That is why I carry my life with me. I meant my bag, the Marry Poppins' one!
I am scared of loneliness, most probably because I was never lonely for real, therefore am scared of the unknown. I'd do anything to make sure it does not come to that!
Will organize myself to the last minute, so there won't be extra time to over-thinking or for the moment of realization of the reality. I don't accept if I don't like. Prefer the truth, yet if its a painful one, usually it is, I compress the knowledge of it deep deep down, for some time, pretend that the elephant is not in my living room watching Simpsons and farting. If I find time would deal with it, grieve, look back and try desperately to find a meaning and definition of the nonsense or feelings. Dig for the life lesson, if there is one and condole with self on the experience. Am honest person which needs to learn how to bend the truth, find the right timing and become more tactful as an alternative to my hard-headiness. So organization!
Always keep a book with me. For many reasons. I love reading and that is why it is in my bag. Second, I'll never get bored in the bus or waiting for someone. That is the main reason why printed pages glued together and wrapped in a nice cover are with me, due to my despise of the thought on waiting. Books!
Another essentials in me bag are, a small notebook and a pen. However, I do my homework at home. Apart from food food, I have a portion of brain food daily. Read (inspiration/motivations/creative ideas), anything, really, that I find interesting I'll write it down, for future references! lol... If my mind is blank, happens ay, or I get a wave of negative thoughts I'll read something from it and think about it. Really hard! In it one can find quotes, poetry, insults, funny sayings, deep thoughts, lyrics, and most importantly names of the songs from which I get inspirations for titles. Keeping this little chronicle of beautiful of mine as well helps my eyes and ears on the street, if see or hear something have space where to write it. Inspiration book and a pen!
Sunglasses! To hide when sleeping. It is not polite when somebody's trying to talk to you and you are trying your best to make him/ her disappear.
Dice! When with friends, always have something to play with. This is an awkward sentence, but bear with me.
Part of my uniform! This gives me the options of not going home, of doing something random, being spontaneous. Living the life, that is the feeling I get. Means a lot.
Umbrella and extra pair of socks! Giving me the security. Whatever comes my way, I'm ready for it! Cold, rain...rain, cold! Feels safe.
And a camera! To capture the moment. I usually miss it, however, just a reminder of it.
The thing is...I can't find anything in it!
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