- Go see a live band abroad
- Learn how to play the guitar
- See the oceans
- Write a letter to someone who has inspired me
- Sell a piece of art
- Read all the books currently on my shelf
- Go on a pick nick
- Travel to France
- Attend a comedy show
- Visit a Synagog
- Do a tattoo
- Plant a tree for Earth day
- Host a poker night
- See a drive-in movie
- Stay in bad for 24 hours
- Watch a court hearing
- Investigate my family tree
- Visit Austria
- Bake cookies
- Go go-karting
- Not eat out for 3 weeks
- Write a poem
- Learn a new type of dance
- Swim with dolphins
- Make a list of things I want to do before I die
- Build a dog house
- Tell someone I love them
- Make a T-shirt quilt
- Get a motorcycle license
- Kiss a boy under the Eiffel Tower and on the top of the tower
- Continua keep a diary
- Redecorate my room
- Eat something I have never eaten before
- Take Mom on a trip of her choice
- Learn how to salsa
- Host a game night
- Sleep in a tent
- Plant a herb garden
- Take a walk in the rain
- Fly a helicopter
- Wear nothing black for a week
- Make my own skirt
- Go on an unplanned flight
- Horseback ride
- Buy a scooter
- Refinish a piece of furniture
- Play scrabble
- Try 5 foreign food restaurants
- Buy a Moleskine
- Change my hair-style
- Make brownies from scratch
- Do yoga
- Spend a rainy day watching films in my PJ's
- Visit 10 different museums
- Take High-tea in England
- Go to a rugby game
- Develop a skin-care routine
- Bake someone a cake for no reason
- Grow some vegetables
- Go snorkling
- Learn to drive a car
- Build a blanket fort and sleep in it
- Learn a new word every week for a year
- Write a list of everything bad in my life and burn the list
- Leave an inspirational note inside a book for somebody to find
- Write a love letter to my husband
- Write my name in the sand
- Write a message in a public toilet
- Dance in the rain
- Have a dinner by candle light
- Fall in love
- Kiss under fireworks
- Move out of my parents house
- Watch 26 movies I haven't seen each starting with a letter of the Alphabet
- Tie a note to a balloon and let it go
- Build a Snowwoman
- Send a secret to a Post office
- Buy a lottery ticket
- Go on a cruise
- Make a birthday cake for someone
- Go skinny dipping
- Send a message in a bottle
- Crave my name on a tree
- See a 3D movie
- Fly a kite
- Bake cupcakes
- Go fishing
- Ask 20 friends to suggest one book and read them all
- Learn to eat with chopsticks
Decision to Celebrate Life, collecting and documenting of memories. Contact me on cupoftheablog@yahoo.com Follow me on twitter @cupofthea Find me on Facebook 'Cup of Thea'
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
While evaluating this year in my pretty little head...the thought process went down something like this...as I like to organize and write list...'The 3 best things that happened to me this year.' Either couldn't think of none or of too many, never landed on number three, therefore thought of every answer to be the wrong one.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
'The mind hardly dares to express itself and, when it does, is limited to stating that this idea or that woman has an effect on it.' This might be the truth for those who believe that there is no original thought. That the great ideas are stolen. One whole medical doctrine is subjected to reduce any felt feeling, emotion or thought process to a premature effect from or via our subconsciousness. How the actual 'effect' gives rise to an emotion and goes to understand it. Going back to the earliest memory, rightly or wrongly, drawing the diagnoses whilst avoiding the term 'normal'. The 'N' word in psycho-analysis.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
When I am not in love, I walk, work, sleep and joke. Even that becomes overbearing. When I feel as empty as a promise, I try to escape, pretend nothing exists around me, nothing is real, nor am I. Or make myself believe that I am the Only real creation while the rest are my reflections, in order to change for the better, in this theory, I should think happy thoughts. But sometimes is hard to think outside of the box. My box can be as dark as a coffin and as lonely as a church sometimes. Although, it is still mine, it is magical!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
God doesn't talk to me, I am not religious. I don't talk to God, I am not psychotic. Still, have a soft spot for 'Baby Jesus' wording. And that is why I am excite about all the Xmasy joys.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
How I believe in my consciousness' pedestrians. How I believe that right people come into my life at the right time. They may not come to stay, no, but to show me, open my eyes, read me a sign that I was looking at for so long but couldn't focus on what it meant. Take me by my shoulders and remove me from the rough bole that was blocking my sight, hurting my skin. Dark-dominating things I saw, making me blind and leaving me feel like a fool, and offer me a whole forest. Offer me another truth. How I believe that at the end universe gives me exactly what I needed.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
I don't know much about the world. I don't know much about the life. Business doesn't interest me. Finances and prestige bore me. Politics annoy me. Praying to any God is foreign to me. War sadness me. Pain hurts me. I don't know how you became this man.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
- Don't want to deal with the things that are left unsaid. So, talk to me.
- Loving work and people.
- First time felt happy for other and that left me feeling lucky. What?!
- Having a SP. And a Retard.
- Learning self-discipline. My mind is my own. My will is my own.
- Am not lying about myself no matter what the cost.
- Definitely know what I want and won't settle. Addicted to love!
- I matter. You matter. So I became.
- Been called a 'woman' - not yet, darling.
- Loving the low number of my days.
- My hand is so tinny in his.
- Making him smile and laugh.
- Believing in kisses. A lot of kisses.
- Apparently don't know a thing about Quatar. Still sleeping tight.
- Possessing a quilt that actually snuggles back :)
- Words coming out of my mouth that I thought would never utter.
- Being aware of my wings, my smile, and my energy. Kinda like a candle, if you will.
- Getting a mini heart-attack each time I pass M&S. Xmas trees in the window shop!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Still annoyed that I haven't written nothing!... or controversial, to me at least.Oh, well! Lazy bitch!
- Decided what is going to be my next investment. Hint-last thing I solely invested, was a cocktail shaker!Oh, the hard life!
- Planning a spring trip to France with Milja. It's going to be nothing less than Epic!
- Internally euphoric about this stage of my life that will never repeat itself. No responsibility to a thing or a soul. Enjoying it while I can coz I know one day I'll be a mother.
- It's a fine romance, but it left me so undone.
- SP asked me what is it I worry about. My muse told me - worry of the possibility that the world might run out of Nutella. Couldn't bring myself to say it aloud. Still a child, still got it! :) Not small, though.
- I'm losing my favorite game-you're losing your mind, again.
Friday, October 28, 2011
I am so glad to be living in the world where there are Octobers.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
I want the impossible,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
- Currently, I am happy!
- Finally got my life back on track, working, out and about. Leaving home for a reason and got from somewhere to come back.
- Not sleeping well, at all!
- Made a habit of getting at round 4am and pigging out from a fridge! What's that about?! Mum's genes probably.
- Got invited to a US Marine Annual Ball (or something in those lines) at Radison Hotel next week. Very excite! It's gonna be challenging. Behaving in a long dress and limiting the access to the open bar. A social situation where I am not completely comfortable or maybe I am (will find out) and an opportunity to meet new people while dancing like there's no tomorrow. Hopefully will enjoy myself. Thanks Jo :)
- This Friday, made it a mission to attend the 'That swing thing' party. Wish to succeed.
- Haven't done any writing in over a month, bothered yet not doing anything about it. It will come to me.
- Obsessed with new Florence and Machine single 'Shake it out'
- Ok, I am really bothered that I didn't write anything! It's not that I do not have any inspiration it is that I enjoy procrastinating better. Shame!
- Had a wicked dream, about my all family being in a prison, missing a flight to Barcelona because a male friend was putting on make up intersected with some action from 'Fast & Furious'- really! But it was so detailed! And yet do not see any connection with the wake world.
- Gonna meet Pizda Power girls on Sunday. I miss them so much!
- Aurora left to UK for forever and now have no more 'Gelato' and 'I don' giv a shit' friend. Hope she's fine and happy. Surrounded with grass, cool/sexy people and loads of rain.
- What else...? I'm just happy :)
- Wish would wake up an hour before work (even if I am working at noon) and have some Tea time, but too lazy.
- Weather is changing. Every day a surprise.
- Ah! Almost forgot! Discovered my favorite new bar in Malta after 6 long years on the rock! And its close to my crib. Finally a cozy hang out.
- Still watching news due to not understanding German.
- Using eye-shadow. Like a real girl.
- Had a mini shopping therapy and am richer for two pair of shoes! Love being a girly girl and so easily fascinated by unimportant things.
- Big plans this weekend. Looking forward to it.
- Being an explorer.
- Planning a Halloween cocktail party. Thinking of costumes...any ideas?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
This morning I walked to my 'romantic shelf' (yeah, I've got one), containing Jane Austen novels, Love Poems, 'Love Letters of Great Women', chick lit novels and so on. I stumbled across 'Jane Austen's Guide to Romance' by Lauren Henderson, bought the book, never even looked at it, shame! Well, I did now and found this! Enjoy and learn ;)
Chapter One:
If you like someone, make it clear that you do
Be open and easygoing. If you like a man, show him that you do. Show him that you're happy to hear from him, return his calls within at least a couple of days, and if you like the sound of an invitation, accept it, without holding out for what you've heard is the 'right' first-date invitation or being sulky because you expected an expensive dinner and you've been asked to the cinema instead.
Enjoy the moment. Take pleasure in what you're doing at the time. Let the attraction grow naturally. Keep your feet firmly on the ground- don't lose yourself in someone new.
Take time to get to know new people. Make allowances for whom may be shy, and who may not reveal their personalities the first time you talk to them. Though they may not be an instant attraction it may come with time; keep your options open by waiting to see if someone grows on you.
Don't rush. Don't put pressure on a new relationship to be the love of your life when it's only been going on for a couple of weeks. Don't force anything along.
Don't chase a man. Let him come after you. Don't call him more than he calls you. Don't make excuses for his tardiness or luck of enthusiasm. If he seemed keen but then pulled back, let him go.
Don't make snap judgements. Don't be blinded by your own present ideas of what you are looking for. The right person for you may not be the same as the ideal image you've constructed in your head. Don't make a template of who you want and reject people instantly because they don't fit into it.
Tips for telling a man really likes you:
- He will ask you for dates in advance- though he may spontaneously call and ask you out for the same night, he will also plan ahead to schedule time you can spend together.
- When he kisses you, he will take your hand and kiss it, or give you an extra good-night kiss on the forehead- he'll kiss you on the mouth, too, but his attentions to you will be romantic as well sexual.
- He will remember things you told him about what you've been doing at work or socially, and ask you how they went.
- He won't make you feel insecure; he will call when he says he will and turn up on time for your dates.
- He will make an effort with his appearance- on your dates he will be well dressed and groomed
- He may well call or e-mail you after a date to say what a great time he had. This is one of the best signs of all that he likes you seriously!
- He will make you feel included in his life by telling you about his day, his friends and interests.
Chapter Two:
Don't put your feelings on public display, unless they're fully reciprocated
Avoid giving more than you get. Don't let yourself get into a situation where the person you are dating is taking you for a ride and not really interested in a serious relationship with you. Don't throw yourself blindly at someone-you'll lose yourself and forget what you really want and need.
Keep your self-control. You might fall head over heels for a man you meet at a party, but you know very little about someone you've only talked to for a couple of hours. Even if you fall into bed with him that very night, you still hardly know him! Which is why it's a good idea to take things slowly and maintain self-control so you can work out what kind of person he really is, and whether he can be trusted with your love.
Be discriminating. There are plenty of attractive people out there with whom you will be compatible. Just because someone is flirting with you and you are attracted to him doesn't mean that you shouldn't give yourself time to see how strong the compatibility is.
Don't overconfide in your friends. People- even ones with the best intentions- gossip terribly. In the early stages, play your cards close to your chest. Overconfiding can also make you obsessive about a man- don't talk about someone new constantly. Remind yourself that you have a life!
Don't overindulge your feelings. The more you dwell on your lover for him, the sicker you are making yourself. If your love is clearly hopeless, try not to think about it every hour of the day and night. Distract yourself as much as possible and put it from your mind. It will make your recovery much faster.
Don't get into a competition. Remember, you should be letting him chase you, not chasing him! And that means not putting your feeling more on display than his are. If a man is making you feel that you need to war against other potential prospects for his attention, it's a big warning sign. Instead, he should make you feel that you are the only person he really wants to get to know. If he doesn't, you should cross him off your list immediately. Any relationship you have with him will always make you feel insecure.
Tips for showing a man you like him without going overboard:
- When he tells you look gorgeous, don't respond by paying him a complement in return. Instead, say, 'You make me feel gorgeous.' Trust me- he will love this much more than hearing that he's handsome, because his main concern should be pleasing you.
- Spontaneously comment on something he's wearing and tell him how much you like it- not to return a compliment he's paid you, but just because you want to.
- Always thank him for taking you out and choosing a film/ restaurant/ concert you enjoyed-but don't thank him more than once-once is enough.
- Comment on things he talked about on previous dates; if you saw an article about something he's interested in, you can mention it. But don't cut that article out and bring it along, or e-mail it to him- that's too much.
- If he e-mails or texts you after your date to say what a nice time he had, respond in kind. But keep it short, and if he sends you another message, don't answer the second one.
- Try not to contact him spontaneously with your news in the first month of dating, even if you think you have something to tell him that he'll really enjoy. He's not your boyfriend yet- save that for later, when you've been going out for a while. But if he contacts you spontaneously, by all means don't keep him waiting too long for an answer
- Don't dump problems on him in the early stages of dating that he can't really help with (like a fight with your mother). But by all means ask him for practical help- men adore showing you how to programme your TV or helping you plan a route for a trip you're taking. Helping a woman fix a concrete, solvable problem always makes a man feel wonderful!
Chapter Three:
Don't play games or lead people on
Have fun! First, get out there, meet new people, enjoy yourself. But also control yourself- use your flirting skills with tact and discretion. Remember, one of the previous rules was to be discriminating.
Be on your guard for people who are trying to play you. Keep your eyes open and don't give away too much of yourself too soon.
Use your flirting skills as a way to get to know people, not as an end in themselves.
Don't be a toxic flirt, addicted to leading people on. Like all addictions, it will take you over. You'll end up messing up other people-and yourself.
Don't flirt to get attention and flattery. You need to get your self-esteem from within yourself, not from other people who don't know the real you.
Don't assume that playing games in the way to a man's heart. Don't try to make him feel jealous by flirting with other men, or pretending that you don't remember him when he calls, or telling him that you're busy for the next two weeks to make yourself seem popular-in the end, a nice man will take these indicators as a snub and will be less encouraged to ring you again, which isn' t what you want!
Tips for spotting a toxic flirt:
- He is all over you from the first moment he meets you, even before you've exchanged two words.
- He asks you very little about yourself and your life, preferring to flirt wildly instead.
- His banter is sexually charged and he pays you lots of exaggerated compliments.
- If you're out with your friends, he tries to separate you from the group instead of joining in and getting to know the people you're with.
- He asks for your number as soon as he can, and may suggest that the two of you go to a late-night bar that same evening, where he will try to seduce you.
- He puts pressure on you to have sex with him the first time you go out.
Chapter Four:
Have faith in your own instincts
Listen to your own inner voice. If a man looks great on a paper, but there's simply something about him that doesn't work for you, don't force yourself against your instincts into dating him. It will never work out.
Learn to trust yourself. If a man seems too good to be true, he probably is. Don't be so swayed by compliments or courtship that you deliberately blind yourself to faults of his and may mean the relationship has no future.
Keep yourself grounded. What really happens when someone sweeps you off your feet? You lose your balance and he's still standing up. Is that what you want to happen at the start of a relationship?
Don't be overpersuaded by your friends. You're the one who has to date him, not them. Of course, your friends will be right if they try to put you off an addict, cheater or axe murderer. But don't be pushed into a relationship you don't feel is right for you just because your friends are keen on the person- and don't break up with someone you like and who treats you well because he doesn't immediately gel with your friends.
Don't be self-destructive. Don't be so desperate for a relationship that you go against the healthy self-protective instincts that we all possess. Learn to listen to and be guided by them.
Don't be fulled by flattery. Be wary of someone who tries to overwhelm you with compliments. How did he get to be so good at that? You'll end up just another mark on his well-notched bedpost.
Tips for spotting a man who's trying to reel you and then dump you:
- He will keep you off balance by being unreliable- not calling when he says he will, cancelling dates without much notice.
- He won't introduce you to his friends- he doesn't want you to feel the security of being part of his life.
- He will talk about things you can do together in the future that, somehow never materialize- if you bring them up, he will have an excuse as to why they're not possible right now.
- He will try to rush you into bed with him before you're ready- he may ask to come into your apartment every chance he gets, using an excuse like wanting a cup of coffee or to use your bathroom, hoping that he can seduce you once he gets you alone.
- He will try to make you feel that you have a special bond with him very quickly, when realistically you known that you haven't dates him long enough for one to have formed.
- He regularly tells you that you should dress more sexily- miniskirts, high heels, revealing tops.
- He pressures you to go to gym.
- He criticizes you if you order chips or any other fattening food.
- He loves to show you off in public places and will keep his hand on you (on your arm or the small of your back) as he steers you around the room, indicating that you're his 'property'.
- He never shows much interest in your life or your work- the conversation tends to be all about him.
- You're stuck in a rut of criticizing each other, without the situation ever improving.
- You feel irritable most of the time you spend with him, without being able to put your finger on exactly why.
- You change your outfit or your hair five minutes going out on a date with him, never sure whether you've picked the image of yourself that will please him.
- You disagree with a lot of his core values, but you tell yourself that it doesn't matter, because they have nothing to do with your relationship.
- You find yourself doing things when out with him that you would never normally do- things you don't mention to your friends because you know they would disapprove.
- You talk to your girlfriends about how much he makes and the nice places he takes you, not about his good qualities.
- You spend a lot of time planning your fantasy wedding- the dress, the centerpieces, the setting- but the face of the groom is always hazy.
- You are so excited when someone well off asks you out that you don't stop to ask yourself how much you really like him.
- You have a preformed idea in your head about the kind of man you will end up with, and it's more about the lifestyle you will have together than anything else.
- You are desperate to have a baby, and see marriage as a means to that end, rather than something you want for itself.
- You focus more on a man's financial status than his compatibility with you.
- You're never short of a wisecrack- you are always filling awkward silences with a joke, especially when those silences might lead to an honest declaration of your feelings.
- When a man gives you a compliment, you immediately wonder what he wants from you, instead of simply enjoying it.
- You feel that it's you job to 'entertain' everyone, as if people will only like you while you keep them laughing.
- If you're quite or thoughtful, people ask you what's the matter- they're used to you always being bubbly.
- When you recount to your friends a compliment your boyfriend paid you, you have to dismiss it jokingly immediately afterwards- 'he really needs to get his eyes checked!'- as if you don't quite feel you deserve it.
- You're doodling your first name and his surname over pieces of paper to see what it looks like.
- You want to show him off to your friends before you've even had a chance to get to know him properly.
- All you friends know his name, his shoe size, and the team he supports after your third date- you have to swear to secrecy when they meet him in case they let slip how much information they already have about him.
- After a few dates, you are planning gourmet dinners you can cook for him, featuring his favourite foods, to snow him what a good wife you'll make
- You bone up on the bands he likes and his favourite TV programmes so you can talk to him about them and show him how compatible you two are.
- Every time he e-mails you, you spend hours composing a reply that you hope it will please him
- You keep buying him presents- CDs and books by people he's mentioned he likes, or a sweater he seemed to admire in a shop window.
- It's been on your mind for ages- you've tried to drop subtle hints, but to no avail.
- You feel it's something important to you, but he doesn't realize how much is bothering you.
- What's troubling you is something he is capable of changing- like being late, or referring to his ex-girlfriends frequently- not a deeply rooted character trait, which you will never get him to change.
- Be wary of trying to get between him and his mates- don't ask him to cancel his regular weeknight poker with the boys, for example. He will think you are trying to take away his freedom, and react very badly.
- Talk it over with your girlfriends first to make sure that you are making a reasonable demand: you need to make these requests of him sparingly. You wouldn't like it if he were always on at you about little things you do. Give him the same tolerance you want him to give you.
- Constantly repeating to myself 'You are the luckiest girl in the world' while listening to Eddie Vedder Better Days in hopes I'd believe in it.
- Wondering if someone can forget how to be happy?
- Electronics and technology in my residence exclaimed war. We are just people, we could never win.
- Having an intimate relationship with my remote, so much for my love and sex life. Hoping for better days.
- Alienating myself.
- Shutting myself from, i think, good people.
- Being a good person.
- Summer is over, and somehow, feeling more comfortable and in tune with the new weather.
- Finally TV shows' season started. Football too.
- Watching news.
- Rereading this...so much for my Radical Self Project. I like being sad-there is no other explanation.
- Not sleeping through the night, at all!
- Want to rearrange my bedroom and finally put the desk under the window-don't feel like moving anything :)
- You know how in the movies, when girls are sad, they have a movie they like to watch over and over and over again, eg. 'Dirty Dancing', well, i have found mine. And is...wait for it...'Eat, Pray, Love'- and that is basically what I feel like doing, except I am not hungry and concept of praying is foreign to me.
- Wondering if I will ever have the capacity to love the whole world.
- Feeling, in some screwed up way, unworthy. Maybe if I got my 8 hours of sleep, would just feel rested. You never no until you try it.
- So want to do some epic shit.
- Having the worst best friend ever!
- Thinking too much, feeling too much.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Think of a 'Jar of pickles and Coffee' when you feel that you are losing control over your life. When 24 hours are not enough, think of a jar of pickles...and coffee.