Proud and pleasantly surprised. It has grown very much, indeed. From a single page, it got to have two additional pages What Other Men Wrote About Love & You Are Listening to the Words. Google + got out and on the 1st of January this year I got me a Twitter account, all helping me share my uninvited thoughts with others who have no other reason to read it except for the love of me. And the most important and till now the biggest change is the purchasing of my own URL or Domain or that is the same thing? No idea, just happy to have a DOT COM :)
That is from a 'technical' side. From my side...oh well...so much! First and foremost, proof that my enthusiasm does last longer than the milk in the fridge and a toilet paper-roll, together! Coming of knowledge that I am a scanner, freed me, enabling me to grow. Yeah! That is what I feel when reading my first posts, growth, maturity, better choices of words and sentence constructions. I always believed that one day the beast will come impregnated with one idea which will slowly but safely give birth to a path that the self will take. Wake up every morning and choose the same path. That is writing to me. That is what I want to do with myself, by myself, it is what I want to become.
People who did take time of their life to indulge into a post or two were sweet enough to compliment me and some even go as far as to say that I do have a talent and reassure me that it is not a waste of time. I do like to hope this to be true.
Most of all the astonishing (to me) process of growth and development of my thoughts, ideas, believes and character/ persona. My fundamentals are still the same residing on the left side of my values, accompanied by my sagacity on the opposite side (of my shoulders? What?). I realized what made me happy and what made me unhappy, and went on to do more of what made me happy. Until I write it, I don't know what I think, so through writing I learned who I am or about to be, with nothing but the positive thinking as much as possible. Scrolling down this blog is as if walking side by side with me, a different version of me, a strange, abstract, good with the words and weird ideas-pulling them out of nowhere me. The evolution has been great, there were no expectation-no disappointments, only good, old pleasantries. It has been swell but nowhere near the mighty-genius me.This Blog had allowed me to finally be able to express myself and find the place to localise my genius. Through all this (mostly only positive) I've became a person I am proud and happy to introduce to the universe, a friend I would like to have.
Apart from me bragging for a whole looong paragraph, through the blog I've found so many others alike. So many great, wonderful, creative people that only inspire me.
Meanwhile...in my private life, during the year... I managed to grow a pair of bal*s and quit the job I found immoral to work at. Had a two months improvised holiday where did nothing even remotely productive or anything really, what I managed to do is kick myself while I was down for no reason, I like me! and start to believe I was in depression! Me!? Yet, when down down for so long the only way is up up up, and besides, all new beginning are disguised in painful endings. I met my SP! Got a job for what I became a morning person, excited to go there and indulge in constant fun. Towards the end of the year, when I gave up hope of kissing anyone at midnight on the 31st December. Not that I had plans to go anywhere...HE asked me out and I said Yes. Now I am in love, HE says he loves me too. And just tonight, few hours ago actually, I stopped smoking (more on that later on).
I am going to go as far out and say that this was one of the best ideas in my life and how I summoned the carriage to take it up. I feel so lucky and fortunate. I finally know who I want to be. I can see it now :)
All in all, I am more than happy with what I accomplished and how much I came to learn about myself and 'online' creatures, and befriend with avatars. It is definitely what I want to do and am working towards that goal while still remembering to unplug and go outside, see friends, watch a movie and as always-read me books.
Love you all millions and Thank you ever so much!
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