Waking up in the morning, and going to your letter box… those were the days.
Remember those things, paper that is filled by someone’s handwriting, folded nicely in the envelope. I think it was called a letter. We used to get mail. Remember?
Well, I’ve got mail yesterday!
Now, we check e-mail inboxes, letters starting with something like ‘To whom it may concern’- very personal. Apart from this fact and many postmen losing their jobs, the Internet era gave us the opportunity to realize that there are people with similar, if not, the same interests and tastes like us. Those ‘Yeah, me too!’ when reading an article or scrolling down somebody’s Blog. As well, the realization, that one person lives in freaking Narnia!
This beautiful girl, now my pan pal, Elle came to the wonderful idea of starting the ‘Letterbox Project’. I subscribed immediately. In matter of days I have received mail from Singapore! A letter!
A thought that somebody actually, out there, took few minutes of their day, set down with me in mind and wrote me a page or two. Handwritten. Went through the trouble of licking the envelope and having that awful glue taste in their mouth whole day long. Getting up and going to the post office, they still exist, and mailed it to Malta. Made me very happy. She enclosed a poem too. It is beautiful!
Since I learned how to write and since Mum thought me on which side of the envelope goes receivers address and on which mine, I was corresponding with various victims. At one point, just before personalized computers and lap tops, that was my hobby. Mind you, I am not that old, just my country used to be a bit backwards in westernised technology mainstream.
It passed almost 7/8 years since I have received a letter or have written one. So Elle made my day, my month!
For me letters mean a lot, they have a soul and a story. A short story, that has structure, style and authority. It gives me an opportunity to be honest and creative. Appreciating the authenticity of each letter and curves the ‘g‘ and ‘y‘ make. Leaving me in anticipation.
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