I will fight boredom with action, ideas and creativity. I will fight boredom with feminism, friend dates and craftsnoons. I will fight jealousy and girl-hate and all the -isms and phobias in my community. I will fight boredom with encouraging others and maintaining positive friendships. I will fight the winter blues with long conversations and new adventures. I will have picnics in springtime. I will fight boredom with bike rides, cupcakes and trips to the library. I will write letters and I will not be afraid to card my typewriter long distances. I will not be afraid to look ridiculous. I will be critical of the mainstream. When my acquaintances complain of boredom, I will do my best to help them fight it (or perhaps get drunk and remind them that only boring people get bored). I will fight boredom with my own zines and manifestos- WRITE YOUR OWN!
By Amber Forrester
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