Here are some fantastic posters I have found of Great Gatsby. Enjoy.
Decision to Celebrate Life, collecting and documenting of memories. Contact me on Follow me on twitter @cupofthea Find me on Facebook 'Cup of Thea'
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Two days ago have finished reading 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Hurried up before the movie comes out, staring Leonardo DiCaprio. And now I am reading 'Emma' by Jane Austen for the newly formed Book Club, anyone welcome.
Here are some fantastic posters I have found of Great Gatsby. Enjoy.
Here are some fantastic posters I have found of Great Gatsby. Enjoy.
23rd of January
Each year on the 23rd of January since 1977 is International Handwriting Day in conjunction with John Hancock's birthday. Mr Hancock was the first one to sign the Deceleration of Independence. When today we use more conventional and easier way of documenting and communicating via incredible technology that we are trying to catch up with. Today, take a pan and the paper-remember, feels good, doesn't it?
As each of us have different finger and tongue prints, we also have unique handwriting. Express yourself. Write away. Write a letter to future you, or a friend, write in your diary. Start your memoirs. Just write.
Take some time to sit and cut out paper cards, or simply squares, making them into 'Thank you cards'. Hand-write your thank yous to friends and family for Christmas presents and wonderful dinner parties they have organized and invited you, or if there is something more recent to thank for. Or if you were the host, thank you guest for their attendance, bottles, presents... Or simply thank someone you feel grateful for, has inspired you, thought you a lesson, just have been there to listen and support you.
Sign it big and bold as John Hancock did.
Happy Handwriting Day.
Friday, December 21, 2012

It's pretty self explanatory. On this January day, try and show more emotion in public. Be more affectionate. Hug the people you live with in the morning before going to work, surprised them. Hug people, friends you encounter on your way to work, at work, on lunch break. Hug your favourite cashier, postman. Give hugs today, they are for free. And I believe that all will agree with me when I say that human contact can be rare nowadays. Make it not to be so.
When you do hug, hold it for a little bit longer, and just before you let go, squeeze a bit tighter. Those are the best hugs and everyone likes to get one of those. A meaningful hug is more powerful that words, so good, it can be said that is on the border of 'I love you' and everyone likes to hear just that.
Go all in, and have a group hug. The world needs a group hug. Take a picture and put it next to the kissing one from the 1st January.
When you wake, give a hug to yourself and another one just before going to bed.
Hug, make peoples' day!
Happy Hugging Day!
Friday, December 14, 2012

Today I need you to sit with pen & paper. Think about your dream/s, the big and sparkly one. And now I want you to make a plan and a commitment to make it come true.
Think in depth of what is it you want to achieve, what is the big dream/goal. Once you know the layout of the idea, write in detailed steps how are you going to make it into reality and tangible. The more you break it down, the better. Write the smallest of tasks to be done and start doing them now, with what you've got. Just start, sometimes that is the hardest part. Do not wait for the perfect situation and circumstances for your dream because they will never come, you must make it so. Use what you have and start.
Even if you have too many dreams, or you dream of a bigger, better one in the process of making the previous one, drop it and start The one. One fine, sunny Tuesday, you'd get back to it. Or tell a friend and he/she might take it over from you.
If the dream is to travel the world, wrap your notebook in a map and stick there all the exotic destinations you'd like to sunbathe at, all the historical facts and world wonders you'd like to see and touch. Stick pictures, read about it, write your holiday plan and excursions for each place you'd like to visit. Don't forget to stick two papers together, making it into a pocket where you'll stash your backs for the dream. Because it is going to happen and you'd be prepared for it, you'd know what you want and don't want, you won't be loosing precious time.
Whatever is the dream, make a structure for it, follow the steps, expand them. When you have little at hand to get done, you'd do it quicker, better, and be happier in the process. Celebrate each of the steps when completed. Enjoy your dream, live it, watch it progress and come out of your head into your arms. Make a group dream with your besties or partner, have too much fun.
And now I need you to go and stand in front of the mirror. Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to live to the spirit that is you and that you, and you alone will make your dreams come true and take over the world ;)
There is nothing greater than creating something from nothing. You've got the tools, get on with it.
Thursday, December 13, 2012

It happens, we forget, we don't feel like it, we doubt it. But not today! Today we go back to that list and stick to it. Stick it on the fridge, mirror, carry it in your purse, somewhere where you can see it and be reminded of it. Reminded that you made these resolution for a good cause, to be the best you, to have a sweeter life this year- there is a reason why you wrote or thought of them. Honer it.
Not all of us have self-discipline so here is a little push to have the best time yet. An encouragement to have the time of your life. Buckle up and go out, cross things from the list. Dress to impress, camera round your neck and off you go on your adventure that you conceived.
This also may be the opportunity to down-size your list that you wrote after too many bottles of wine. See what you really really really want to do and accomplish. Concentrate on those resolutions that will improve your life and living. It will give you an opportunity to exercise your consistency, or just exercise. Be fabulous while doing it, make everything you touch beautiful. Surround yourself with beauty, people you admire, art and inspiration will come on its own. Whatever you choose to become: happy, more creative, golden, a better friend, etc. you must surround yourself with precisely those things.
It's really not hard. Once you are working on it, inspiration will find ya-as Pablo used to say.
The things on your list might be trivial, just the indication that you want to push yourself to do it for just a smile, says loads about you, and no one can take that experience and internal pride away.
If you are a parent, partner, friend, include your family and friends in your quest. If you are single or just broken up, here are new, happy experiences to make which will help you get back on your feet and go back to being you, independent, strong, confident and beautiful. I know you might not feel like breathing, but the show goes on, make the audience give you a standing ovation, let them have what they came for.
Let us know of your resolutions and what you have already crossed over. Share your ideas and triumphs with us.
Good luck!
Monday, December 10, 2012

This as well might be the best day, after the birthday, in a year.
I need you to say 'no' on the evening of the 8th January and have time with you. Yes you may ask your partner to join you. Prepare a bottle of wine or your favourite beverage while filling the tub with hot water. Some mellow music wouldn't be the most horrible thing you thought of. Go on and put the volume up up. Once is full, add bath salts and bath stuff that makes big bubbles. Light those scented candles, get yourself a book or a magazine, roll one of the towels as head support, dim the lights and soak my darling. Get in there and let the water and atmosphere relax you. Make yourself lie in there and enjoy it until the water cools. No shaving, no face masks, no nothing, just you and your bath. Meditate but you are not allowed to bring problems and worries into that bathroom.
Once your are out, wrap yourself into the softest towel you've got and lie down, rest. The body temperature decrease will make you sleepy, just before use a tone of lotion. And Good Night Beautiful.
If you do not own a bath tub, celebrate it by using the whole water heater of hot water and proceed with the above mentioned. If you are crafty, during the day, you can make DIY 'I love Bubble Bath' board to hang it in your bathroom. Go shopping and buy yourself a bath set, get your friend one too, or if you are stocked up on these, get yourself that scented candle you've been eyeing for so long-now there is a reason.
Happy Bubble Day
Friday, December 7, 2012
There are some celebrations that are a week long, and man! do we like those!! Here they are

1st-4th of January
New Year's Resolutions Week
OK, it is not a week long but just enough. On these 4 days, find some time to sit down and write your Resolutions. Promises to you, don't disappoint you. Get yourself a notebook just because and write of your wishes and intentions for the most amazing year yet to be experienced. Write there of your successes, fails and funny incidents while attempting the crossing of the things on your Resolution list. Get a jar and drop pieces of paper carrying messages or compliments. Inspire yourself to do something really fantastic this year, whether it be a daily thing, weekly or monthly. Enroll into Self Love and Self Care fully, watch you progress. Become a person you want to be, be your best friend and a biggest cheer leader. Give and volunteer. But mainly make resolutions that will bring you joy and happiness, new experiences, opportunities to meet new people with the same bliss you carry and resolutions that will enable you to surround yourself with beauty. This year, break bad habits and take on new, better ones. Whatever it is, honer the list, do them!
1st-7th January
Celebration of Life Week
Make it a year long thing, at least that is what I am going to do once it streaks midnight on the 31st December this year. To start, write down all the things you dislike about this phase of your life, all your secrets and lies, all that you hate, bad and ugly. Get it out of your system, read through the list again and see what can be improved, changed, forgotten, cross those, copy them on 'work on it' list and burn the 'bad' paper. Now concentrate on the positive. think about or write down things you are grateful for, what you are thankful for. Be content with what you have. And then, start with what you've got and start now. Most importantly, take the time needed. Doesn't mean 'take your time' but stop and say hello to your neighbors, ask them how they are, ask how you can help, take the time to call your family and friends, most importantly, take the time for yourself. Listen to your body. Get enough sleep and nutrition. Once you are happy and your body is in harmony you can make another happy an be that positive energy bouncing from room to room,
from street to street. Celebrate your mojo and your body. Your whole being and time. Laugh, wear colours, let your hair down, dance, sing, go for a walk by yourself Learn how to enjoy alone time, could be the best thing that happened to you. You are a complete entity, you are just what you need and celebrate that. Others that you choose to share your life with and surround yourself with are only the reflections of your energy and entities on their own. Come together and enjoy. Be brave
to stand up and celebrate.
1st-7th January
Diet Resolution Week
Diet is not what we do when we want to lose some weight. Diet is in general and all of the foods we intake. In this week, while celebrating your life, decide once and for all to be healthy and creative with your food. Will the resolutions be to learn how to cook in order to to lay off the junk food and constant take aways. Home made food is so much better and fun to make. Try new recipes. Bake crazy. Choose to eat cooked meals at home instead of dinning out and spending all that money. And when you do go out, make an occasion out of it, a date. Concentrate on and enjoy your meals, make the time to stop and just eat. Get yourself a meal plan on Sundays for the upcming week with the shopping list too. Get into gardening. Have a little herb garden, or few rows of herb pots on your kitchen window. It looks so pretty and your food will be so tasty. Give it a twist. Go to the street vegetable markets instead of the closest super market. You'd be surprised to find out what is really a fresh veg and the intense colours. Start using olive oil, boil your
vegetables. If you wish to lay off the sweets get yourself 'I quit sugar' by amazing Sarah Wilson. if not, try your hand in making homemade jams, chutnies, stocks and all the goodnesses. Make a resolution to try new foods and explore other cuisines. Go out once a month to a new restaurant. Get yourself a recipe book and write of your eats. Get inspiration from 'Julia & Julia' movie. While in the kitchen contemplating your diet resolutions throw in there an exercise routine. And remember:
8th-14th January
Unversally Letter Writting Week
Remember, paper and pan? This week find the time to get yourself some cute envelopes, or make your own out of magazine pages, or of all that Christmasy wrapping paper, and write thank you letters to all that you recieved Christams cards from, wishes and presents. Write to your friends wishing them a happy and prsperous year. Everyone loves getting mail. Write a letter to your
husband or future husband. Write a letter to your future self and open it next year this time.
21st-27 January
Where do I start?! This is going to be a load week. Dance to anything, just dance. Dance naked with your hair down, its the best! Have different music days at your home, make all the residents shake their bum bums. Indie night, Pop night, Rock night, Techno evening, Classical music afternoon, Country evening...dress the part, stand up and dance, get on that coffee table and whip your hair hard. Have dance offs with your little ones. Through a party with any possible song you can think off different genres, keep the attendants on their toes. Purchase a small or a big disco ball. Rock to 60's/70'/20's. Dance to something new and unfamiliar, don't let your hips lie. Go dancing to a new club or the one you promised you'd never step a foot in. Go for it and have fun!
Check out the dance studio close by and see what they offer. Ask one of the teachers or a manager if they'd organize different dance lessons through out the week-get other dance schools to contribute too, its their way of promoting tango, ballroom, step dance, ballet. Give it a go to as many as you can physically endure. Include children and elderly. Go aqua dancing to your local pool.
Put on your dancing shoes and ask fate to dance. It's the most fun, great exercise and an even greater excuse to swing that new dress. Dance to the spirit that is you.
Happy January

1st-4th of January
New Year's Resolutions Week
OK, it is not a week long but just enough. On these 4 days, find some time to sit down and write your Resolutions. Promises to you, don't disappoint you. Get yourself a notebook just because and write of your wishes and intentions for the most amazing year yet to be experienced. Write there of your successes, fails and funny incidents while attempting the crossing of the things on your Resolution list. Get a jar and drop pieces of paper carrying messages or compliments. Inspire yourself to do something really fantastic this year, whether it be a daily thing, weekly or monthly. Enroll into Self Love and Self Care fully, watch you progress. Become a person you want to be, be your best friend and a biggest cheer leader. Give and volunteer. But mainly make resolutions that will bring you joy and happiness, new experiences, opportunities to meet new people with the same bliss you carry and resolutions that will enable you to surround yourself with beauty. This year, break bad habits and take on new, better ones. Whatever it is, honer the list, do them!

Celebration of Life Week
Make it a year long thing, at least that is what I am going to do once it streaks midnight on the 31st December this year. To start, write down all the things you dislike about this phase of your life, all your secrets and lies, all that you hate, bad and ugly. Get it out of your system, read through the list again and see what can be improved, changed, forgotten, cross those, copy them on 'work on it' list and burn the 'bad' paper. Now concentrate on the positive. think about or write down things you are grateful for, what you are thankful for. Be content with what you have. And then, start with what you've got and start now. Most importantly, take the time needed. Doesn't mean 'take your time' but stop and say hello to your neighbors, ask them how they are, ask how you can help, take the time to call your family and friends, most importantly, take the time for yourself. Listen to your body. Get enough sleep and nutrition. Once you are happy and your body is in harmony you can make another happy an be that positive energy bouncing from room to room,
from street to street. Celebrate your mojo and your body. Your whole being and time. Laugh, wear colours, let your hair down, dance, sing, go for a walk by yourself Learn how to enjoy alone time, could be the best thing that happened to you. You are a complete entity, you are just what you need and celebrate that. Others that you choose to share your life with and surround yourself with are only the reflections of your energy and entities on their own. Come together and enjoy. Be brave
to stand up and celebrate.

Diet Resolution Week
Diet is not what we do when we want to lose some weight. Diet is in general and all of the foods we intake. In this week, while celebrating your life, decide once and for all to be healthy and creative with your food. Will the resolutions be to learn how to cook in order to to lay off the junk food and constant take aways. Home made food is so much better and fun to make. Try new recipes. Bake crazy. Choose to eat cooked meals at home instead of dinning out and spending all that money. And when you do go out, make an occasion out of it, a date. Concentrate on and enjoy your meals, make the time to stop and just eat. Get yourself a meal plan on Sundays for the upcming week with the shopping list too. Get into gardening. Have a little herb garden, or few rows of herb pots on your kitchen window. It looks so pretty and your food will be so tasty. Give it a twist. Go to the street vegetable markets instead of the closest super market. You'd be surprised to find out what is really a fresh veg and the intense colours. Start using olive oil, boil your
vegetables. If you wish to lay off the sweets get yourself 'I quit sugar' by amazing Sarah Wilson. if not, try your hand in making homemade jams, chutnies, stocks and all the goodnesses. Make a resolution to try new foods and explore other cuisines. Go out once a month to a new restaurant. Get yourself a recipe book and write of your eats. Get inspiration from 'Julia & Julia' movie. While in the kitchen contemplating your diet resolutions throw in there an exercise routine. And remember:
8th-14th January

Remember, paper and pan? This week find the time to get yourself some cute envelopes, or make your own out of magazine pages, or of all that Christmasy wrapping paper, and write thank you letters to all that you recieved Christams cards from, wishes and presents. Write to your friends wishing them a happy and prsperous year. Everyone loves getting mail. Write a letter to your
husband or future husband. Write a letter to your future self and open it next year this time.
21st-27 January

Where do I start?! This is going to be a load week. Dance to anything, just dance. Dance naked with your hair down, its the best! Have different music days at your home, make all the residents shake their bum bums. Indie night, Pop night, Rock night, Techno evening, Classical music afternoon, Country evening...dress the part, stand up and dance, get on that coffee table and whip your hair hard. Have dance offs with your little ones. Through a party with any possible song you can think off different genres, keep the attendants on their toes. Purchase a small or a big disco ball. Rock to 60's/70'/20's. Dance to something new and unfamiliar, don't let your hips lie. Go dancing to a new club or the one you promised you'd never step a foot in. Go for it and have fun!
Check out the dance studio close by and see what they offer. Ask one of the teachers or a manager if they'd organize different dance lessons through out the week-get other dance schools to contribute too, its their way of promoting tango, ballroom, step dance, ballet. Give it a go to as many as you can physically endure. Include children and elderly. Go aqua dancing to your local pool.
Put on your dancing shoes and ask fate to dance. It's the most fun, great exercise and an even greater excuse to swing that new dress. Dance to the spirit that is you.
Happy January
Thursday, December 6, 2012

A day that ornithologists and birdwatchers cannot wait to celebrate. Join them. Even if you never considered bird-watching to be of any interest, today make it a point to be so. Go to a park, or just a walk and enjoy our feathered friends. Document the birds you have encountered on your venture. Photograph them, collect feathers lying on your path and write in your journal of their colours, behaviour, what fascinated you the most and whatever caught your eye.Draw a bird. Do some research.
Look around, close by might be a Bird Park, Birds of Pray Rehabilitation Center an Ostrich Farm-pay a visit, take your kids with you and make an outing of it.
If someone you know is a birdwatcher-buy them a 'Birds of the World', or of a country/region where he/she lives. Go out and buy an owl neckles, ring or PJs. Get that chicken defrosted and put it in the oven while calling friends or organizing family to come over for a feast. Watch a movie that has any kind of bird in its title. Wear a hair-piece feather for a day. Do a mapped show 'Educated Owl Sitting on a Mountine of Knowledge' for your little ones. Cut out bird silhouettes and stick them above the light switch. Adopt a parrot Have eggs for breakfast. Sit on a bench and feed pigeons or ducks in a near by lake. Free a
dove. Make a bird house with a feeding plate with your kids and hang it on tree in your garden or park. Get on the roof top of the highest building in your town and see the world beneath you from a bird's perspective. Go on a helicopter ride. Watch Rio.
And if one of the birdies poos on you, consider you self 'lucky'
Happy Birds Day.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2nd of January was chosen due to the greatest Science Fiction contributor, Isac Asimov's birthday.
Even if you are not a boy or a fan, spend this day in your PJs, cozy blanket and get on with a SCI FI marathon. Boyfriend/husband/brother will love you a long time. Even if you happen to spend the night alone, and you nipples are connected to mammary glands, expand your knowledge and horizons. Surprise your collegues with references from these movies. Here are some of the movies you can enjoy with a bowl of popcorn or a cocktail pitcher:
ET, Matrix, The Terminator, Jurassic Park, Star Wars Episodes, Avatar, Wall-E and a lot more.
If your friends are big big fans, organize a SCI FI theme party dancing to some electro bits.
Go through some of your favourite comic books. Read about Wonder Woman and relate.
Have fun and have a friendzie. And do let me know of your ideas for this special day you are planning to celebrate.
Happy Science Fiction Day.

If you don't have a hobby, January is a perfect 'New Beginning' month to start. Decide what are you passionate about, what makes you and just you happy, little something of interest to extract joy from apart from work and day to day things that need doing. Whether it be, learning to play a new instrument and getting serious about it, getting the canvas and paints to finally fill that empty wall and continua with paintings and drawings, collecting anything, post stamps, fridge magnets, actually reading through the manual of the newly purchased camera and experimenting with the light, nature and portraits, starting with jewellery making, for yourself, close friends, birthday presents, etc. Anything that you like doing, where you can relax while doing it, have your own time, be creative and productive. You can make an annual plan to do something new every month. It takes 21 days to break or make a new habit. Learn about things each month, about flowers, movie making, favourite artists and authors. Make a must read list and read a book a month or three. Get a work out plan and routine. Also, if you are crafty and loooove DIYs, there is 52 weeks in a year, do something awesomely fantastic each weekend, Make things, do art, take up dancing classes, cooking classes or something so ridiculous you never saw yourself doing. Have fun.
Share your ideas and passions, invite friends to join you, its always more fun in a group, include as many people as possible.
Organize or establish clubs your friends or people with the same interest would like to meet time to time. Book club, poetry writing club, creative writing exercises and if you are so in love with what you wrote, send it to your local newspapers or magazine, anonymously even. Gather ladies and go get golf, or archery lessons. Enrol in drama classes, anything that makes you happy and alive.
If you already have a hobby, in January you are excused to get obsessed with it. If its something you have been working and making for a long time, its time to let people know about it, ask for help, and support will follow. Exhibit your work. Even if its just in your house and you invite friends over for some cocktails and finger food. Once you open up and share, you'd be surprised how many people are interested or thought of the same thing just never followed through. This month, is to go out there and start getting paid for what you love doing, if that is one of your interests-to get some pocket money from your hobby. Join the forces with other doing the same. No competitions but group work.
Whatever is that you are doing or thinking of taking up as hobby, please enjoy and have as much fun as you can. Let the inner child play. You can not go wrong or make a mistake, it doesn't need to be perfect, it has your touch to it, its personal and you are gonna do it your way. Leave a mark while having fun and indulging into something you really love.

If you are a secret domestic goddess, get yourself a tea box for Christmas. They are so pretty, I got me one too and am not a tea drinker. Fill it up and finish it till the end of the month. Enjoy your tea. As they say 'Tea solves any problem'.
If you are a sworn tea drinker this is your month. Try new teas and get yourself a tea diary or journal where you'll stick tea tags and elaborate where and when and with whom did you enjoy that cup. Write of the conversations you had over that cup of tea, or the interesting passages you have read from your book or papers. Incidences, colours and moods. Organize high tea parties and invite friends over. There are wine clubs, make a tea club.Learn and read more about your favourite tea-do the research.
This month could also be your way out, if the desire is to quit coffee, trade it for tea. Get yourself a terrific mug, or a plain one and costume design it. Write on it 'Keep calm and drink tea' or your favourite tea quote, or simply 'Morning Gorgeous'-its what is on my mug. In any case, have a 'Happy Day' mug.

Pick and point your favourite person for January and spoil them. If you are involved-have a romantic month, make a bit more effort these 31 days than you usually do. And if you are single have Me, Myself and I month. Indulge in Self Love like never before. Pamper yourself.
Whatever you choose, get romantic with it. Have homemade dinners with candles, go on dates, buy or make small presents. Tell them you love them, write handwritten letters to your boyfriend/girlfriend, be affectionate or a little bit naughty, spice things up this month. Leave love notes for yourself.Buy flowers for them or yourself. Go on a picnic. Give awesome massages. Make them their favourite cake with the icing writing on it. Have a Valentine's month before the Valentin's day. Practice. Do something together. If it happens, which I'm sure it will, that you or both of you loved it, have a Mine & Your year. Also, this could be the beginning of some new romantic traditions.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Get yourself a candy flavored lipstick, or a red one for Christmas and kiss your favourite person or pat.
1st of January is an International Kissing Day. Kiss your beloved, your BFF, whomever you encounter on this day. My plan is to put on my red lipstick and kiss my man all over while he is still asleep and have no idea what is happening to his face, take a photo. Make it a mission to print it out and frame it. If one of your New Year's resolutions was to take more pictures and document special events and moments, this is a good and fun way to start.
Make it a photo-shoot. Stick hearts on the wall against which you are going take photos. Hold a stick with a paper heart glued on it. Since the 1st day of January was chosen, no surprises here, get a good shot of your midnight kiss. If you need to buy a whole new frame for this or make one, get the one that holds 2 to 3 photographs. Soon is coming a Hugging Day.
Would love to hear of your ideas and see pictures.
Happy Kissing Day

This wonderful holiday is just a few hours after the biggest night of the year, whatever the plan is for the New Year's Evening, I urge you to honer Bloody Mary day.
On the 1st of January, call your friends over to talk about what you did last night, fill in the memory blanks, or those friends with whom you didn't manage to see, kiss and wish all the best at midnight. And even on your own. Make an event out of it.
Whilst you are stocked up on the tomato juice, ice, Tabasco celery salt and sticks, get others to bring vodka and breakfast. Have a fabulous branch with your favourite people. Share stories, write resolution lists and make promises to support each other and help cross those things from the list in the upcoming year.
If by any chance you happen to be in New York or by lucky coincidence you happen to live there, check the city's event calendar. There should be a big Bloody Mary toast in Time Square round elevenish o'clock.Have a goodness in a cup, yell cheers and move your party to the nearest 'TGI Fridays -the franchise celebrates it by giving out cocktails for funny
amounts of cash. Very little amount of cash and go crazy!!! Have a reply of the night before. Even if you are far away from USA go few days prior and check what are the plans for the day at your local 'TGIF', or some other bar/pub which will do the honoring of this historic beverage If you are go getter and a doer, Mr Petiot, speak to the manager at your fav drinking hub and make it happen.
Mr Petiot goes by the name of Fernand and he was the genius to mix tomato juice with vodka in 1920 in a bar in Paris. While Fernard was spicing things up by adding Tabasco for his clients in Manhattan, on the other side of the world Ernest Hemingway was promoting the drink in Hong Kong. 'When I introduced this cocktail in Hong Kong in 1941 I believe I contributed more than any other single factor-with the possible exception of the Japanese army- to the fall of this Crown Colony,' so he said.
The detoxifying of the organism, tomato property is what makes this cocktail a universally known hangover remedy. Hence the chosen day to celebrate it and we are grateful for it, aren't we? Elimination of body toxins and because of its water content, tomato and its juice its the salvation for previous night swimming in the champagne-dehydration due to the alcohol
Here is your party recipe:
for 1 glass:
5-6 ice cubes
1 measure of vodka (make it 2)
3 measures of tomato juice
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
3 drops of Tabasco sauce
1 pinch of celery salt
1 pinch black pepper and
1 small stick (stalk) celery
Place the ice and all the ingredients except the celery stick in a mixing glass (cocktail shaker). Stir with a spoon for 10 seconds. Strain into the glass excluding the ice and place an already washed celery stick as a garnish. Serve immedietly.
Happy Bloody Mary Day.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

At the moment I am funemployed and have nowhere to be late in the morning. Still I'd like to wake early, not talk to anyone, have a shower and my coffee. I like to plan a day before so I won't be walking around the house wondering what is the most fun I can do today. I also write a lot of lists, not necessarily following them but I'll have a fair idea what is it I need to get done in order to be satisfied with my day. In order to sleep at night. Whatever the weather and day calls for I'd make sure to do something something creative. Like now, I'd make 2/3 Christmas cards a day which I need to send before the 12th December so they'd come in timely manner. Was having fun with colours and organizing of the Celebrate Life calendar for the upcoming year. Writing for future posts in case I get a job tomorrow and would need that time to adjust and
get used to the dynamics of the crew and job at task. Basically, working on the idea. I'd try to read everyday as well.
Also I like to keep a weekly routine. Mainly have a beauty day on Myday and do something awesome on a weekend. Finish some of the outstanding projects. We've just moved into the new house and there are loads of minor decorative things we'd like to enhance and make the house more homey.
But here is a weekly routine I'd like to be sworn to:
Monday- Make something Monday
Tuesday- Time to read-trip to the library
Wednesday- what's cooking
Thursday- Be thoughtful-write letters
Friday- Fun-go out of the house
There are many other things I'd like to make it a routine, but if I did, I wouldn't be who I am. Routines like: drinking loads more water and tea, any kind of exercise, weakly meal plans, skin routine-a gift that keeps giving, go out more instead of writing as much and making pretty things, and much more, just if a day had 72 hours and I didn't need to sleep.
What are your routines?
Monday, November 26, 2012

- Positive attitude
- A smile
- 'Good Morning', 'Thank you', etc
- A hug
- Dancing
- Learning
- Listening
- Walking
- Bike riding
- Exercise
- Going and relaxing in the park
- Many galleries and museums
- Libraries
- Reading
- Writing
- Corresponding via handwritten letters
- Having a relaxing bath
- Drawing
- Day at the beach
- Drive-in cinemas
- Day-dreaming
- Internet in cafes
- Sun
- Christmas and New Year celebrations in city centers
- Vegetables, fruits and herbs from your garden
- Flowers too
- Depending what have you got in your garden, you can make home-made goodnesses: jams, juices, face masks, hair conditioners, etc-all natural and 100% organic
- Gathering around the fire and story telling
- Playing ball with friends
- Monopoly, scrabble, cards playing with friends and family
Do add up to the list and enjoy yourself.
Have an awesome week.
Sunday, November 25, 2012

It's the time of the year where we indulge in family traditions, reminisce of our childhood memories, or this Christmas is when we make new traditions. Make it the best Christmas yet!
Since our planet is divided by equator, people celebrate Christmas in different seasons. And here are ideas what you can do in the upcoming month in your hemisphere.
It's cold, it's snowing, it's warm at home, it's Christmas time with family in front of the fireplace. Decorating the house and bringing in the fresh-smelling Christmas tree. Wrapping yourself up in red coat or scarf. Painting your nails red or gold.
Get your beloved, best friend or mum and have a date month. Go for a hot chocolate reunion in your favorite cafe. Christmas shopping of ornaments, new, warm and snugly PJ's, stockings,red underwear for the big night, and dresses. Find the biggest erected Christmas tree by your town and hug it, take picture. Find Santa and sit on his lap, no matter what's your age. Write a Christmas list. Organize a date on an ice ring and go skating. Go out and snow ball fight, slide down from a hill. Get recipes and make mulled wine, too much of it. Help mum or a friend with preparing and cooking of a Christmas dinner. Make Christmas cards and send to friends. Every one loves getting mail, especially if is especially hand-made for them. Sit one day and make your Christmas mix tape or playlist. Download or try and catch Christmas movies on TV cozy on your couch with your favourite blanket, with your favourite person. This year, make presents instead of buying expensive ones. Will be more appreciated since you put time, effort and lot of thought into it. Or tell of the ideas for secret Santa. That is when all your friends, colleagues or family members put their name in a hat or bowl, and each goes to pick one paper with the name of the person for which he/she needs to buy/make a present. This way you are only buying/making one present and right there is the Christmas spirit, anticipation and surprise of who is getting who what. Drink a lot of tea. Get yourself a Santa's hat to go with your outfit for work's Christmas party, or rain-dear ears, antlers and nose. Have fun with it. Read much. Reflect on the past year, write of what you've accomplished, are thankful for, what you could have done better and possible solutions for it. Write of your resolutions for the new year.
Well, in this part of the world is summer in its peak yet still you can go on a search for the biggest Christmas tree. Make cards, and make presents for secret Santa. Go shopping for a new bikini and a huge hat. Paint your nails in lighter, summer colours. Spend time tanning and reading at the beach. Play ball and frisbee, have competitions in water sports or who can consume the most cocktails. Organize BBQs on the beach and dancing around big fires. Ride the bike to and from work, go walking. Decorate a tree in your garden. Wear flops and light dresses. Have a big Christmas party on the beach or in your garden. Drink a lot of water, home made lemonade and write your lists. Make refreshing cocktails and fruit cakes. Go for drive-in cinema and watch a movie. Still make your Christmas playlist, being the summer try and get into the xmasy mood. Party Party Party, go outside as much as possible, feed on the vitamin D.
From the size of the paragraphs and picture you can see I am a northern hemisphere child spending Christmas in the southern and still not familiar how they get down with it.
Wherever you happen to be, be merry. Twinkle.
What is your big plan or tradition for Christmas?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Here are some ideas for notebooks you can acquire and make your own sanctuary for no other reason but to be a girly girl, and to document anything and everything.
Radical Self Love Bible
This idea I've got from Gala Darling, and ultimate preacher of self love, positive thinking, Disneyland in your heart kinda stuff. It clicked with me straight away since I was in that phase of my life. I realized I needed to love, care and respect myself in order for others to do the same towards me. I needed to learn that I am worth it. I heard happiness comes from within, needed to find that happiness. Needed to learn to love myself in order to love another. What better exercise and fun to achieve this than Radical Self Love Bible? Its the place I will with beauty and truth (in writing) and happy happy happy drawings. Gives me a reason to use a pink pan, feel like a girl, bubbly and spoiled. Its a journey every woman should take.
No matter how silly it looks or even the idea of it its just silly to you, do not judge it until you tried it. It brings a feminine side in you, a place to fill with beauty, where to localize your genius, chronolize things that make you happy, collect compliments, etc.
When I started, I hid the notebook, I was embarrassed for even thinking 'I love myself'. But I learned how to love myself and now I can proudly and loudly say so. It is how I feel, the inner satisfaction, happiness and harmony with my being. Its beautiful, I am beautiful. Maybe it came a bit easier for me to came to that stage because I embrace flaws. I am flawed big time, I am not perfect not I wish/desire to be so. Flawed has personality, history, detail, uniqueness and authenticity. It is human not be perfect for what many strive. I urge you not to, but to accept and embrace the gorgeous you.
Through my little RSLB I reached happiness and learned the power of thought, positive thought and realized my bliss, zest for like and all it has to offer. With this, I decided to Celebrate Life, exactly what I am promoting here.
I made one 'bible' as a present to a friend and she loved it. 'It's the gift that keeps giving', she says.
Give it a go, hide it if you need to as I did at first. The worst thing it can happen is-you might enjoy it.
If you are interested in starting up one, contact me on for ideas, posters, manifestos or any questions you might have.
Cave paintings you can interpret as and it is, one of the oldest documents of daily life, routines, passions and beliefs. Diary keeping helps personal development. A phenomena to show progress. It helps the memory, cleariflying of what has happened, what is happening, how we feel.
I started writing diary since I was 9 years old. It was a daily exercise, while now I only write when I feel like it, need to unwhine , when something special has happened. I write mainly of my ideas, how they came up, what triggered them. I write of my intentions and wishes. The only thing I do not document is the bad and negative. Reason being, I do not want to remember and in years to come, it won't matter. But I'll write of painful disgusting endings if they reveal themselves to be new beginnings. Best example is the above mentioned Radical Self Love Bible. I felt blue, no, I felt like shit and I didn't want to feel that way an y longer, I wanted to be happy with who I am. I wanted to start liking who I am becoming which gave birth to it.
If you are already keeping a diary, please continua. Draw in it, stick tickets of concerts, movies, museums you went to. If you are thinking of getting yourself one, do it by all means. You'd be surprise to discover hpw revolutionary the idea is. Be this the only notebook you are willing and have time to keep, go big, get one with leather covers, go special. Be a Bridget Jones, or a Wimpy Kid or Adrian Mole.
Gratitude journal
It's just the small notebook that even Oprah is keeping up to date. It's a place where you pay your gratitude every day, where you write of things that you are thankful for. Once you start looking for things to be grateful for in a day, they come up, they pop up. It makes you grounded and content with what you've got. Also, your mind and eyes start looking for beauty and magic in simple things. You'd find joy and 5 things to write about in your journal every day, I promise you.
I don't have a gratitude journal but I pay my respects in my diary. Unfortunetly I do not do it every day, but when I feel blah. I'd sit and concentrate on positive in my life, feeling better instantly. Gives me reason and energy to go on with my day.
Quote book
As a book maniac, I love reading, so its only fair to have such a notebook on my night stand. A sentence or a description paragraph I'd like to keep and remember go straight in there. I retrieve to it when in need of something clever to write in a birthday card. I scribbled words and definitions in there too. Once you open your eyes for it, quotes start popping up everywhere: billboards, magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes. If you'd like to get yourself one, please do not forget after a quote to write an author, book title and even a page number.
Recipe book
A private collection of favourite recipes, great or awful dinning out experiences. Diet plans, picture of you garden and garden journal. A place where to document dinners and cakes you made from scratch, parties you went to. Pages filled with why tomato, artichokes, chocolate, or else is good for you. BBQ ideas and cocktail recipes you make pitchers of instead of popcorn. Make it pretty and vintage, or scarpbookie. Write weekly meal plans so you wouldn't need to bang your head hard every day for lunch ideas and inspirations. If food channel is your porn, this little notebook should have a place near the TV. The little encyclopedia of your eats.
P.S. The main ingredient is you.
Document your finds and feelings. Be an explorer of the world around you.
What are your notebooks? What is it that you document?
Friday, November 23, 2012

Dress the part
Picasso once said, 'Inspiration will find you working'. If you are invited to a theme party, high tea party, lunch out with mum, whatever the reason is for you to get out of bed, dress the part. Do your bid for the occasion, hell, make it an occasion by dress the part. Dress the part.
Once you are in your garments, fashionably in order with the event, you'd feel more like it. That's a promise. The buzz will find you, because you made an effort. Put some red lipstick and live a little.What you are wearing boosts your confidence, confidence leaves a smile, smile leaves a happy girl. It is vain but true, we women, our cloths can makes us feel better, sexier, cuter, smarter. Wherever you are going, dress the part and don't worry to overdress. You can not be over dressed or over educated, to quote the good old Oscar Wild. Stick that on the inside of the wardrobe door, underneath it, 'Dress to impress'. I did it. It inspires.
One of the more exciting moments is that of a new acquired experience and the human need to share it with others. We all can't wait to tell it to someone. Do it, and do it loud. Exist, interconnect, share, love, stand up something, stand up and celebrate. Let you existence and presence be know. People who are laughing and having fun don't look ridiculous, don't be afraid to look ridiculous. Embrace the fool in you and stop judging others for the way they express it. Express yours by whatever means possible, tell of your story through dancing, painting, annoying singing, writing in a secret diary, doing a big graphite, music, screaming and jumping, smiling like an idiot, whatever works for ya. Let it out there, let it float around you like a breath of freshness, people will notice. We are by nature attracted and respond to energy, make sure yours is positive and inviting. Leave a mark, be remembered by how you made people around you feel.
We are constantly on the go, working, chasing our dreams and filling the rest of the waking hours socializing. Celebrate your friendships by taking the time needed. Make the time. You can not be that busy. One must find the time for a cup of coffee with a friend. It's important that you do. The biggest act of kindness is attention. I have learned that one of the nicest things while on a date with a friend is not to answer my phone. We've got mail box, you'll get back to whomever called you, left a message or an e-mail. Concentrate on your friend, listen, be compassionate, believe me, they'll appreciate it. And once you do it yourself, make that change, monkey see monkey do. Yes, we do socialize, but what we are all looking for is quality time. Not just with your friends, family too.
Getting a task done
Is there are a better reason to celebrate? I can't think of one. Give yourself a pat on the back, a hug, a jump, a sleep in,a well done team. Reward yourself when finalizing the smallest of tasks. Small achievements, one by one, lead to a big one. In each one of the steps to your big goal/dream, you have put effort, time and sacrifice. Celebrate it by a bubble bath and a whole bottle of wine, take yourself out for lunch and have a cocktail, one if you have to go back to work, call a friend and go out dancing, have an insane work out, whatever is the need, but mark that day in some way. Go tomorrow to work/school with flowers in your hair, or your favorite yellow dress. Who cares?! You have done the job.
If others around you have done their task, be happy and excited for them even if they think you are little wee crazy. They will feel better, instantly. Spread the joy for smallest of things, we all need that in our lives.
Not always do we get the results we were aiming for, sometimes we even fail. And that too, is perfectly OK. That is when you gather yourself, learn for the mistake and go on to do it better than if it happened right the first time. But when you fail, if you do, that is when you take that champagne bottle out of the fridge, wash and clean those strawberries and finish the bottle. Whip if you need to, bubbly stuff with make it all better and make it go away. You'd feel better, not right the next morning, but ready for a new challenge.
Friday afternoon
Even if you are not working in the industry like some of the lucky bastards to have Saturday and Sunday off, celebrate the Friday afternoon anyway. Or a Monday. Or a Tuesday evening. Choose you favorite day and go crazy!
My favorite day is Monday. It's a start of a new week, writing of weekly resolutions and staring down the organizer/ calendar. Yet, Mon- in french somehow means MINE. So MINEday, MYday. I allow myself to be as selfish as i need to be on Myday. Also, Myday is my beauty day. Loooong hot shower, shave, washing of my hair, self skull massage included, tone of body lotion. Plucking of the eyebrows, face washing gel, face mask and a glass of something delicious. Ice-coffee, cappuccino with marshmallows floating about, home-made lemonade, tomato juice, cranberry juice-specially is I'm on, intake of red liquids as much as possible, don't even know if it helps, I just decided that is does. Or if I am feeling just fine and the music is just fine and even if its 11am, I'd go for a glass of vino. So, while my face mask is on, I'd do pedicure, looking scary and singing along. Wash away the face mask, apply tonic followed by the face cream and go on to do my hands and nails. That is when the woman is at her weakest, only until the nail polish dries, and that is when always, always, something itches, get a pan next to you and scratch away. Once the nail polish is dry and feeling strong again, I'd write in my diary or Radical Self Love Bible (more on that next time), take a walk around the corridor and go on with my chores, plans and projects for the day. No body can take that away from me. I will fight it until there is something, for me, more exciting to do on Myday, those couple of hours I take to take care of me.
Use the good china
Yes, we all have that special set of plates, wine/champagne glasses, and special bowl and vase, sitting on a shelf collecting vitamins from our fallen epidermis. USE IT! It's there to be used and loved. When you are celebrating something, even on your own, use the special glass, buy flowers for that beautiful vase, and when they die off, get new ones.
Life calls for seriousness and responsibility, but isn't that even more reason to celebrate and put colour in our life? I know your china is special and you are keeping it clean in the safe place, for when the queen or pope comes, no no no. Use it, if it breaks, all of it, you have enjoyed it, your friends and family have enjoyed it too, complimented you on it, and felt even more special for you used your best china for them to scratch with silverware. You'd have pleasant memories of it, when it breaks, it fulfilled its prophecy and you are gonna buy another one, a better one. If you can't afford it, good reason to get married :P
Light up the night
Night as important and as wonderful as day. Night is for sleep and dream, for rejuvenation and the anticipation of amazing tomorrow. Night is mysterious, quite, calming and relaxing. Use your scented candles, make it romantic. Honer it. Think of what you have achieved before the Sun slipped under the horizon. No matter who you are, candle light atmosphere always triggers a memory. And remember, 3 o'clock after midnight is always too late or too early for anything. Get you sleep.
Did I miss anything? Leave a comment, tell me of your ideas.
Thursday, November 22, 2012

It is a decision to celebrate life.
A place where you can find reasons and ideas how to make a today special and tomorrow amazing.
A personal need to share and inspire how to make extraordinary out of the ordinary.
Choosing to recognize little wonders surround all of us and celebrating them.
To concentrate on the positive. To have fun and bring joy in our every day to day life.
It is also an opportunity to be a better friend, neighbour and part of your community.
Just a girl that has made up her mind to be happy and excited about everything.
Here to promote blissfulness, self love, kindness, creativity and a year to remember.
I believe I can take you to some place fun.
I've got me prepared with a calendar filled with awesome things to honer and celebrate.
It is up to you to choose what tickles your fancy, embrace it and make an event out of it.
I will be posting a month prior to, for an example: on the 1st of December will post
for the 1st of January.
Knowing that, especially at this festive time, you are busy, mark
and save the date of the occasion in your diary. Have enough time to plan it, let your friends/family/
neighbours/school/colleagues, etc know of it,organize it and celebrate it in spirit.
Follow me on twitter.
Find me on Facebook.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Few more days to go.
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Isn't it just the best arriving to a new country when spring kicks in. Everything blooms, and all is green. Fruit is flowering, gardens are going mental, arrival of the birds and plans for fishing trips. Yet, its still not to cold for the plea of tenderness to be rejected. It's a good year for me, because I'd rather have flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck. Every morning is sweet awaking. And once again, the biggest problem is where to be the happiest.
As a four season child, a summer long year might seem too much. However, you won't see me holding back. Am as happy as if I have been eating poetry, poems I can dance to. I came to see a rainbow land, and am ready! Bring it on. It's like my dream 'if I were a butterfly' coming done. Escape from normality.
My boots are left in their boxes to sleep a long sleep. No teas this winter, no cozy blankets and heavy readings. Instead, pic-nicks, surfing afternoons, no milky moon eyes, but bright green and blue. Staying up to watch the stars and count the shooting stars. Ice-creams and salads, cocktails- its what is it all about. More colours and smiles.
A year of summer is nothing if it isn't an obsession.
Being so much in love.
Friday, November 2, 2012
- Oooh so so so much
- Waiting for the spring to kick-in in this beautiful green, believe it or not, Africa
- Telling myself to indulge into nothingness, into doing nothing because, most probably next time I'd have this time on my hands will be when I'm old, boring and retired, lacking energy, when I'll grow to be cynical of life, filled with self disappointments, resentful of fellow humans and hateful towards my grandchildren. Or I'll be a hippi granpy. However that'll be the next time when I'll have the time.
- Despite stealing oxygen and square meters I am too much happy
- Waking up and going to bad with a state of art
- Feeling very privileged and humble of all my sense's experiences
- Recently an owner of the most beautiful scarf that this world have ever seen
- Accepting the fact that I will never ever ever learn how to drive
- Walked with elephants and their babies, monkeys and their babies, hippoes, giraffes, zebras, rihnoes, cheetas, leopards and many more creatures in their playground.
- Listening to Frashlyground-check it out-its awesome
- Missing people
- I used to know to much to argue or to judge, now I find myself agreeing
- Had my first oyster
- Watched rugby live and our team won. Shaaaaaaaaaarks!
- Befriended a man that works in a chocolate factory!
- Spent the night in Kingdom of Swaziland
- Played scrabble in Kruger National Park
- Washed my feet in Indian Ocean
- Did a 3 week road trip
- Reading 'The Great Gadsby"
- Got another dog- lil' shit
- Eating corn in hopes of becoming a UNIcorn- a beautiful beast
- Drinking mojitoes, sitting on a veranda and laughing
- Morning showers
- Waka Waka
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

- Celebrate life by means of self-radical love
- Celebrate life and all its little wonders, creative projects, literary holidays and all that there is to celebrate (spread the idea)
- Involve as many people as possible (the more the merrier)
- 'Ladies club'-as my calling (share the knowledge)
- Be a part of the Book Club
- Make this to be my life's goal
- An adventure of balancing everything
- Strive to make deadlines
- Be more organized, honer the 'to do' lists
- Involve people who are interested and willing
- Connect people
- Cook, eat, enjoy, entertain
- Travel
- Make time for everyone
- Write when inspired
- Read everyday
- Make friends gathering when making DIY crafts
- Make an event out of literary holidays and other celebrations
- Making of the extraordinary
- Feed the soul
- Surround myself with interesting, inspiring people
- Colours and smiles
- Make this a priority-organize-think ahead-plan better and stay true
Solely look at the positive, never dwell on the negative.
Celebrate all the gorgeous moments. Bring colour to life.
First love yourself as that is the only way to love another.
Threat people with kindness. Be the friend you'd want to have.
Live everyday in a way you'd be proud to show it to the universe.
Listen to your body, get enough nutrition, sleep and exercise.
Always stay hungry for knowledge. Forever learn.
Read everyday, write when inspired or in need of emptying the skull.
Draw even when you don't feel like drawing.
Go to picnics, cinema, outgoings, meet new people, break the routine of daily life.
Do creative projects, DIY crafts, the feeling of accomplishment is always rewarding.
Share your knowledge.
Involve people in your ideas.
Give back to the community, get to know your neighbors.
Live like an artist and a lover.
Be organized.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How do you feel about truth? How do you feel about words? Can they shred you insides? What about time? Does time mean anything to you? Do you worship your Gods only on a Sunday or on any given day? How's that working for you? Or do you like a bit of disaster? And all the colors that come into focus then, or do you think you can learn from happiness?
When you think about love, how far do you think? Does that leave you sad, nostalgic, longing, wishing? Do you hurt? Are you scared if what little you are ready to share? Ashamed of how little you've got a give? Are you capable of patience? Would you allow someone to change you?
Are you happy, have you been eating poetry? Do you stand up to celebrate? Can you explain it?
Are you ready for tomorrow?
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Somehow I must have deserved this love of mine or will I have to make amends for what I've got. Life is a tricky business, makes you pay at the end.
Thinking that I should volunteer my time, to him, my friends and parents, get to know my neighbours, participate and be a part of my community whatever side of the world I am, be more considerate of others needs and more sympathetic to others feelings makes me believe that, yes, there is an angel in me that he sees. But I forget this things. Too easily.
He sent me to buy myself coffee, so I did, and came back to the car. Only then did I remember, he likes his tea in the morning. I didn't even ask if he liked some, I didn't buy it for him, and surprised him, showed him that I do think of him too. No, I forgot. Hows that for being the worst person in the world?
I do envy people to whom comes naturally to care for the others, but then I wish, usher them, to be more selfish. While I am too busy having a good day to be concerned for the happy ending. Its nice to be nice, to be kind-confusing me.
Those kept good intentions make me proud on my own, SELFISH. Just how lucky I must be that I've got him to see the good in me, make me a better person, wanting to be the best for him.
I need be better and I can choose that every morning. Keep my promises anyway. It's that easy-I must remember.
Monday, October 1, 2012

I'm the author of my life and I choose this world to be my altar. Forever straggling to stay on it with my both feet, extracting confidence from within and be bold at the same time. Being creative in my fun, not caring if I look ridiculous, must learn to love a fool in me. Let my soul be free even when I feel tinni tiny, so tiny, anyone one can fit me in a pocket and take me where I don't choose to go. But I must keep fighting for my integrity and stay true through all the endings, hoping some of them will be disguised in new beginnings.
Constantly waiting in fear I missed something. A sign, a joke, a dream forgotten. I write in fear of forgetting, so one day I'll convince myself I held the pan, I had control over what was meant to be. When I only write of happy days, praying the bad and ugly won't matter in so many years and will be safe under the carpet that I nailed to the floor.
It is a fountain pan I am holding. Curving my 'g's' and 'y's' beautifully. Like love, ink isn't endless. Having to choose what to make last till the end of time, making me nervous. Questioning how important is the now? Very? Wait for the next now. Maybe I am just greedy? Reminding myself that expectations and assumptions are the thief of joy. Making sure to count my blessings.
Remember, remember, remember. Isn't that living in the past? Or just a search of what was it, and it was good. Does it matter at all? Yes, it does, in my books, in my diary.
Sitting on the end of the world, to be quite exact, the second southest point, deep into the ocean, that I turned my back to, ignoring the wave swellings, they don't mean anything to me, yet. And still wondering who is holding the pan?
All the things that I believe never fail to amaze me and that is why I think I'm ill.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Whether to live my life being sure I am the God, the universe and all the planets and stars and the all of the cosmos is in me, and the rest of it is a mere reflection. If I change, everything changes, if I am positive and patience, things will come to me. While when I am negative, or oblivion to the fear and bothers, life will make me face that energy. If I am the one, and how I behave that's what I get in return. When I close my eyes, or shut my brain in meditation, does everything disappear? Happiness comes from within, only when one is happy can make another happy. First we have to be our own, to be some else's everything. How very lonely I must be in moments like these.
Or we are each gods, each our own. Yes, we do belong to the same species, we experience same things, we make decisions to be either what we choose to be or what happened to us. Not that we differ by the sexes but by how we translate and communicate our inner most. Some are more vocal than the others, some prefer the authenticity of vulnerability. Like this I could never be lonely but forever be fascinated by the expressions, whether be it by language, or facial grimaces, silences, or eyes.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Didn't I want to say goodbye to my father last night in case we cried and to see in his blurry eyes disappointment and pride of me leaving? No, I didn't. Was I freaking out this morning? Oh, hell yeah.
When you are preoccupied with excitement and anticipation is hard to be scared. Yet, it is universally known truth of reality coming done, not like me each morning-undone. Deciding just to jump on a plane and go give him a kiss, just what a romantic in me dreamed of doing whole life while a wuzz in me, that can't even get anything inked was freaking out. Naturally. Was I surprised? Not much.
All by myself in the southest of inhibited piece of land populated by, hopefully friendly people, me there. Who is going to pick me up when I am down? Who is going to cover their ears when I am screaming? Who is going to take me home? Who is going to ignore my outbursts or whatever me just because I am theirs? No one.
You know where this way of thinking will get me? No where! So, I am going to go and do it, and its not going to be boring. I want it more than I am afraid of it! And what do ya know, I might love it. One is for sure. I am going to enjoy it to the fullest. Give my all, my time, attention, affection and sincerity and open half a dozen senses to experience.
Am I going to be with someone that I can pour myself into, another soul I can cling onto, another body to keep me warm. Hell yeah!
When you are preoccupied with excitement and anticipation is hard to be scared. Yet, it is universally known truth of reality coming done, not like me each morning-undone. Deciding just to jump on a plane and go give him a kiss, just what a romantic in me dreamed of doing whole life while a wuzz in me, that can't even get anything inked was freaking out. Naturally. Was I surprised? Not much.
All by myself in the southest of inhibited piece of land populated by, hopefully friendly people, me there. Who is going to pick me up when I am down? Who is going to cover their ears when I am screaming? Who is going to take me home? Who is going to ignore my outbursts or whatever me just because I am theirs? No one.
You know where this way of thinking will get me? No where! So, I am going to go and do it, and its not going to be boring. I want it more than I am afraid of it! And what do ya know, I might love it. One is for sure. I am going to enjoy it to the fullest. Give my all, my time, attention, affection and sincerity and open half a dozen senses to experience.
Am I going to be with someone that I can pour myself into, another soul I can cling onto, another body to keep me warm. Hell yeah!
Monday, September 17, 2012

Shortly, I will be borrowing wings from Egyptian airlines to get to my destination, the Southest of Africa where new everything awaits me. Love, life, dressing table, road trips, knowledge and facing of my fears.
Everything has been done in a timely manner. Visa, yellow fever shot, packing as if I am going to Paris not savanna, well I only have nice garments or uniform. At least if a lion sneaks, I'll look presentable. Ta-ta party has been partied, only to take off for a new adventure is left to be done. To finally kiss my man.
Where there do not move the clock and water runs anticlockwise, there too is not much of Internet, but I solemnly swear to keep you posted of my experiences and incidents.
I am too excited and do not know much more to tell you of in this stage so Good Luck to me and I'll keep you posted.
Have a fabulous week.
Sunday, September 9, 2012

If I were a painter, I'll paint us in a way Greek mythology meant us to be. One creature with four arms, four legs and one head with two faces and let Zeus be afraid. On that canvas of mine we'll be one being and won't ever need to look for another half or for anything else. I'd paint flowers to stay forever in that bloom of that colour. I'd paint music and angels you call me after. I'd paint that poem in your mouth I left the first night I kissed you and every breath of yours following that moment.
If I were a painter I'll paint the sound of your laughter. I'd paint other people naked, crying, ugly. Goosebumps. I'd paint waiting. I'd paint an auto-portrait of each bone of mine in its search for wings. I'd paint talk of the day. If I were a painter it would come easy and it would be good.
I'd use brushes, sponges, attires, curtains, fingers, palms, back of my hands, souls of my feet, knees and my hair to paint. I'd use black and white, all shades of grey, all the colours, blood, olive oil and oil. Ash. Ink. Spices and copper just to depict the deeper hunger of sufficiency of excess, of condemning yearn to express, need to capture it all.
If I were a painter I'd paint out of fear of forgetting.
Stroke after stroke. Passionately Forever.
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Once one allows himself to be bold to celebrate those beliefs, live them, be them, let that process of routine busykeep them does one find the reason to get out of the bed resulting in finding one's purpose of being here. And that is only when one discovers and let indulge in true, deep happiness. One finds piece within allowing the preaching, and life itself be meaningful. It's inspiring.
We are different in our interests and priorities. Which keeps us occupied, resurrecting joy from. But one should never let be preoccupied. The biggest act of kindness is to give full attention to the task at hand, a person talking to, a chosen path to be lived. Take the time needed.
All this is a process of carving the learning curve, analysing and seeking. Wanting to be better and content. Letting be impressed and fascinated. Looking to surround oneself with blisses of what he wants to become.Taking up theories, living by them, shooting them down, taking up new ones. Pealing down the ego.
I always said that whatever one does it will be so typical of him. Yet one will never stop discovering layer after layer, how deep the core of being is. We'll always come undone and that is the beauty of life.
Keep discovering self and tell people of it. Living it out aloud, letting others know we are here for a reason. Take crushes and make them your lawful infatuations. Attempt to be kind and take the time needed.
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