This wonderful holiday is just a few hours after the biggest night of the year, whatever the plan is for the New Year's Evening, I urge you to honer Bloody Mary day.
On the 1st of January, call your friends over to talk about what you did last night, fill in the memory blanks, or those friends with whom you didn't manage to see, kiss and wish all the best at midnight. And even on your own. Make an event out of it.
Whilst you are stocked up on the tomato juice, ice, Tabasco celery salt and sticks, get others to bring vodka and breakfast. Have a fabulous branch with your favourite people. Share stories, write resolution lists and make promises to support each other and help cross those things from the list in the upcoming year.
If by any chance you happen to be in New York or by lucky coincidence you happen to live there, check the city's event calendar. There should be a big Bloody Mary toast in Time Square round elevenish o'clock.Have a goodness in a cup, yell cheers and move your party to the nearest 'TGI Fridays -the franchise celebrates it by giving out cocktails for funny
amounts of cash. Very little amount of cash and go crazy!!! Have a reply of the night before. Even if you are far away from USA go few days prior and check what are the plans for the day at your local 'TGIF', or some other bar/pub which will do the honoring of this historic beverage If you are go getter and a doer, Mr Petiot, speak to the manager at your fav drinking hub and make it happen.
Mr Petiot goes by the name of Fernand and he was the genius to mix tomato juice with vodka in 1920 in a bar in Paris. While Fernard was spicing things up by adding Tabasco for his clients in Manhattan, on the other side of the world Ernest Hemingway was promoting the drink in Hong Kong. 'When I introduced this cocktail in Hong Kong in 1941 I believe I contributed more than any other single factor-with the possible exception of the Japanese army- to the fall of this Crown Colony,' so he said.
The detoxifying of the organism, tomato property is what makes this cocktail a universally known hangover remedy. Hence the chosen day to celebrate it and we are grateful for it, aren't we? Elimination of body toxins and because of its water content, tomato and its juice its the salvation for previous night swimming in the champagne-dehydration due to the alcohol
Here is your party recipe:
for 1 glass:
5-6 ice cubes
1 measure of vodka (make it 2)
3 measures of tomato juice
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
3 drops of Tabasco sauce
1 pinch of celery salt
1 pinch black pepper and
1 small stick (stalk) celery
Place the ice and all the ingredients except the celery stick in a mixing glass (cocktail shaker). Stir with a spoon for 10 seconds. Strain into the glass excluding the ice and place an already washed celery stick as a garnish. Serve immedietly.
Happy Bloody Mary Day.
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