Mid evil period, shows us the God. The unworthiness of a human and the power of church. Evil times. Renaissance, some call it the rebirth- I’d like to say to the mid evil creatures ‘sorry my karma ran over your dogma’. A movement where the man became the center of the universe and stayed there since. Shift of humanity, pushing the movement. From then onward, the rest is history.
Now, we live in an abstract (or I haven’t been lately to the gallery?). The most authentic, I’ll give us that. Lines leading nowhere in various colours with few splashed dots in the left corner on a multicoloured background is what exactly? Expressing a mass of today. A confusion and hurry of a 21st century man. And when you move further away from the painting you come to see the same as if you were standing on a busy pavement-expressionlessness. Too many ideas, too many options and choices leaving us paralysed.
But then, there is that painting of a huge blue circle on a white canvas (not in ‘I heart Japan’ theme). A contradiction. There is six billion of us walking and sleeping, yet somehow you feel alone. A dot representing ‘a must’ choose, specialise, do something therefore become that in order for people to label you and categorize you. We ask ‘what do you do?’ answer satisfying us and leading us to think we figured out the stranger.
Looking through the passage of time, modernly, we can understand the civilisations before us looking through their art. The yearns, the believes, the philosophy of the everyday life.
What will the future generation know about us if they look at us through our art?
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