While evaluating this year in my pretty little head...the thought process went down something like this...as I like to organize and write list...'The 3 best things that happened to me this year.' Either couldn't think of none or of too many, never landed on number three, therefore thought of every answer to be the wrong one.
As I believe that universe will give me an answer in matter of hours or days to the repetitive question of the gland, universe spoke to the beast.
The thing that I am the most grateful for is SP. For thousands of reason which are not even explanatory to self. The great conversations we indulge in, discussing the words, the power and authority of the ways they are used. Making connection and discovering the patterns within ourselves. Looking for ways to transfer our emotions to sounds. Him looking for himself while I'm demanding euphoria.
Looking back on this year, pretty much sucked in all possible aspects. But Xmas came and the miracle happened. I sooo wanted what they had, the laughter, the teasing, the breakfasts,reading papers together and more laughter. Only to find that they are not, and for him to take me out on a date to become boyfriend. An amazing one, for that matter!
And the last but not least...Since I got me a boyfriend I got me a challenge too! To try and balance my 2012 out! Very excite about it. To be a good girlfriend, a kind friend and a creative and selfless me. Do more things that make Me happy, as well, do things that make him happy and still have time for a coffee with friends. 2012 looks like a project that I will passionately work on, without setting goals and just enjoying the process. Spend my time 'digging' myself and falling head over heels with my man.
Loving the moment I wake up as there are 24 brand new hours to do absolutely what I please.
Happy people!
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