In the process of translating dreams into plans, somehow I have forgotten night-terrors are dreams too. I am awake in the later one. I remember when I used to be a Mistress of Nowness-when I ruled the world, when I was bigger than life when now, I cannot wait for now to expire, shoulder high.
I am not comfortable with the shades of grey filling the skull not playing for the same team. Making the eyes believe that everything they see is the blackest thing they ever saw. There is no hood in sisterhood of direction I want my thoughts to follow and of what I yell. Maybe 'to the sea'? Where there is horizon for I could once again feel like the center of the universe? Stop the cosmic storm breaking my knees.
Whatever you are 'self-actualization', I am not calling you a ghost, but stop haunting me. I am game, let's play! But stop biting the beautiful imagination out of me. Be whatever color but not silver, for there won't be linings. Instead, profess beauty, plain and magical into my life also, amazing grace and moment's gaze would be much appreciated .Give me a sudden thunder, so I'll know I am alive. But don't send me love, I wouldn't know what to make of it.
Could the answer be 'try a little less'? How could I ever give up? I want to be forever young, how am I expected to say goodbye forever? Am I expected to stare at the black hole and do nothing about it? Or could I please, curl up and become one? A heart full of things, but who shall I tell? Allure me to an answer for my mind is a razor blade. Can someone's paradise blow me away?
Where can I hire am octopus? I need a hug!
I'll prove I can take it on my own... Silence
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