'It doesn't interest me what you do for living. I want to know what you ache for, and you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
Decision to Celebrate Life, collecting and documenting of memories. Contact me on cupoftheablog@yahoo.com Follow me on twitter @cupofthea Find me on Facebook 'Cup of Thea'
Hello, my name is Teodora. My friends call me Thea, Tea, Tele. My family calls me Doja. I am Dora.
That adventurous little cartoon girl, with a map and a plan, that has cool parents who let her wonder around and about, find answers on her own. But, she needs help from her friend Boots.
Thandie Newton spoke on TED. She suggested her theory of self renaissance. How when one gets destroyed, lost, shattered into pieces, the new self is reborn and adapted.
I do not agree.
Myself is Dora. The little girl is always inside me, waiting to be let out, wonder and be the kid she actually is. Sometimes she shies away, sometimes she gets embarrassed, hurt, sometimes she misses her ego, her Boots.
I believe that only imaginary synonym for consciousness that can be lost, humiliated and destroyed is an ego.
The self is something that we cherish, nurture. Something that feeds on values and principles we learned in our childhood. A one word that defines us and makes us different, makes us who we are, our own individual. A little voice that we gave name intuition. Our own Justitia. Aristotle argued that the self is a soul.
Whereas, an ego feeds on confidence. And it is a bigger baby than self. It has to be continuously reassured, complimented and taken care off. It acts like an armor to self.
Once an ego is lost, we become vulnerable, intimate, beautiful.