Get yourself a candy flavored lipstick, or a red one for Christmas and kiss your favourite person or pat.
1st of January is an International Kissing Day. Kiss your beloved, your BFF, whomever you encounter on this day. My plan is to put on my red lipstick and kiss my man all over while he is still asleep and have no idea what is happening to his face, take a photo. Make it a mission to print it out and frame it. If one of your New Year's resolutions was to take more pictures and document special events and moments, this is a good and fun way to start.
Make it a photo-shoot. Stick hearts on the wall against which you are going take photos. Hold a stick with a paper heart glued on it. Since the 1st day of January was chosen, no surprises here, get a good shot of your midnight kiss. If you need to buy a whole new frame for this or make one, get the one that holds 2 to 3 photographs. Soon is coming a Hugging Day.
Would love to hear of your ideas and see pictures.
Happy Kissing Day
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