STICK TO IT, you gorgeous deception!!!!!!!!!!!
- Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami- have to finish it, as I took a break from it to catch up on a book we are reading for the book club. Mr. Murakami never fails to amaze me\wise me up.
- The summer of a bear by Bella Pollen -a book club read. A lovely surprise. Have to stare down the pages as the discussion meeting is in a week. Can't wait to hear what ladies think.
- Aleph by Paulo Coelho - got the book for Xmas from my boy boy. So it's a must read.
- Paulo Coelho: A Worrier's Life - ooh yet another Xmas present from, none other than...wait for it...my boy boy AGAIN! Some females like shoes and jewellery and expensive crap, I like me books and he knows it! :)
- Down Under by Bill Bryson - and yet another Xmas present, but from my darling Timothy
- The sense of an ending by Julian Barnes - a 'present' from Mum. Seemed so inviting that I had to buy another copy for SP. May he learn something. And I, too.
- The interpretation of dreams volume four by Sigmund Freud - this book is from the bookshelf, serving as a pre-read or an introduction to the next book. Let it be a book that will change my perception. Heart when that happens. The quite transformations of the women in me.
- A dangerous method by John Kerr - must read before watching a movie. And I love love love Keira Knightly.
- At Home by Bill Bryson - well, this book was from me to me. What we do at home and why? What it the logic to it, if existent at all and to which extent.
- Women by Charles Bukowski (Wikipedia is down today for some kind of an important reason, apparently trying to prove a point, don't know the story, basically, what I am trying to say here is that there is no link about Charlie due to the protest for good cause. I hope.) - This book came into my possesion (was not stolen, I bought it!) as a project. 'Go to the book-shop, find your favourite author, buy the book next to it and READ IT!' Have absolutely no idea what is it and why it is written. Didn't even bother reading the back cover. That way is mysterious, the title works for me, author's last name sounds promising, also knowing that he is a poet is a definite thumbs up. No expectations, no disappointments, only pleasenteries.
Now that I look at it, bit random, no? May not read them in this specific order as wouldn't like to get stuck in the middle of the summer fun with Freud :/
Hopefully for once will honer the list.
If you have read any of these books or want to read, do share your opinions, views, critics, 'To read' lists or shelf pictures, etc.
Would love to hear it! :)
Loves y'all, bookies!
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