Today is the last day of yet one another year. Its weird, no?
I do say that this year sucked, it feels like it. But looking back through a reflection of self-portrait obsession gives a complete different perspective to 365 lost days. It was a truthful year, made enormous discoveries, kept promises, became someone I like, a friend that I would like to have, found ways to express myself, and found an imperfectly perfect love. A total bliss, in a sense. Let it happen. Nothing I expected, and everything I wanted.
Today, I actually feel excited about tomorrow. Can't wait to begin a new beginning, even if it makes me older. I do want to make this year happen, to be happy, productive, creative, lots of kisses, hugs and snuggles.
Here's my list of things I do want to do throughout, no pressure. Dreaming big, wishing for unattainable while 'impossible' is just a word.
- Go see a live band abroad
- Learn how to play the guitar
- See the oceans
- Write a letter to someone who has inspired me
- Sell a piece of art
- Read all the books currently on my shelf
- Go on a pick nick
- Travel to France
- Attend a comedy show
- Visit a Synagog
- Do a tattoo
- Plant a tree for Earth day
- Host a poker night
- See a drive-in movie
- Stay in bad for 24 hours
- Watch a court hearing
- Investigate my family tree
- Visit Austria
- Bake cookies
- Go go-karting
- Not eat out for 3 weeks
- Write a poem
- Learn a new type of dance
- Swim with dolphins
- Make a list of things I want to do before I die
- Build a dog house
- Tell someone I love them
- Make a T-shirt quilt
- Get a motorcycle license
- Kiss a boy under the Eiffel Tower and on the top of the tower
- Continua keep a diary
- Redecorate my room
- Eat something I have never eaten before
- Take Mom on a trip of her choice
- Learn how to salsa
- Host a game night
- Sleep in a tent
- Plant a herb garden
- Take a walk in the rain
- Fly a helicopter
- Wear nothing black for a week
- Make my own skirt
- Go on an unplanned flight
- Horseback ride
- Buy a scooter
- Refinish a piece of furniture
- Play scrabble
- Try 5 foreign food restaurants
- Buy a Moleskine
- Change my hair-style
- Make brownies from scratch
- Do yoga
- Spend a rainy day watching films in my PJ's
- Visit 10 different museums
- Take High-tea in England
- Go to a rugby game
- Develop a skin-care routine
- Bake someone a cake for no reason
- Grow some vegetables
- Go snorkling
- Learn to drive a car
- Build a blanket fort and sleep in it
- Learn a new word every week for a year
- Write a list of everything bad in my life and burn the list
- Leave an inspirational note inside a book for somebody to find
- Write a love letter to my husband
- Write my name in the sand
- Write a message in a public toilet
- Dance in the rain
- Have a dinner by candle light
- Fall in love
- Kiss under fireworks
- Move out of my parents house
- Watch 26 movies I haven't seen each starting with a letter of the Alphabet
- Tie a note to a balloon and let it go
- Build a Snowwoman
- Send a secret to a Post office
- Buy a lottery ticket
- Go on a cruise
- Make a birthday cake for someone
- Go skinny dipping
- Send a message in a bottle
- Crave my name on a tree
- See a 3D movie
- Fly a kite
- Bake cupcakes
- Go fishing
- Ask 20 friends to suggest one book and read them all
- Learn to eat with chopsticks
Now its time to drink champaign and dance on the table!