Friday, September 30, 2011


I just finished reading Sarah Willson's recognition on a David Malouf’s essay ‘The happy life’’.

He writes that life is too fast for our body’s gravitational pole. That we need to slow down and stay still for a while, appreciate the routine and the sun rise. I completely agree with this.

It is impossible not to feel lucky that we are born, growing up and learning in today’s world. With all luxuries that technology has given us. The endless nirvana of stimuli presented to us. The educational options and career choices.

Which brings us to the paradox of choice. There is soooo much nowadays to choose from that we are not able to choose. Even if we do make that choice, we fear that the indication under the letter g. was better for us, more beneficial. Even if we do make a good choice, there isn’t satisfaction. Bringing us back to-‘neighbour’s grass is always greener than mine‘. Frustration before coffee over which paper to buy, the Guardian, the Times or the Economist. Which coffee to drink? Ness, cappuccino, black, with milk, sugar, or sweetener, ice coffee? Ice coffee, with which ice-cream? Think of the choices of jeans there is! Or the choices of retirement plans.

Of course there is an endless list of advantages on this matter. But why do people yearn for simplicity, for a ‘simple life’. And yes, if we do decide to choose the ‘simple life’ are we truly happy?

We are all in a hurry to get from A to B that we don’t stop and appreciate the sun set when coming home from the beach. We are repellent to stop and enjoy the routine and conformity of every day life.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This morning I walked to my 'romantic shelf' (yeah, I've got one), containing Jane Austen novels, Love Poems, 'Love Letters of Great Women', chick lit novels and so on. I stumbled across 'Jane Austen's Guide to Romance' by Lauren Henderson, bought the book, never even looked at it, shame! Well, I did now and found this! Enjoy and learn ;)

Chapter One:

If you like someone, make it clear that you do

Be open and easygoing. If you like a man, show him that you do. Show him that you're happy to hear from him, return his calls within at least a couple of days, and if you like the sound of an invitation, accept it, without holding out for what you've heard is the 'right' first-date invitation or being sulky because you expected an expensive dinner and you've been asked to the cinema instead.

Enjoy the moment. Take pleasure in what you're doing at the time. Let the attraction grow naturally. Keep your feet firmly on the ground- don't lose yourself in someone new.

Take time to get to know new people. Make allowances for whom may be shy, and who may not reveal their personalities the first time you talk to them. Though they may not be an instant attraction it may come with time; keep your options open by waiting to see if someone grows on you.

Don't rush. Don't put pressure on a new relationship to be the love of your life when it's only been going on for a couple of weeks. Don't force anything along.

Don't chase a man. Let him come after you. Don't call him more than he calls you. Don't make excuses for his tardiness or luck of enthusiasm. If he seemed keen but then pulled back, let him go.

Don't make snap judgements. Don't be blinded by your own present ideas of what you are looking for. The right person for you may not be the same as the ideal image you've constructed in your head. Don't make a template of who you want and reject people instantly because they don't fit into it.

Tips for telling a man really likes you:

  • He will ask you for dates in advance- though he may spontaneously call and ask you out for the same night, he will also plan ahead to schedule time you can spend together.
  • When he kisses you, he will take your hand and kiss it, or give you an extra good-night kiss on the forehead- he'll kiss you on the mouth, too, but his attentions to you will be romantic as well sexual.
  • He will remember things you told him about what you've been doing at work or socially, and ask you how they went.
  • He won't make you feel insecure; he will call when he says he will and turn up on time for your dates.
  • He will make an effort with his appearance- on your dates he will be well dressed and groomed
  • He may well call or e-mail you after a date to say what a great time he had. This is one of the best signs of all that he likes you seriously!
  • He will make you feel included in his life by telling you about his day, his friends and interests.

Chapter Two:

Don't put your feelings on public display, unless they're fully reciprocated

Avoid giving more than you get. Don't let yourself get into a situation where the person you are dating is taking you for a ride and not really interested in a serious relationship with you. Don't throw yourself blindly at someone-you'll lose yourself and forget what you really want and need.

Keep your self-control. You might fall head over heels for a man you meet at a party, but you know very little about someone you've only talked to for a couple of hours. Even if you fall into bed with him that very night, you still hardly know him! Which is why it's a good idea to take things slowly and maintain self-control so you can work out what kind of person he really is, and whether he can be trusted with your love.

Be discriminating. There are plenty of attractive people out there with whom you will be compatible. Just because someone is flirting with you and you are attracted to him doesn't mean that you shouldn't give yourself time to see how strong the compatibility is.

Don't overconfide in your friends. People- even ones with the best intentions- gossip terribly. In the early stages, play your cards close to your chest. Overconfiding can also make you obsessive about a man- don't talk about someone new constantly. Remind yourself that you have a life!

Don't overindulge your feelings. The more you dwell on your lover for him, the sicker you are making yourself. If your love is clearly hopeless, try not to think about it every hour of the day and night. Distract yourself as much as possible and put it from your mind. It will make your recovery much faster.

Don't get into a competition. Remember, you should be letting him chase you, not chasing him! And that means not putting your feeling more on display than his are. If a man is making you feel that you need to war against other potential prospects for his attention, it's a big warning sign. Instead, he should make you feel that you are the only person he really wants to get to know. If he doesn't, you should cross him off your list immediately. Any relationship you have with him will always make you feel insecure.

Tips for showing a man you like him without going overboard:

  • When he tells you look gorgeous, don't respond by paying him a complement in return. Instead, say, 'You make me feel gorgeous.' Trust me- he will love this much more than hearing that he's handsome, because his main concern should be pleasing you.
  • Spontaneously comment on something he's wearing and tell him how much you like it- not to return a compliment he's paid you, but just because you want to.
  • Always thank him for taking you out and choosing a film/ restaurant/ concert you enjoyed-but don't thank him more than once-once is enough.
  • Comment on things he talked about on previous dates; if you saw an article about something he's interested in, you can mention it. But don't cut that article out and bring it along, or e-mail it to him- that's too much.
  • If he e-mails or texts you after your date to say what a nice time he had, respond in kind. But keep it short, and if he sends you another message, don't answer the second one.
  • Try not to contact him spontaneously with your news in the first month of dating, even if you think you have something to tell him that he'll really enjoy. He's not your boyfriend yet- save that for later, when you've been going out for a while. But if he contacts you spontaneously, by all means don't keep him waiting too long for an answer
  • Don't dump problems on him in the early stages of dating that he can't really help with (like a fight with your mother). But by all means ask him for practical help- men adore showing you how to programme your TV or helping you plan a route for a trip you're taking. Helping a woman fix a concrete, solvable problem always makes a man feel wonderful!

Chapter Three:

Don't play games or lead people on

Have fun! First, get out there, meet new people, enjoy yourself. But also control yourself- use your flirting skills with tact and discretion. Remember, one of the previous rules was to be discriminating.

Be on your guard for people who are trying to play you. Keep your eyes open and don't give away too much of yourself too soon.

Use your flirting skills as a way to get to know people, not as an end in themselves.

Don't be a toxic flirt, addicted to leading people on. Like all addictions, it will take you over. You'll end up messing up other people-and yourself.

Don't flirt to get attention and flattery. You need to get your self-esteem from within yourself, not from other people who don't know the real you.

Don't assume that playing games in the way to a man's heart. Don't try to make him feel jealous by flirting with other men, or pretending that you don't remember him when he calls, or telling him that you're busy for the next two weeks to make yourself seem popular-in the end, a nice man will take these indicators as a snub and will be less encouraged to ring you again, which isn' t what you want!

Tips for spotting a toxic flirt:

  • He is all over you from the first moment he meets you, even before you've exchanged two words.
  • He asks you very little about yourself and your life, preferring to flirt wildly instead.
  • His banter is sexually charged and he pays you lots of exaggerated compliments.
  • If you're out with your friends, he tries to separate you from the group instead of joining in and getting to know the people you're with.
  • He asks for your number as soon as he can, and may suggest that the two of you go to a late-night bar that same evening, where he will try to seduce you.
  • He puts pressure on you to have sex with him the first time you go out.

Chapter Four:

Have faith in your own instincts

Listen to your own inner voice. If a man looks great on a paper, but there's simply something about him that doesn't work for you, don't force yourself against your instincts into dating him. It will never work out.

Learn to trust yourself. If a man seems too good to be true, he probably is. Don't be so swayed by compliments or courtship that you deliberately blind yourself to faults of his and may mean the relationship has no future.

Keep yourself grounded. What really happens when someone sweeps you off your feet? You lose your balance and he's still standing up. Is that what you want to happen at the start of a relationship?

Don't be overpersuaded by your friends. You're the one who has to date him, not them. Of course, your friends will be right if they try to put you off an addict, cheater or axe murderer. But don't be pushed into a relationship you don't feel is right for you just because your friends are keen on the person- and don't break up with someone you like and who treats you well because he doesn't immediately gel with your friends.

Don't be self-destructive. Don't be so desperate for a relationship that you go against the healthy self-protective instincts that we all possess. Learn to listen to and be guided by them.

Don't be fulled by flattery. Be wary of someone who tries to overwhelm you with compliments. How did he get to be so good at that? You'll end up just another mark on his well-notched bedpost.

Tips for spotting a man who's trying to reel you and then dump you:

  • He will keep you off balance by being unreliable- not calling when he says he will, cancelling dates without much notice.
  • He won't introduce you to his friends- he doesn't want you to feel the security of being part of his life.
  • He will talk about things you can do together in the future that, somehow never materialize- if you bring them up, he will have an excuse as to why they're not possible right now.
  • He will try to rush you into bed with him before you're ready- he may ask to come into your apartment every chance he gets, using an excuse like wanting a cup of coffee or to use your bathroom, hoping that he can seduce you once he gets you alone.
  • He will try to make you feel that you have a special bond with him very quickly, when realistically you known that you haven't dates him long enough for one to have formed.

Chapter Five:
Don't fall for superficial qualities

Look beneath the surface. Just because he's pretty on the outside, he may not necessarily be pretty on the inside. Try not to be overly distracted by his good looks.

Check out how people treat others, not just you. They may be good to you at first, but if they treat other people badly, that's how they'll end up behaving to you as well.

Cut your losses if necessary. If someone initially dazzled you with his good looks and charm, but now you see beneath his facade and realize that the man underneath is not someone you can respect or have things in common with, don't stay with him just because the sexual attraction is still strong. It will never be the kind of relationship you're looking for- he will never change into the man you mistakenly thought he was.

Don't be fooled by charm.I can't say this often enough- someone who's too good to be true probably is. Take time to get to know him, and be wary of a man who's representing himself as perfect.

Don't date someone who's treating you like arm candy. You'll know soon enough what his true motive is- he won't ask questions about your life, your interests, or anything that really defines you as a person, not just a pretty face.

Don't date someone because he has qualities you wish you had. Being with someone more gorgeous, or charming, or extroverted than you can be very seductive. But if you're doing it because you think you're lucking in those qualities, it will only make you feel more insecure- because he has what you think you don't. Work on your own self-esteem instead, and don't try to artificially boost yourself through your boyfriend.

Tips for telling is a man is only using you as arm candy:

  • He regularly tells you that you should dress more sexily- miniskirts, high heels, revealing tops.
  • He pressures you to go to gym.
  • He criticizes you if you order chips or any other fattening food.
  • He loves to show you off in public places and will keep his hand on you (on your arm or the small of your back) as he steers you around the room, indicating that you're his 'property'.
  • He never shows much interest in your life or your work- the conversation tends to be all about him.

Chapter Six:
Look for someone who can bring out your best qualities

Keep your own values. If someone doesn't have the same fundamental value system as you- and, worse, if they try to sway you from what you know to be right- you are not in a good relationship.

Choose someone who brings out the best in you. Your boyfriend should help you to strengthen your positive qualities and suppress the negative ones.

Support him as much as he supports you. It's a two-way street. If you're both helping each other reach your goals in life and be nicer, happier people, you have a much greater chance of maintaining a successful, strong relationship.

Don't try to change your boyfriend in major way. Either decide you can put up with his annoying quirks, or leave him. If you start trying to change him, you will turn into a nag, and you will end up hating yourself.

Don't be influenced by his bad behavior. Don't get stuck into doing things that you feel aren't good for you. Don't stay around someone who wants to drag you down.

Don't put all the blame on him. You chose him, after all. If he's not good for you, why did you pick him in the first place? Instead of blaming him, spend your time more usefully by figuring out why you made that mistake so you won't repeat it in the future.

Tips for telling if you're with someone who brings out your worst qualities:

  • You're stuck in a rut of criticizing each other, without the situation ever improving.
  • You feel irritable most of the time you spend with him, without being able to put your finger on exactly why.
  • You change your outfit or your hair five minutes going out on a date with him, never sure whether you've picked the image of yourself that will please him.
  • You disagree with a lot of his core values, but you tell yourself that it doesn't matter, because they have nothing to do with your relationship.
  • You find yourself doing things when out with him that you would never normally do- things you don't mention to your friends because you know they would disapprove.

Chapter Seven:
Don't settle- don't marry for money, or convenience or out of loneliness

Have faith you will meet the right person. There are so many people out there to meet- you don't need to compromise for less than love.

Marry primarily for love - and all the other important values we're discussing. But if money comes along with love, by all means enjoy it!

Be positive about being single. Sure, you want a relationship- but you want the right one, and it's only sensible to be choosy. You're better off single than in an unsatisfactory relationship or marriage.

Don't settle. It will only make you discontented and restless, and it's not fair to the person you're settling for.

Don't expect money in itself to make you happy. It won't.

Don't treat men like cash cows. it's lovely when they take you out to dinner, or on holiday, or buy you nice presents. But treat them as people and give them respect, because you want to be respected in return. And no one has respect for a gold digger.

Tips for working out if you are settling, and interested more in a man's money than him:

  • You talk to your girlfriends about how much he makes and the nice places he takes you, not about his good qualities.
  • You spend a lot of time planning your fantasy wedding- the dress, the centerpieces, the setting- but the face of the groom is always hazy.
  • You are so excited when someone well off asks you out that you don't stop to ask yourself how much you really like him.
  • You have a preformed idea in your head about the kind of man you will end up with, and it's more about the lifestyle you will have together than anything else.
  • You are desperate to have a baby, and see marriage as a means to that end, rather than something you want for itself.
  • You focus more on a man's financial status than his compatibility with you.

Chapter Eight:
Be witty if you can, but not cynical, indiscreet or cruel

Be spontaneous. There's where the best humor comes from.

Find someone who makes you laugh. That's the best way of making sure you feel relaxed with him. And it will make a bond that lasts for the rest of your life.

Laugh at yourself! This will stop you from taking yourself too seriously. And surround yourself with people who can laugh at you affectionately, too.

Don't be bitchy. If you really have to make snide comments, save them for your friends. cattiness will turn off a man who's attracted to you.

Don't use humor as defence. If you do, it will stop you from getting as close to someone as you want. Defensive humour will deflect the honesty and simplicity that are crucial for building a relationship.

Don't be cynical. You have to open up and be loving to be loved.

Tips for seeing if you're using humour or cynicism as a defence against your insecurity:

  • You're never short of a wisecrack- you are always filling awkward silences with a joke, especially when those silences might lead to an honest declaration of your feelings.
  • When a man gives you a compliment, you immediately wonder what he wants from you, instead of simply enjoying it.
  • You feel that it's you job to 'entertain' everyone, as if people will only like you while you keep them laughing.
  • If you're quite or thoughtful, people ask you what's the matter- they're used to you always being bubbly.
  • When you recount to your friends a compliment your boyfriend paid you, you have to dismiss it jokingly immediately afterwards- 'he really needs to get his eyes checked!'- as if you don't quite feel you deserve it.

Chapter Nine:
Be prepared to wait for the right person to come along

Let him know that you can't be rushed. He will respect you that much more than if you show him you're not so desperate for a relationship that you will let him sweep you off your feet in a mere couple of weeks.

Be brave. Hold out for someone you really love, with whom you are compatible. There are millions of people out there- the odds are that you're going to find the right person, as long as you don't settle for something less.

Pace yourself. You can ruin a budding relationship by being in too much of a hurry. Remember- enjoy the moment!

Don't stay with someone out of fear of being alone. it's bad for you-you keep yourself from meeting the real Mr Right- and it's equally cruel to the man you're settling for.

Don't be persuaded by others against your own instincts. You're the only one who can judge whether your relationship is giving you what you need. Just because your mother likes him doesn't mean he's right for you!

Don't be desperate. Keep reminding yourself that you are fabulous and valuable, and that finding the right match sometimes takes time.

Tips for telling if you are too much of a rush with your new man:

  • You're doodling your first name and his surname over pieces of paper to see what it looks like.
  • You want to show him off to your friends before you've even had a chance to get to know him properly.
  • All you friends know his name, his shoe size, and the team he supports after your third date- you have to swear to secrecy when they meet him in case they let slip how much information they already have about him.
  • After a few dates, you are planning gourmet dinners you can cook for him, featuring his favourite foods, to snow him what a good wife you'll make
  • You bone up on the bands he likes and his favourite TV programmes so you can talk to him about them and show him how compatible you two are.
  • Every time he e-mails you, you spend hours composing a reply that you hope it will please him
  • You keep buying him presents- CDs and books by people he's mentioned he likes, or a sweater he seemed to admire in a shop window.

Chapter Ten:
If your lover need a reprimand, let him have it

Stand up for yourself. If someone is doing something you really don't like, tell him, and be prepared to end the relationship if it doesn't change.

Make your criticisms in the right way. Reprimanding someone as soon as he behaves badly is the best time to do it, instead of sorting up grudges that will only fester. But choose your words wisely and stay focused. Don't exaggerate, and don't drag in other things that have nothing to do with the subject under discussion.

Be honest. Don't be indirect about any problems you may have and hope the person will understand your subtle hints. No man can be expected to read your mind or to figure out why you are doing the classic female thing of seeming offended but saying nothing's wrong! be brave enough to tell him about things that really matter to you, even if that means you have to open yourself up to him.

Don't try to change your lover in vain. Don't stick around, hoping a man will change, if it's clear that your comments have had no effect on him.

Don't burden a new relationship with problems from the past. Come to each relationship with as clean a slate as you can manage. If you can't do that, you're not ready to date yet- you need to take more time to recover from the past.

Don't be selfish. Telling your lover when something isn't working for you is not a licence to impose unfair demands on him! Make sure that your criticisms are reasonable and that you've taken the time you need to think them through.

Tips for telling if you need to bring up something that's bothering you:

  • It's been on your mind for ages- you've tried to drop subtle hints, but to no avail.
  • You feel it's something important to you, but he doesn't realize how much is bothering you.
  • What's troubling you is something he is capable of changing- like being late, or referring to his ex-girlfriends frequently- not a deeply rooted character trait, which you will never get him to change.
  • Be wary of trying to get between him and his mates- don't ask him to cancel his regular weeknight poker with the boys, for example. He will think you are trying to take away his freedom, and react very badly.
  • Talk it over with your girlfriends first to make sure that you are making a reasonable demand: you need to make these requests of him sparingly. You wouldn't like it if he were always on at you about little things you do. Give him the same tolerance you want him to give you.

If one of the boys cheated and stayed till the end, check this out happy birthday.


  • Constantly repeating to myself 'You are the luckiest girl in the world' while listening to Eddie Vedder Better Days in hopes I'd believe in it.
  • Wondering if someone can forget how to be happy?
  • Electronics and technology in my residence exclaimed war. We are just people, we could never win.
  • Having an intimate relationship with my remote, so much for my love and sex life. Hoping for better days.
  • Alienating myself.
  • Shutting myself from, i think, good people.
  • Being a good person.
  • Summer is over, and somehow, feeling more comfortable and in tune with the new weather.
  • Finally TV shows' season started. Football too.
  • Watching news.
  • Rereading much for my Radical Self Project. I like being sad-there is no other explanation.
  • Not sleeping through the night, at all!
  • Want to rearrange my bedroom and finally put the desk under the window-don't feel like moving anything :)
  • You know how in the movies, when girls are sad, they have a movie they like to watch over and over and over again, eg. 'Dirty Dancing', well, i have found mine. And is...wait for it...'Eat, Pray, Love'- and that is basically what I feel like doing, except I am not hungry and concept of praying is foreign to me.
  • Wondering if I will ever have the capacity to love the whole world.
  • Feeling, in some screwed up way, unworthy. Maybe if I got my 8 hours of sleep, would just feel rested. You never no until you try it.
  • So want to do some epic shit.
  • Having the worst best friend ever!
  • Thinking too much, feeling too much.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Think of a 'Jar of pickles and Coffee' when you feel that you are losing control over your life. When 24 hours are not enough, think of a jar of pickles...and coffee.

The professor stood before a group of philosophy students in class and kept some items behind himself. When the class began, he silently raised his large, empty jar of pickles, put it on the chair and filled it with tennis balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that is was...The professor then picked up a box with pebbles and poured them into a jar. He shook the jar. The pebbles rolled into the empty spaces between the balls. He asked the students if the jar was full. Again, the answer was 'yes'. The next box that professor took, was full of sand. When it was poured, sand of course, fulfilled the remaining holes in the jar. He asked once more if the jar was full. Students, humbly replied that it was. Then professor pulled two cups filled with coffee under the table and poured it into the jar. The students laughed.

'Now,' said the professor as the laughter died, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. Tennis balls are the important things in your life: your family, your children, your health, your faith and things you are passionate about...These are the things that make your life and still will be there, even if everything else was lost. The pebbles are the other things that are important: your job, your house and your car. Sand are the remaining things. The 'little things'. If you filled the jar with sand, there would be no room for pebbles and tennis balls. The same is true in life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for those important things. Beware of things that are critical to your happiness. First, play with your children. Second, find the time to go to the doctor. Third, take a partner out to dinner. Fourth, behave as if you are eighteen and a half again. Fifth, there will be always time to clean the house and repair things. First, take care of tennis balls-things that are really important. Determine your priorities. Everything else is sand.'

One student raised his hand and asked what did the coffee represent. The professor smiled, 'I'm glad you asked. I poured it to show you that no matter now much you think your life if full, there is always room for 'a cup of coffee with a friend.''

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I am addicted to the truth. Yet, Love thought me how to lie. Life thought me that what I do not know it doesn’t hurt. Come on Lover, tell me something, something true! Dance with me.

Without truth we’d be animals.

At the end we all want to be happy. Why don’t try lying for a change? Smile at me, lie to me. Tell me what I want to hear. Be kind. I’m too young.

You don’t know me. There is still part of my face that you haven’t kissed. You don’t know what makes me come, what makes me stay. You don’t know because I am just gone. I cried when I should, I laughed when I could. But you don’t know if you were wrong. You left because you can.

It didn’t even hurt, pain is real. But I remember everything. You are someone else, I am still right here. Millions miles away.

Monday, September 19, 2011



In the previous post I wrote down the things I appreciate. A note to self to take a moment and just be grateful. To look at the positive and be thankful. It should be done more often. It certainly made me stop complaining for a whole day. And that’s the new personal high score.

Apart from discovering the value in little things, I made a pinky promise to dispose and distance myself from the things and people that I am uncomfortable around. Stress-realize from everything that has no purpose, that is useless, old and no need for. From people who do not treat me the way I see it fit and space myself out from the negative energy and thoughts.

Can’t wait to shift my wardrobe for the next season and put away all the cloths I would never wear again or that I keep for ‘maybe needing one day‘ -that day never comes. Put them in a bag and give them to charity like every year. Make somebody else happy. Find some money in a coat or two.

The whole point of this is to get rid of the old meaningless crap and make space for new, interesting things that are yet to come. Allowing a gap in my life for better things to fall into. Surround myself with necessities and cherish the philosophy of 'less is more'. And isn’t that beautiful?


He lied to me.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


So, my sweet little lemon drops, first thing I decided to do on my project in hopes of being very very happy, is to stop and stay still for a while. Take some time of my not so busy day and look at the all good things that we just take for granted.

Here is what I heart:

  • Friendly cashiers
  • A clean public toilet
  • Making someone who looks sad smile
  • Opening a brand new book
  • My favorite song on replay
  • Positive feedback on articles I worked hard on
  • A hot shower after a long day
  • Looking through old photographs
  • Sleeping at midnight waking at noon
  • Long road trip at night
  • Holding doors for strangers, who say 'thanks'
  • Finding out that a person feels the same way I do
  • Making a perfect signature
  • Old couples
  • Some telling me a secret. Just me
  • Finally understanding something
  • A simple compliment from a stranger
  • Laughing until my stomach hurts
  • The smell after it rains
  • Sleeping on clean sheets
  • The first swim of the summer
  • Just you and me. No time
  • The originality of people's handwriting
  • When someone remembers things I said
  • Cute sneezes
  • People who remember me after meeting me only once
  • When the first text I see is prom the person I love
  • Hugs from behind
  • Recalling good memories with friends
  • Songs that remind me of a special person/event
  • The sound of little kid's uncontrollable laughter
  • Waking up with perfect hair
  • Holding hands
  • Seeing someone's face light up when I give them a gift
  • Kisses on the forehead
  • Singing along to the car radio
  • Singing my heart out on a concert
  • When my plans didn't work out, but my day turned out great anyway
  • Playground swings
  • Looking at the water droplets travel across a car window
  • When his family loves me
  • Star-gazing
  • Tight, meaningful hugs
  • That one person that knows me better than myself
  • When my bangs actually corporate with me
  • Knowing that I am loved
  • Nutella
  • Getting new cloths
  • Getting mail
  • Kept pinky promises
  • Being missed
  • The cold side of the pillow
  • The smell of freshly cut grass
  • Finishing a good book
  • Wearing his cloths
  • Inside jokes
  • Cuddling
  • Silence that isn't awkward
  • Being awake while everyone else is asleep
  • Seeing my loved one smile knowing I put it there
  • Marathons of my favorite shows
  • Lazy afternoons
  • Getting backed up in an argument
  • Hearing my favorite song on the radio
  • Peeing after holding it in for a loooong time
  • Finding money in the last season's cloths
  • Singing in the shower
  • Never ending conversations
  • Finding something I lost long time ago
  • A pan that works really well
  • A smell of a new book
  • Songs that always make me wonna dance
  • Deep conversations with my best friend
  • Christmas lights at night
  • Being home alone
  • Jeans that fit perfectly
  • Long naps
  • Hearing I was in someone's dream
  • Being in a fantastic mood, just because
  • Waking up and realizing I have more time to sleep
  • When my favorite team wins
  • Biting a crisp apple
  • Hellos
  • People who treat their parents lovingly
  • Correct grammar
  • Taking my bra off at the end of the day
  • The moment I realize my period is over
  • Nicknames
  • The smell of just shampood hair
  • The sound of a perfect high-five
  • Proving a smart person wrong
  • When me and my best friend say the same thing at the same time
  • Waking up and remembering my dream
  • Drinking cold water when I'm really thirsty
  • Giving random acts of kindness
  • Free stuff
  • Fresh air
  • A perfect cup of coffee
  • When some tells me I smell nice
  • Long lasting nail polish
  • When the butter melts on my toast
  • Just shaved legs
  • Spontaneous adventures
  • When he smiles at me
  • When the week goes by very fast
  • Accents
  • A clean room
  • Taking high heels at the end of the day
  • Not being able to finish a sentence because I'm laughing so hard about the ending
  • Dresses with pockets
  • Guys who smell good
  • Wearing my pajamas whole day
  • Perfect shower temperature
  • Spotless, bruise-free bananas
  • Handwritten letters
  • Crossing things off my to-do list
  • Breakfast in bed
  • Contagious laughter
  • Smiling in the middle of a kiss
  • When someone understand my humor
  • Writing on a first page of a note-book
  • When person's laugh is funnier than the joke
  • Achieving perfect milk-cereal ratio
  • Overhearing someone saying nice things about me
  • Waking up and not being tired
  • Sleeping in my bed after being away
  • When the weather feels just right
  • The excitement of my pat when I come home
  • The moment when I find a comfortable sleeping position
  • Twisting the lid of a jar when no one else was able to
  • Taking a perfect picture
  • The smell of old books
  • When people enjoy the food I make
  • Letting chocolate melt in my mouth
  • When I catch someone cute staring at me
  • The first shower after a hair-cut
  • When the last item in the store is my size
  • When other families treat me as a member
  • Arriving at the bus stop right on time
  • Stranger telling me I have beautiful eyes
  • Feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin
  • The moment I realize the hiccups are gone
  • When someone texts back instantly
  • Not wearing make-up and being able to rub my eyes
  • Logging onto Facebook on my birthday
  • When I see my food coming in a restaurant
  • Catching something just before it hits the ground

And many many more things we should appreciate. Stand still, breath in and remember how fortunate we are. Find joy in simple things.

For more little things.

Friday, September 16, 2011


What happens when you are ready to change? When you actually feel it in the air? Is it the breeze signalling the shift of the seasons or you are sick and tired of being lonely and unhappy? Sick of depending on suitors and friends to make your day and lift you up.

Since I am funemployed I decided to work full-time on myself. I decided to be happy! I know, easier said than done. But I have been down down down, the only way is up up up.

Truth to be told, I am not yet sure how this is going to go down, but I am positive and passionate about it. I decided to be extremely happy, so happy that my friends cannot stand me. I decided to be a lullaby to the sunset, a love letter to the universe, an antidote to the grey world around us.

I am not going to complain anymore, but solely look at the positive. Even if no body exclaims his love to me, I am going to love and be in love. I am going to smile to strangers, I am going to say ‘thank you‘ and mean it. I am going to dress up for myself. Take bubble baths with the tiara on. I am going to take myself on dates. I am going to listen to the music that lifts me up only. I am going to dance like there is no tomorrow. I am going to collect compliments. I am going to say ‘Yes’. I am going to eat caviar and laugh! I am going to love myself. I am going to respect myself. I am going to decide what is going to be the theme of my life and live by it.

I am going to be happy! Show my teeth!

‘The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me!’ (Ayn Rand)

source: galadarling

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I want what I don’t have, even worse, I don’t like what I have. As a result of being terrified of going to heaven alone, I make up utopia where everybody sings and there is no bad wine or double standards, where skateboarding is a crime. I like crazy, everybody knows me there. I’m addicted to love. I crave to be emotionally dependent. Men lie to get women into bed. Maybe my knight is not out there, and that’s why I’m crazy?

In this world people play games. Somebody will lose, big. All the sex, lies, second thoughts and politics are getting old. Everyone walking in the land of 'oh so serious' drained of all the color.

Big girls don’t cry? I am a fetus, I choose to cry with every movie. I choose to believe in love as hate is predictable. I will dance! Not move the hips in the rhythm of the song and stand there to be seen. No. Dance as if I am alone in the room, lose myself completely. You only die once.

Tomorrow used to be my favourite day of the week. Tomorrow I might be happy, yet I am not equipped for it, not in this world. In this world I prefer loosing, as when winning, there is no one to blame. In this world I like to drink my first coffee of the day slowly, teasingly, in all the compromising positions, just the way I like it.

Anyway, in this world I’m yours till they come. If he plays nice, one day I might choose to live with the rest of you, but right now I don’t want to emotionally grow up. So bite me!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Damn it, I never saw a shooting star. For all I know they may not even exist. I guess shooting stars are for lucky people who catch a glimpse of astrological dust that they see as a miracle and therefore an opportunity to make a wish for world’s peace, sunny Tuesday or bigger boobs. Those are the same people who first see the rainbow, take a picture of clouds when there are actual clouds and believe in unicorns. You know, the lucky ones.

Shooting star is a moment. There are books written and sold by millions telling us how to live in a present, right now, at this very moment. We strive to fill our lives with as many joyous moments as we humanly can and build on it, blah blah blah. If a boy doesn’t take a moment with a girl, he is not romantic.

I say, moments are overrated! There!

I sometimes catch myself thinking through a situation as in a movie moment. Even slowmotion with a background music. Replying it like a thousand times in my head.

If one decides to live in an appreciation of a given second , why doesn't he/she divorce the face away from camera when going on a trip? Catch this moment on camera so it will last forever, not allowing ourselves to appreciate the surroundings, the real world outside the angles of the lens. Guys use the ‘moment’ cheese lines in order to get easy and free access to woman’s romantic muscle. Some, me, use moments as sings to make life decisions.

I blame Hollywood.

If I ever get lucky to see a shooting star, I will wish for eternity of a moment. You'll see me looking up!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


People who know (let me tell you, there aren't many, not due to my mystical character but due to the lack of friends) would know that I would be more comfortable on a book signing party, some kind of exhibition or just at home playing SIMS. Yet, the person who knows me best, put in my name on a guest-list for the biggest fashion event opening party happening on the island. She told me what to wear, so I saved three precious hours of staring in my wardrobe, crying my eyes out as I have nothing to wear.

But Saturday came as the neuroses too. In order to be comfortable in the world that is in a different dimension of mine and actually have something to say to superior, beautiful, tall women and gay guys I had to down three cosmopolitans. And you know what, it worked!

All loosened up, we arrived at the Runway Opening Party, walking in circles of Palace Hotel to find the red carpet. There wasn’t just a red carpet, there was a photographer! I didn’t even get in the party, the imaginable happened. He wanted to take a picture of us, as he did of all the arriving parties. Scary is never good!

Once inside, I run to the bar, only to realize I lost my money! But I had friends there, so very soon I had my glass of opium giving myself permission to look around and comprehend what is going on. That was when I wished that the glass was filled with absinthe containing few drops of rat poison.

While still hanging around the bar, that’s the promise I made to myself ’stick to the bar!’ Saw a friend in a suit and tag on his left breast pocket. He is a manager of a hotel catering, or something like that. He offered me a job and gave me his number which I lost too. So, I was tipsy with a job offer. 2:0 Tea vs. Fashion World.

On the door I saw Pavli, from PavliStyle. Finally a familiar face. Chit-chat, blah blah, she asked me whether I will be coming to the Fashion Shows the next day. There was no way I am going to pay for a glimpse into a parallel universe where I felt socially awkward. She was like ’No, honey, come as Pavlistyle press, anyway it would be awesome to have somebody there to be my eyes and you could write a review of the whole event.’ So let me count again, tipsy with a job offer, free entrance to a VIP event and I’ll be there PRESS. 4:0 Tea vs. Fashion.

After a second glass I started talking to other people, laughing, and there was yet another face I interacted with. Paddy, a friend of a friend of a friend that I haven’t seen in ages, so we had a lot to talk about. How the party was coming to its close, Paddy and me decided to continua drinking some place else. 5:0 Tea vs. Fashion.

To sum up, I won. I had fun at the party, saw some people and met new ones, was taken a photo of on a red carpet, got a job offer and a VIP pass as press. I say, Well Done.