feed pigeons or ducks in a near by lake. Free a
dove. Make a bird house with a feeding plate with your kids and hang it on tree in your garden or park. Get on the roof top of the highest building in your town and see the world beneath you from a bird's perspective. Go on a helicopter ride. Watch Rio.
And if one of the birdies poos on you, consider you self 'lucky'
Happy Birds Day.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2nd of January was chosen due to the greatest Science Fiction contributor, Isac Asimov's birthday.
Even if you are not a boy or a fan, spend this day in your PJs, cozy blanket and get on with a SCI FI marathon. Boyfriend/husband/brother will love you a long time. Even if you happen to spend the night alone, and you nipples are connected to mammary glands, expand your knowledge and horizons. Surprise your collegues with references from these movies. Here are some of the movies you can enjoy with a bowl of popcorn or a cocktail pitcher:
ET, Matrix, The Terminator, Jurassic Park, Star Wars Episodes, Avatar, Wall-E and a lot more.
If your friends are big big fans, organize a SCI FI theme party dancing to some electro bits.
Go through some of your favourite comic books. Read about Wonder Woman and relate.
Have fun and have a friendzie. And do let me know of your ideas for this special day you are planning to celebrate.
Happy Science Fiction Day.

If you don't have a hobby, January is a perfect 'New Beginning' month to start. Decide what are you passionate about, what makes you and just you happy, little something of interest to extract joy from apart from work and day to day things that need doing. Whether it be, learning to play a new instrument and getting serious about it, getting the canvas and paints to finally fill that empty wall and continua with paintings and drawings, collecting anything, post stamps, fridge magnets, actually reading through the manual of the newly purchased camera and experimenting with the light, nature and portraits, starting with jewellery making, for yourself, close friends, birthday presents, etc. Anything that you like doing, where you can relax while doing it, have your own time, be creative and productive. You can make an annual plan to do something new every month. It takes 21 days to break or make a new habit. Learn about things each month, about flowers, movie making, favourite artists and authors. Make a must read list and read a book a month or three. Get a work out plan and routine. Also, if you are crafty and loooove DIYs, there is 52 weeks in a year, do something awesomely fantastic each weekend, Make things, do art, take up dancing classes, cooking classes or something so ridiculous you never saw yourself doing. Have fun.
Share your ideas and passions, invite friends to join you, its always more fun in a group, include as many people as possible.
Organize or establish clubs your friends or people with the same interest would like to meet time to time. Book club, poetry writing club, creative writing exercises and if you are so in love with what you wrote, send it to your local newspapers or magazine, anonymously even. Gather ladies and go get golf, or archery lessons. Enrol in drama classes, anything that makes you happy and alive.
If you already have a hobby, in January you are excused to get obsessed with it. If its something you have been working and making for a long time, its time to let people know about it, ask for help, and support will follow. Exhibit your work. Even if its just in your house and you invite friends over for some cocktails and finger food. Once you open up and share, you'd be surprised how many people are interested or thought of the same thing just never followed through. This month, is to go out there and start getting paid for what you love doing, if that is one of your interests-to get some pocket money from your hobby. Join the forces with other doing the same. No competitions but group work.
Whatever is that you are doing or thinking of taking up as hobby, please enjoy and have as much fun as you can. Let the inner child play. You can not go wrong or make a mistake, it doesn't need to be perfect, it has your touch to it, its personal and you are gonna do it your way. Leave a mark while having fun and indulging into something you really love.

If you are a secret domestic goddess, get yourself a tea box for Christmas. They are so pretty, I got me one too and am not a tea drinker. Fill it up and finish it till the end of the month. Enjoy your tea. As they say 'Tea solves any problem'.
If you are a sworn tea drinker this is your month. Try new teas and get yourself a tea diary or journal where you'll stick tea tags and elaborate where and when and with whom did you enjoy that cup. Write of the conversations you had over that cup of tea, or the interesting passages you have read from your book or papers. Incidences, colours and moods. Organize high tea parties and invite friends over. There are wine clubs, make a tea club.Learn and read more about your favourite tea-do the research.
This month could also be your way out, if the desire is to quit coffee, trade it for tea. Get yourself a terrific mug, or a plain one and costume design it. Write on it 'Keep calm and drink tea' or your favourite tea quote, or simply 'Morning Gorgeous'-its what is on my mug. In any case, have a 'Happy Day' mug.

Pick and point your favourite person for January and spoil them. If you are involved-have a romantic month, make a bit more effort these 31 days than you usually do. And if you are single have Me, Myself and I month. Indulge in Self Love like never before. Pamper yourself.
Whatever you choose, get romantic with it. Have homemade dinners with candles, go on dates, buy or make small presents. Tell them you love them, write handwritten letters to your boyfriend/girlfriend, be affectionate or a little bit naughty, spice things up this month. Leave love notes for yourself.Buy flowers for them or yourself. Go on a picnic. Give awesome massages. Make them their favourite cake with the icing writing on it. Have a Valentine's month before the Valentin's day. Practice. Do something together. If it happens, which I'm sure it will, that you or both of you loved it, have a Mine & Your year. Also, this could be the beginning of some new romantic traditions.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Get yourself a candy flavored lipstick, or a red one for Christmas and kiss your favourite person or pat.
1st of January is an International Kissing Day. Kiss your beloved, your BFF, whomever you encounter on this day. My plan is to put on my red lipstick and kiss my man all over while he is still asleep and have no idea what is happening to his face, take a photo. Make it a mission to print it out and frame it. If one of your New Year's resolutions was to take more pictures and document special events and moments, this is a good and fun way to start.
Make it a photo-shoot. Stick hearts on the wall against which you are going take photos. Hold a stick with a paper heart glued on it. Since the 1st day of January was chosen, no surprises here, get a good shot of your midnight kiss. If you need to buy a whole new frame for this or make one, get the one that holds 2 to 3 photographs. Soon is coming a Hugging Day.
Would love to hear of your ideas and see pictures.
Happy Kissing Day

This wonderful holiday is just a few hours after the biggest night of the year, whatever the plan is for the New Year's Evening, I urge you to honer Bloody Mary day.
On the 1st of January, call your friends over to talk about what you did last night, fill in the memory blanks, or those friends with whom you didn't manage to see, kiss and wish all the best at midnight. And even on your own. Make an event out of it.
Whilst you are stocked up on the tomato juice, ice, Tabasco celery salt and sticks, get others to bring vodka and breakfast. Have a fabulous branch with your favourite people. Share stories, write resolution lists and make promises to support each other and help cross those things from the list in the upcoming year.
If by any chance you happen to be in New York or by lucky coincidence you happen to live there, check the city's event calendar. There should be a big Bloody Mary toast in Time Square round elevenish o'clock.Have a goodness in a cup, yell cheers and move your party to the nearest 'TGI Fridays -the franchise celebrates it by giving out cocktails for funny
amounts of cash. Very little amount of cash and go crazy!!! Have a reply of the night before. Even if you are far away from USA go few days prior and check what are the plans for the day at your local 'TGIF', or some other bar/pub which will do the honoring of this historic beverage If you are go getter and a doer, Mr Petiot, speak to the manager at your fav drinking hub and make it happen.
Mr Petiot goes by the name of Fernand and he was the genius to mix tomato juice with vodka in 1920 in a bar in Paris. While Fernard was spicing things up by adding Tabasco for his clients in Manhattan, on the other side of the world Ernest Hemingway was promoting the drink in Hong Kong. 'When I introduced this cocktail in Hong Kong in 1941 I believe I contributed more than any other single factor-with the possible exception of the Japanese army- to the fall of this Crown Colony,' so he said.
The detoxifying of the organism, tomato property is what makes this cocktail a universally known hangover remedy. Hence the chosen day to celebrate it and we are grateful for it, aren't we? Elimination of body toxins and because of its water content, tomato and its juice its the salvation for previous night swimming in the champagne-dehydration due to the alcohol
Here is your party recipe:
for 1 glass:
5-6 ice cubes
1 measure of vodka (make it 2)
3 measures of tomato juice
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
3 drops of Tabasco sauce
1 pinch of celery salt
1 pinch black pepper and
1 small stick (stalk) celery
Place the ice and all the ingredients except the celery stick in a mixing glass (cocktail shaker). Stir with a spoon for 10 seconds. Strain into the glass excluding the ice and place an already washed celery stick as a garnish. Serve immedietly.
Happy Bloody Mary Day.
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